Sunday, February 9, 2025

The List Continued written by Jimmy


The List Continued



by Jimmy (Previous story)

On the floor, Jayden blinks up at Chase as his boyfriend slowly comes into focus. Jayden blinks back mist and water from the shower room, his eyes trying to adjust and stay on Chase.

“Chase?” Jayden squeaks, his voice a whispered rasp clogged with steam, emotion, and the grueling fight that has just taken place mixed with pain deep in his loins from the beating of his sensitive testicles.

“The one and only.”

Jayden’s balls are squeezed harder, still locked and trapped in Calvin and Doug’s fists. His eyes bulge, while the two plums hanging bare between his thighs are squished and corruptibly crunched and like control buttons on a remote control. Jayden’s gaze loses focus along with his train of thought as the two bullies standing over his prone body work their fingers deeper into his soft and beaten balls, his body tense and fraught with pain. A small gasp comes from Jayden, eyes rolling back and his head sinks down to the tiled floor as his system slowly shuts down. The tremendous force of the ten digits digging into his scrotum overwhelms Jayden and his body sags back accepting his fate, and unable to put forth anymore effort to stop it.

Chase rushes forward, a concerned look in his eyes.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Blake’s Date From Hell…. Jacob’s Domination by Levi


“Blake’s Curiosity…. Though Hell and Back With Jake and Sam”


Blake’s Date From Hell…. Jacob’s Domination


By Levi


The campus buzzed with the energy of a Friday afternoon. Blake, a whirlwind of sandy blonde hair and sweat-slicked muscles packed in his tight-fitting shirt, was charming the sorority girls with practiced ease. Jacob, watching the popular and older quarterback from a distance, felt a familiar twist of something similar to jealousy. He’d seen this show before, the charming country boy act, the blatant flirting. Blake noticed Jacob observing as he continued to make the girls laugh and melt in his palm. He had his legs spread wide, showcasing his prominent wrangler bulge, and his muscular arms crossed on his chest. He flashed his perfect white smile as he flirted with the girls.

Jacob noticed one of Blake’s teammates walking nearby, and an idea crossed his mind. He had always been drawn to the athletic build of Justin, who was a linebacker on Blake's football team, as he was passing by. 

"Great game last night, Justin," he complimented, his gaze lingering on the player's powerful physique. Justin was built nice with light tan skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. Jacob found himself enjoying the conversation, noticing it was also catching Blake’s attention.

Blake, witnessing this interaction, felt a surge of heat. He had trouble focusing on the girls talking to him as he watched Jacob laugh at something Justin had said. The two boys seemed to be deep in conversation, almost bonding. Blake could feel his blood boil. “Justin is not that great and not even that funny. Definitely not funny enough for the animated laughs.” He thought as he observed the two. 

The girl in front of Blake could see he was distracted. “Are you ok?” She asked, looking over to follow his gaze.

Blake snapped out of his thoughts, “Yeah, I’m fine! Can you excuse me, though? I just remembered I need to ask a friend something before I forget.” Blake said, unable to keep his gaze off the talking boys.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The List by Jimmy


The List



by Jimmy



Jayden is staring at the list, with his friends and the Midtown Wrestlers all gathered around him.

“Shit…we made it. All of us.”

Captain: To be determined


·       Jayden Gomez

·       Doug

·       Sam Hell

·       Oliver Jackson

·       Junior Krueger

·       Aldo

·       Caleb Krueger

·       Gino Gomez

“Still with only eight of us, we are in danger of being disqualified. We need two recruits. Talk to all of your friends and find us two willing participants to fill these open spots. You all have a job to do. Go!” Jayden says.

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Unfair Wrestling Tryouts written by Jimmy


The Unfair Wrestling Tryouts



by Jimmy


 Dear Ballbusting Boys Community,

I have been working on this story for years. It's changed through many drafts. I am so happy with what the story finally looks like and the other two parts that led to this, and the big changes to the Bartlet team. I hope that you all enjoy.


Logan lost.

The ominous event worried Jayden Gomez, the youngest champion from last year’s wrestling league from Bartlet High School. He was not used to Logan Krueger, his friend losing very often and he decidedly hated it this time.

Coach Anderson starts giving the small gathered group of athlete’s different exercises to do around the gym and by the end of it Jayden had worked up a good sweat. Most of the guys trying out were able to keep up but steadily at the tail end of almost all of the exercises was Caleb trailing last. Jayden was proud that Junior has stayed with him along with Oliver. Gino, however was also closer to Caleb often. Sam Hell didn’t seem to push himself too hard and Jayden knew that Sam could have been at the front of the group if he wanted to, but clearly Sam was fine with staying in the middle of the pack. Doug on the other hand surprised Jayden the most, he seemed tired by all the extra exertion that was required by him and Jayden found himself smirking by the end of the challenges.

“Next, I am going to pair you up against someone to determine how I vote. You want in on the team…impress me.”

Jayden finds himself nodding along to Coach Anderson’s words as he gets paired off with Doug. Looking down the line he nods at the Coach’s choices, most of these are good match-ups. Sam Hell verse his brother, Gino does not surprise him. Aldo and Oliver…not surprised there either. Ending with Caleb and Junior. These make match-ups should really show Coach Anderson what the boys can do.

“Now, I really want to observe each match thoroughly so we are going to go one at a time down the line. Some of you might finish in a minute or so…others might go longer. Keep wrestling until you get a pin or I say so. Ready?” Coach Anderson asks. Everyone seems to be nodding their heads eyes on their opponents across the mat. Start us off Aldo.”

Aldo nods his head, the swimmer who started wrestling a few months ago steps up to meet Oliver extending his hand.

Oliver meets it smiling back. “Aldo.”

“Oliver Jackson, nice to mee—t” Aldo stops talking as Coach Anderson interrupts him midsentence.

“One second! I almost forgot! We have to cup check everyone…every time.”

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Coach No More written by Jimmy


Coach No More



by Jimmy



In Logan Krueger’s bag is his nameplate.

The gold nameplate was given to him by the school, and Logan could not have been prouder to see his name on the door or what it stood for.

Logan let’s out a long sigh as he heads down to the assistant’s office. Logan was assigned to be the assistant to Coach Ronnie Anderson’s assistant. He still apparently had a place on the Bartlet…Midtown? Team.

The door to the assistant’s office is open and as his eyes find Coach Ronnie Anderson’s assistant he can already feel his anger flail just a little bit.

The individual sitting at his desk is on the phone, smiling wide as he nods his head. “Of course Coach…whatever you say Coach…and yes Coach, I’ll have those cleaned Coach…Yeah, red is a terrible color…of course we can switch it. I’ll put in the order now blue singlets, sky blue just like… uhuh…uhuh…uh…” here he pauses pursing his lips and nods. “See you later on tomorrow” and promptly the man returns the phone to the cradle.

“Can I help…oh, it’s you.”

Jimmy’s Found Video’s #98


Jimmy’s Found        

          Video’s #98

Happy New Year!

Time to bust some balls.




1). No sound...but that stomping! He really dug that heel in

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Suprise Visit written by Jimmy


The Surprise Visit



by Jimmy



Logan was sitting with Jayden, the pair eagerly looking at their roster for the following year.

It is the end of school, the school year is over and Logan is graduating. Jayden is a bit misty eyed but he tries to hide it. Even Logan Krueger isn’t as charismatic as his usual self. Most of the team is leaving their halls. All that will be staying are Gino, Jayden, and Logan; and he as their coach. Logan is in an accelerated program that he started his senior year. He wishes to be a wrestling coach…sometimes.

“I want Oliver and I want your cousin Junior on the team,” Jayden points out putting two names on the white board along with their photos. “That’s only four at the moment but…”

The door swings open startling the pair as they look over the photos and names of other possibilities.

In walks Doug, he looks angry and aggressive. Doug and Jayden are not friends, and frequently have quarreled. Most of the time, Jayden has won their fights but that does not stop him from rising to his feet, his dark intelligent eyes locked on Doug’s. Doug is holding a set of papers in his hands, but in addition there is someone in front of him. Jayden recognizes this individual too, he is the coach at Midtown, the other High School in Bartlet.

“You could knock” Logan starts but stops as the coach is coming towards him hand extended. He’s a burly man in his late forties, a friend of his father, or so he always says.

“Krueger, I heard about your internship. And you’re hiring on as the interim coach here at Bartlet and I have come to share some great news with you,” Coach Ronnie Anderson says clearing his throat. “I’ll be taking over here at Bartlet as Head Coach.”

Friday, January 3, 2025

A Little Bet at Training Practice written by Jimmy


A Little Bet at Training Practice


by Jimmy





Here is the fourth and final story staring Gino Gomez. It's twenty pages full of action. Hope you all like it   ~Jimmy

The wrestling Coach Logan Krueger is breathing hard just like both of the Gomez brothers in front of him.

Jayden and Gino Gomez are on the mats, Jayden is clutching a stich in his side and Gino is flat on his back saying in between breathes “I…hate running.” Gino huffs taking careful gulps of much needed air.

“It’s important” Logan says, not even breathing hard.

“…is it?” Gino asks, his chest rising and falling in quick succession. All three are wearing their singlets. Gino’s is pulled down around his waist, the straps tucked in on the sides so that his bare chest is visible. Sweat glistens his muscular upper body, his pectorals have a small droplets running down the center.

“Yes, otherwise I would be torturing you with something else. You two are the only ones left from the original Bartlet team that we know from last year, I am expecting a lot from you.” Logan’s words seem to make Jayden perk up, stand a little straighter and releasing his side.

“You can count on me” Jayden says, nodding. “Gino too. This year we will make you proud coach. Besides…you are also still here, Logan. That makes three.”

“Goody tissues. Get a little closer and kiss his ass too” Gino scoffs, too tired to laugh at his own joke.

Jayden’s cheeks redden and he turns to pounce on Gino, but Logan gets there first blocking Jayden with one hand on his chest.

“I had a different idea in mind.”

Jayden’s eyebrows raise in wonder and he asks “What sort of training do you…suggest?”

Coach Krueger’s blue eyes sparkle as he says “First…let’s watch a video.”

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Jimmy's Found Video's #97


Jimmy’s Found        

          Video’s #97

Enjoy your holiday gang!




1). He's back!