Saturday, June 20, 2020

Video links: Nadverts (16)

You can sell anything with a kick in the nuts!

Here are some more of my favorite nutshot scenes from commercials.

Let's start with a clip from Russia. I have no idea what it is about but apparently it has something to do with martial arts, holding eggs into the camera and pretending that a nutshot doesn't hurt. Seriously, I don't get it - but I like it nevertheless!

Here's a sexy little commercial for Hollister Jeans. There's a hit in the nuts at 0:50 that's not too spectacular but I love reaction, and I really like the sexy nerd feel of the whole video. "Can you say moose knuckles? Ouch!"

Skip to 0:50

Here's a Pringles commercial from Japan. This has got to be one of the best facial reactions ever. It looks like the guy has an orgasm or something. So funny!

The next clip is from Greece. A sexy girl, her girlfriend and sexy doofus, a bank robbery and a stiletto kick in the nuts from behind - of course that's a commercial for tights!

Finally, a great way to include a nutshot in your video is going meta. Here is Joel McHale kicking an intern in the nuts because it gets views on youtube. LOL.

Skip to 1:20

What's your favorite nutshot commercial? Let me know by leaving a comment or by sending an email (



Andrew said...

Bonus face slap in the last clip.

OMB Stories said...

Love it! Particularly the bank robbery one

Alex said...

Thanks for your feedback, guys! I'm glad you enjoyed the videos! :-))