Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Video links: Boys just wanna have fun (11)

How to avoid having kids - an age-old and very interesting question that's troubling young men all over the world. The quest to find an answer leads them to do all kinds of stupid, painful things to their manhood, and fortunately there's always a video camera around to film their nutcrunching antics...

Brazilian stunt group La Fénix's answer is easy: Metal poles, rubber bands, remote control cars, and stun guns. Yes, kids, it's that easy! See for yourself:

Other guys offer even more options. Take these guys from Spain, for instance, who suggest "9 ways to become infertile":

The Spanish group "Crazy Polla Show" currently has a series of videos depicting different ways to lower each other's sperm count. This one has some nice, hard head-to-nuts contact.

But maybe you don't need those elaborate methods of emasculation. Maybe sacktapping each other is enough? Well, we'd have to ask the three young men in the following video if their sperm count went down after they performed their little impromptu choreography to Billy Idol's music...

And finally, one of my all-time favorites. It's kinda heartwarming, actually (it really is). A group of guys got together to film a video for their friend who was struggling with cancer. They wanted to make him laugh - and what better way than to film each other getting hit in the balls? Risking your ability to ever father children for a laugh - that's friendship!

What are your favorite videos of guys having fun and busting each others' balls? Let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an email:


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the uncensored link to the last video? I heard it exists somewhere

Alex said...

Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the uncensored version...