This is a sequel to Competition with consequences (Dominik meets Ben and Logan), written by my friend Dominik, author of Pain by the pool and co-creator of German language story blog Jungs mit Eiern. I hope you enjoy Dominik's story as much as I did! :-))
Featured in this story: Ben and Logan (click for pictures)
"So, how was your week?", Logan asked his mates while they were stretching their legs to warm-up. "Mine was great. Ashley finally got some time off of work which lifted her mood and gave us some time to… you know", he winked. "My balls also were fit again practically the next day after our games last week."
"Mine wasn’t too bad either", Ben nodded while slowly lowering himself to stretch one of his legs. "No sex, duh – I don’t have any girls at the moment. But I wanked off a lot. My balls took maybe till Sunday or Monday until the swelling was gone, but from then on, nothing could have stopped my monstrous cock."
"Really?", Logan laughed. "Well, we’ll see about that today."
They both looked over to Dominik. He was the least focused on his warm-up of all three and had a pretty miserable expression on his face.
"Well, my balls mostly recovered by now", he said timidly. "But they are still a bit red and larger than usual. You really did a number of them with the shot ball last week."