Friday, December 13, 2024

Blake’s Prank From Hell…. Taking Down The Bull written by Levi BB


Blake’s Prank From Hell…. Taking Down The                                               Bull 

                                  by Levi BB

The sun had just begun to set over the vast, wooded landscape as the Sterling family's gleaming Yukon rolled down the road, embarking towards the family's vacation home. After Sam and Jacob had been camping with Sam’s family earlier in the year, his aunt and uncle had invited him to their large vacation home out in the rural Missouri woods. Sam was eager to join, and Jacob was coming along for the ride! 

Jacob gazed out the window from the rear seat, marveling at the towering pines that flanked the path. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creep over him as they delved deeper into the wilderness.

Inside, Sam’s cousin Blake sat in the passenger seat with his legs spread wide, showing off his muscular thighs in his tight jeans. The 22-year-old curly blonde country stud stared out the passenger side window, eagerly waiting for the weekend to start. Blake was the spitting image of a handsome young country boy—tall with a strong, muscular build, green eyes, and a pair of well-worn cowboy boots that were covered in dust and sweat from his summer of outdoor adventures. Aubrey, her petite features framed by cascading blonde hair, emanated ageless beauty in her mid-40s. Although she seemed to have a faint melancholy clouding her beautiful green eyes as she steered the large vehicle down a winding dirt road surrounded by tall trees. 

Blake boasted loudly about his various summer adventures, his voice booming through the vehicle. In the back, Blake’s 18-year-old cousin Sam and his best friend Jacob chattered excitedly.

"So this place is off the grid? No cell service?" Jacob asked, looking out the window at the endless woods.

"Yup, you gotta learn to disconnect sometimes," Blake boasted. "Last summer I went deer hunting and almost bagged a 10-pointer. Came this close!" He held his thumb and forefinger an inch apart.

Sam rolled his eyes. He knew Blake was full of shit half the time. But he was still excited to spend a week in the rustic wilderness-surrounded mansion.

As they approached a long gravel driveway that led to the estate, Jacob's jaw dropped. It was huge! The vacation home was a sprawling, multi-story Tudor-style behemoth, dwarfing the surrounding trees. Its massive wraparound porch is stained dark, and giant windows overlook mountains covered in trees. 

Blake hopped out and stretched, his tight gray knit shirt with a popped-up collar riding up to expose his chiseled abs. The front of his wrangler jeans displayed a rather impressive bulge, and the backside hugged his muscular bubble butt. "Welcome to paradise, boys!"

Paul, Blake's very handsome but serious-looking father, and Talia, the bubbly and stunningly well-dressed sister, emerged from the large vacation home to greet them. Talia bounded down the steps, her long honey brown hair styled in a carefully sculpted messy-style bun with long curled strands flowing behind her, and launched herself at Jacob in an enthusiastic perfume-filled hug.

"YOU must be Jacob!" she exclaimed with a smile. "I'm Talia, Blake’s little’ big sister. It's so great to finally meet you!" 

Talia quickly moved over to Sam. “SAMMY, you're so grown up now! It’s been FOREVER! Come over here and gimme a HUG!” Sam smiled as he embraced his always cheerful and enthusiastic cousin.

Jacob found himself charmed by Talia’s warm and bubbly personality. He couldn't help but smile as he took in the sprawling house with its roof made up of many peaks and its double doors that were framed in draped vines. It was a classical mansion in the woods, simply a vacation spot for the well-off family.

Inside, Jacob couldn't help but gawk at all the antiques nicely displayed and the mounted deer heads and fishing trophies on the walls. Family photos lined the mantle of the large stone fireplace. Jacob, fascinated, studied the framed photographs. In the newer photos, he noticed a recurring theme—a subtle, unspoken tension. The group seemed like they were attempting to hold together the image of a picture-perfect American family. Aubrey, in many of them, had a haunted look in her eyes, a hint of sadness lurking beneath her beautiful, warm, smiling facade. While grinning, Paul Sterling, his dark hair peppered with gray, adding to his mature, handsome appearance, looked perpetually annoyed in many of the families professionally taken shots. Blake, on the other hand, looked prideful and arrogant, with his chest puffed out and a smirk in every single picture. It seemed there was some underlying dysfunction in this family. Talia, the family golden girl, seemed to remain genuinely beaming in all the framed photos.

"Make yourselves at home!" Aubrey said warmly to Sam and Jacob that she walked past to remove the remaining sheets, used as dust covers, off the furniture throughout the vacation home. “Sam, you can stay upstairs in your usual room. I planned on Jacob staying in the other guest room, next to it, if that  works." Aubrey asked as she continued straightening up the frozen-in-time vacation retreat. 

“That’s perfect; thank you for allowing me to join you and your family on this trip, Mrs. Sterling. This is a beautiful place you have!” Jacob gleamed while still glancing around.

“Of course! You’re welcome anytime; let me know if you need anything.” Aubrey had paused to give a warm smile to the boys before she left the room holding the folded-up sheets.

As the boys settled in, Jacob and Sam witnessed glimpses of the Sterling family's underlying dysfunction. Talia and Blake engaged in constant bickering, frequently over Talia’s boyfriend, their sibling rivalry playing out like a never-ending soap opera. Aubrey and Pete, though outwardly loving, seemed to exist in separate orbits, their interactions tinged with unspoken resentments. 

That night at the estate, Sam and Jacob were hanging out in the guest room Sam was staying in. Jacob, wearing his favorite ratty sneakers and a black t-shirt clinging to his athletic physique. Sam, who had a more slender build and was a bit taller than Jacob, wore a comfortable sweater, his light brown wavy hair styled in a purposeful, messy look. The boys talked about the possibilities the week would behold.

"I'm telling you, man, Blake is like a god," Jacob said enthusiastically, his dark brown hair tousled from running his fingers through it. "I mean, did you check out those bulging nuts? And that ass! Damn, I just want to smack it."

Sam felt a twinge of jealousy at his friend's words. He knew Jacob had a fascination with his older cousin, but it seemed to be getting out of hand. "Yeah, he’s something," Sam said, trying to sound nonchalant. "But he's kind of drunk. You know how much he loves women and to party."

Jacob chuckled. "Yeah, but that's part of his charm. I bet he'd be wild in bed. I'd love to get him all worked up and then have my way with him." He grinned mischievously at Sam.

The two boys had grown up together, their friendship forged through years of confiding in each other about their deepest, darkest secrets and desires. They had discovered long ago that they both harbored bisexual tendencies, although they had never experimented full-blown sex with each other. Instead, they had developed a brotherly bond, always respectful of the other's quirks and fetishes. The pair both related to having a ball-busting fetish, frequently getting a little rough with each other's balls and jacking together. 

"You know when we messed with Blake earlier in the summer?" Jacob asked, pulling Sam from his thoughts. "God, his balls were so full. I wonder if he always blows a load like that; it’s crazy to have that much cum stored up."

Sam felt his dick twitch thinking of the memory. "Yeah, that was wild. I can't believe his dick actually came while he was passed out."

"I'm still amazed we got away with it," Jacob said with a grin. "But man, since then... I don't know; I just can't stop thinking about him. There's something about him, about his body, and that whole untouchable vibe he gives off that just does it for me."

Sam tried to ignore the pang of jealousy that shot through him at Jacob's admission. He too replayed the memory frequently but couldn’t help but feel like Jacob was in love with Blake or something. "Look, I get it. He's a total stud. But let's not forget where our loyalties lie. You're my best friend, not some gay guy with a hard-on for my cousin."

Jacob held up his hands in surrender. "Whoa, sorry, dude. I didn't mean to make it seem like anything more than a fantasy. You know I love you, but not like that. You're my brother, you know?"

Sam nodded, feeling a bit better with the reminder. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I guess I just don't want to see you get hurt, is all."

"I appreciate that, man," Jacob said with a smile. "Honestly, even if I could have Blake, I wouldn’t want an actual relationship. Blake was just fun to play with and abuse. You're the one who knows all my dirty secrets and still accepts me. That brotherly bond we have means a lot to me."

Just then, footsteps sounded outside the room. They both froze as the door swung open. Blake stood there, his pants dirty from chopping wood, his muscular body glistening with sweat. 

"Sup boys?" he greeted casually. "D'you want to sneak a round of beers outside? I'm grabbing a shower, then goin' to crack one open if you want."

"Uh, sure," Sam said, feeling a bit starstruck as always by his older, alpha cousin. "Sounds good, man."

"Coolbeans," Blake replied with a crooked smile before heading off down the hall towards his room, his broad back and perfect bubble butt flexing with each step in his wrangler jeans. 

The boys crept by Blake's room after hearing his shower turn off. They were greeted by the mouthwatering sight of Blake's muscular, tanned body as he pulled a shirt over his head, his long, thick dick and large plump balls dangling between his powerful thighs. He didn’t notice them catching sight of his studly, naked body. 

“There’s Blake’s massive lowhangers, looking impressive as always,” Sam quietly whispered. Jacob was hardly able to contain himself. “Damn, I’d love to get my hands on those things again,” he murmured in a lust-filled tone. Sam, feeling more jealousy towards Blake than he ever had before, wanted to pummel the massive balls if the opportunity ever arose again. He starred at the fat nuts sway back and forth as he fantasized about squeezing them in his hands.

Later the following day, Talia informed her parents that she would be heading into town to meet up with some old college friends, against her mother’s wishes. She disappeared in a cloud of dust, her pearl white Lexus coupe that Paul recently surprised her with as a college graduation gift, speeding down the gravel drive.

Later that evening, as the family finished a nice dinner Aubrey spent hours on, the landline phone let out a shrill ring. Aubrey answered it, her face paling as she listened to the panicked voice on the other end. "Talia? What's happened?" she asked softly, her voice trembling.

The room fell silent as Aubrey listened, her face frozen in shock and fear in her green eyes. Finally, she dropped the phone from her ear, her face crumpling. "It's Talia; she's been in a car accident! She's in the emergency room." She frantically spouted. “Why didn't you just take the Yukon, Talia?" she cried, her eyes darting towards Paul, a hint of blame in her gaze. 

The calm of the evening shattered. Paul and Aubrey were engulfed in a whirlwind of worry. Aubrey's voice, normally filled with warmth, became sharp with anger as she loudly spoke with her husband in the kitchen. Aubrey blamed Paul for letting Talia drive her sports car, not meant for the country roads, to the family’s property. Paul, who felt both their kids were old enough to make their own decisions, accused her of being a controlling ‘helicopter mom.’

Their sharp exchange hung in the air, a stark testament to the underlying friction in their relationship. It was clear that Talia's accident had unearthed a deep-seated tension between them, a tension that Jacob had been subtly aware of since his arrival.

The three boys sat together in the living room. Jacob, while listening to the couple fight in the kitchen, kept gazing at Blake’s meaty crotch bulge. The denim-covered lumps where his thick dick draped over his huge nuts, almost putting him in a trance-like state. Blake noticed Jacob zoning out and mistook it as the boy being uncomfortable. 

“Don’t worry Jakey-boy, you get used to it; Talia is going to be fine, and those two will be weird with each other for awhile and move on like nothing happened.” Blake said, snapping Jacob out of his daydreaming. 

Sam raised his eyebrows “I don’t know, man, sliding off the road and rolling a car is a little more extreme than the typical drama.”

Blake scoffed “Don’t get me wrong, I DO FEEL BAD for her; she’s my sister after all, but it’s just a broken arm and concussion. She will spend the night in the hospital, Daddy will buy his special little girl a new car, and my mom will act more unhinged and continue popping Prozac. Talia’s going to be just fine. ‘Martha Stuart’ over there just can’t handle things.” 

As the parents rushed out to their vehicle to drive to the hospital back in town, Aubrey gave Blake her usual speech about behaving. The SUV quickly left the property. Jacob, Sam, and Blake found themselves alone at last. The air seemed to vibrate with tension and possibility, knowing they’d be alone until at least later the following day.

Sam caught Jacob's eye, a mischievous glint in his own. They had both been eyeing Blake throughout the night, eager to get an opportunity to mess with him.

As they sat on the couch in the upstairs family room, Blake, wearing his well-worn cowboy boots, complained about how he thought he'd pulled something in the bottom of his foot while out chopping wood earlier. 

Sam, being the mischievous kid he was, saw an opportunity to put Jacob in an uncomfortable spot. He told Blake that Jacob gave good foot massages, lying that his friend had taken massage classes. Jacob, being put on the spot, went along with it. Seeming nervous as to where this was going.

“Is that so?” Blake smirked as he swiveled on the couch and slipped off his boots, letting them fall next to Jacob’s side. He then plopped his warm sock-clad feet on Jacob's lap, his heel resting on Jacob’s slowly swelling dick. "Well, show me what you've got there then, Mr. Magic Hands." Blake said in a cocky tone as he took a swig of Jack Daniel’s, adding to his already buzzed state as he put his bicep-bulging right arm behind his head and laid back. 

Jacob glared at Sam, knowing he knew what he was doing, before turning his attention to the sexy sight before him—Blake's socked feet resting in his lap. The heady, masculine scent of the country boy's feet and boots after a long day working outdoors was intoxicating to the foot gear fetishist. He struggled to not poke the hunk with his boner. Blake almost dropped the bottle of Jack out of his hand as the boy started a deep tissue massage on the hunk's sore right foot. Blake couldn’t help but flinch in pleasure and slight pain as Jacob’s fingers dug in. His heel continued to rub back and forth over Jacob’s throbbing cock every time he flinched. 

Blake’s eyes went wide, and his face lit up in a huge grin. “What’s going on down there, Jakey-boy!?” Deep laughs were escaping from Blake as he tried to spit out the question, nudging Jacob’s hard-on with his heel. “Are you getting turned on!?” He choked out. 

Sam had to turn away, trying not to laugh as Jacob’s arousal was exposed.

Jacob’s face flushed with embarrassment, he stammered to explain, “You keep rubbing my dick; it’s not YOU turning me on!”

Blake tried to compose himself and cleared his throat. “Relax there, big guy; I’m just teasing you. That’s my bad; I didn’t mean to give you a foot job.” He busted out laughing again, flashing his perfect white teeth and almost spitting whiskey all over. “That’s just hilarious; I’ve never seen anything like that before! I’m sorry, you’re doing great though! You will be a great massage therapist as long as you can keep your little guy under control!” Jacob felt humiliated, still awkwardly holding onto Blake’s warm foot, his dick throbbing despite Blake’s uncontrollable laughter. 

The power suddenly went out with a crackle, plunging the room into darkness. Sam and Jacob immediately looked to Blake for guidance, unnerved by the sudden loss of electricity. 

"Oh damn, looks like the power went out," Blake said calmly, pulling his feet from Jacob's lap. The sensation of Blake’s foot sliding off the horny young man’s crotch as he pulled away almost caused him to orgasm. Blake dismissed Jacob’s sexual tension as a funny mistake and moved his attention to the power: "I'm going to head down to the cellar to check the breakers. If that doesn't work, I can try to get the generator running if there's gas around here somewhere."

Sam looked at Jacob with concern and then back to Blake. "Does that happen a lot? What do we do if we can't get power back on? We have no cell service, and the landline won't work without electricity either."

Blake peered out the dark windows before responding in a serious tone, "Never known it to happen before...not sure what or who could've caused it to go out." 

"Who caused it to go out?" Jacob asked nervously. "How or why would someone cause the power to go out?"

"If the power's cut, the security system won't work," Blake explained. "There’s no cars here. The place could look vacant to anyone passing by. That could be trouble—the Erickson's vacation home a few miles down the road got broken into a few weeks ago when they weren't around."

Blake reached over and put a hand on Jacob's thigh, making eye contact. "Don't you guys worry; I won't let anything happen to either of you. You boys just stay put and use the flashlights on your phones."

With that, Blake got up and headed out of the room, leaving Sam and Jacob alone in the dark with their thoughts. Several long minutes passed before they heard Blake let out a blood-curdling scream that faintly echoed through the halls of the massive house. 

Panic rising in their chests, the boys decided to go investigate, hoping the stud that had been drinking all night just fell or something. Stopping by Blake's room on their way down the hallway to see if the country hunk was in there, they saw the room was empty. Spotting a baseball bat propped against the wall, Jacob grabbed it just in case.

"Where did he even go? We should have just waited upstairs, man," Jacob thought aloud as they made their way down the staircase to the house's foyer. Sam led them to the nearest room where a rustling noise was coming from.

As they entered the living room, cold fear gripped them as they noticed the French doors leading out to the sprawling yard were wide open, curtains flapping in the wind. Then, a menacing silhouette emerged from the shadows in the room. 

Judging by his muscular frame and height, it appeared to be a grown man. But what made their blood run cold was the horned and grotesque-looking Bull’s Head mask obscenely topping the man’s broad shoulders, leather straps criss-crossing his muscular toned chest, and a leather jockstrap barely containing his enormous bulge. The tall muscular figure was in black leather biker boots, the boot shafts strained against his large calf muscles, adding to the erotic/terrifying serial killer look. The man held a gleaming knife in his leather-gloved hand.

"Jesus Christ!" Sam gasped, paralyzed by shock as he took in the sinister sight. 

Jacob raised the baseball bat with shaking hands, unable to speak but ready to strike. "HELP!" Sam screamed as the burglar lunged at them with the knife, forcing them to scramble backwards. Before Jacob could try to swing, Sam slammed his sock-clad foot between the assailant's muscular legs, crushing the huge, sensitive leather-wrapped bulge with a sickening splat. Sam felt a tingling sensation inside of him as the warm bulge compressed against his foot, burying deep into the firm but squishy mass. The man let out an agonized “OOF” and doubled over clutching his huge and throbbing balls.

Without hesitation, Jacob brought the bat down on the back of the assailant's head with a sickening thud. The figure threw his head back in response to the blow. Jacob immediately swung the bat up between the assailant’s huge thighs and made contact with the obscenely protruding bulge. A loud ‘thwack’ sound emitted as the bat sank deep into the soft leather pouch. Causing the meaty bulge to mold around the wooden tip before it slapped violently up below the masked figure’s navel, bouncing up down obscenely. The huge man felt an indescribable shockwave of pain emitting from his hefty nuts, and before he could move his hands to clutch his injured plumbs, Jacob slammed the bat for a second time up into his bulging nut meat. Causing a sickening squelch to emanate from the bouncing leather-encased nut-sac as his impressive man-eggs were all but cracked. The man shrieked in pain and crumpled to the floor on his back, still and unconscious. Dropping the knife with a clang as it slid across the wooden floor.

Right before Jacob was about to slam the baseball bat down and destroy the masked man's huge bulging crotch, Sam shouted out, “WHOA WAIT! Stop!”

"Is he dead?" Jacob stammered, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he stared at the prone, erotic-looking figure.

"Oh my God... dude, this is BLAKE!" Sam exclaimed, looking more closely at the muscular tan figure. He now recognized the body he grew up envying. 

Indeed, the hulking man was none other than Sam’s hunky cousin. Talking advantage of the power outage, Blake was attempting to scare them in an old frat party Halloween costume. Jacob was in shock as he examined the fake knife, trying to wrap his head around what just happened. “What was he even pretending to be? Some sort of serial killer rapist?" Jacob spat out.

Sam lifted up Blake’s heavy upper body and propped him against the wall. He pulled the Bull’s Head mask up, revealing the handsome chiseled features and blonde matted hair of his godlike cousin.

“What the hell is wrong with your cousin, man!? I almost ruined his nuts with that bat! I thought he was a killer and that he killed Blake, and we were going to be next or  something." Jacob spouted while holding his head and pacing back and forth. 

“I almost wish I hadn’t stopped you; the dumb fuck kind of deserves it.” Sam said in a cold, angry tone as he stared down at Blake’s vulnerable, half-naked form. Eyeing his huge bulge, straining against the leather jock that rested against the floor, an urge came over Sam. He pressed his sock-covered foot between Blake's legs once more and began rubbing the heavy balls and cock through the taut material, feeling them throb and twitch. He applied pressure grinding the impressive bulge into the hardwood floor. Blake, still dazed, moaned as his large baby makers were being compressed between Sam’s foot and the unyielding wooden surface. Sam could feel the huge leather-covered orbs deforming as he applied more weight, the fat, meaty dick on top of the organs forcing them to squish to the sides in the tightly packed pouch of the jockstrap. They felt firm but fragile, resisting against Sam’s foot as he watched the stud’s body tense up. Heavier moans escaped Blake’s throat as Sam continued to transfer more of his weight to the hefty but delicate organs, wondering how much pressure they could take. He raised his foot and stomped down on the meaty package multiple times. Feeling Blake’s softening plumbs bulge out to the sides from underneath his foot each time it slammed down on the defenseless plump meat-stuffed pouch. Whimpers escaped from Blake, and his body twitched with each hit his sperm tanks took.

Sam got an evil smile on his face. He grabbed the burly country boy's ankles and started hauling him towards an old armchair. Jacob watched him. "What are you doing?"

"I’m going to treat the ‘intruder’ like he’s an INTRUDER." Sam growled, adrenaline and dark desire starting to mingle in his gut as he eyed the vulnerable unconscious stud splayed out before him. "He's going to pay for trying to mess with us. Help me tie him up."

It took some tugging and shoving, but they managed to wrangle Blake's huge frame into the chair. Binding his wrists behind him and securing his ankles, spread wide, to the chairs legs. They fastened rope around his muscular torso, holding him firmly in place. He was still out cold, completely at their mercy. The boys stood back and admired their handiwork. Blake was trussed up like a sexy leather-clad Rodeo Christmas present. "So...what now?" Jacob asked with lust and excitement in his voice.

Sam grabbed the creepy Bull’s Head mask and tugged it back over the handsome face. Then he pulled one of Blake’s leather biker boots off his warm foot; Jacob could smell the familiar and sexy aroma that he’d grown to love wafting in the air. Sam proceeded to peel Blake’s damp sock off and roughly shove it into the stud's mouth and use tape to secure it. 

"I’m going to keep him gagged," he told Jacob with a wicked grin. "Keeps our 'burglar' from making too much noise while we teach him a lesson."

Jacob was looking at him with a mix of shock and excitement, but he didn't protest further as Sam started rubbing the bulge barely concealed by the thin leather jockstrap. Even soft, Blake's package was massive. His balls the size of large eggs; his long, thick-cut cock, with a plump mushroom head, curving over the top of the protruding orbs in the obscenely bulging leather.

Sam was going to make Blake believe that his costume was unfortunately successful at hiding his true identity. 

"Chin up, killer," Sam crooned. Then he brought his knee down on the muscle stud's bulging crotch with a sickening crunch, smashing it into the seat of the chair. Blake’s body jerked, and his huge thighs tensed up, showing their muscular definition. "I bet you wish you weren’t flaunting your huge dick and balls around, all those muscles, and you couldn’t even defend yourself!" 

Blake's green eyes flew open in a confused shock, his face contorting in agony around the drool-covered sock stuffed in his mouth under the mask. It only seemed to egg Sam on. He hovered his boney knee above the impressively huge bulge laying plump and vulnerably on the seat of the chair and smashed down. It felt like a warm and smooth meat-packed ballon under his knee. Blake was nearly going cross-eyed as the center of his pride was causing him more pain than he’d ever experienced in his 22 years of life. Sam raised his knee up and slammed down over and over, causing the swelling bulge to repeatedly decompress and plump back up as Sam’s kneecap snuck deep into the massive tissue. His knee was pulping the huge leather-wrapped cock and balls in their straining pouch, causing Blake to shriek and jerk in response each time it smashed down. Jacob watched in fascination, his own cock starting to strain in his jeans. 

"Holy shit, Sam!" Jacob exclaimed as he watched the erotic sight of the much smaller Sam use his knee to wreck his bulky cousin's manhood.

"He fuckin’ deserves it," Sam panted, sweat beading his forehead from abusing the vulnerable stud. "Trying to pull some shit like that... you picked the wrong group of boys to go after!" Sam yelled at the mask. 

Blake was thrashing around trying to tell Sam he wasn’t an intruder, but his sock prevented any clear words. It just filled his mouth with the taste of his own sweat from his foot.

Sam kept up the act and yelled, at the now very alert but still completely masked Blake, “What did you do with my cousin, you sick pervert!? Did you think you came here to rape and kill us!? You sick fuck!” 

Blake was in too much pain to even react to the wrongful allegations; he felt like he was going to throw up, and all he wanted to do was clutch his throbbing balls. He tried to muster up all the strength he could to bust out of the restraints. The boys watched in awe as the adrenaline-pumped country boy’s sweaty upper body flexed and bulged and the chair started making cracking noises. 

Sam was still catching his breath from the workover he gave his cousin, but Jacob reacted quick. He ran over and slid on his knees in front of the chair, his body positioned in between Blake’s massive flexing legs. He reached both hands between the hunks muscular thighs, plunging them in through the sides of the tight jockstrap pouch, and wrapped his fingers around the huge swollen balls. Taking a massive nut in each hand, he clamped down and yanked them both out through either side of the leather pouch and pulled back hard. The memory of Blake laughing at him earlier, during the foot massage, flooded his mind as he squeezed with all his might on the cocky studs huge bloated balls. 

Blake let out a muffled, bloodcurdling scream as his big, swollen nuts were stretched from his body. He threw his head back and violently thrashed, causing the chair to slowly break apart. 

Seeing that the hulking Blake was on the verge of breaking free, Sam ran over and let out a side-stomp. the bottom of his foot slamming into his cousin's muscular leather-strapped chest. The bound stud was thrown back in the chair as it crashed backwards to the floor, pulling Jacob, who had a tight hold of the studs balls, along with him. The clean shaven and inflamed scrotum stretched to its max, causing an inhumane howl from Blake as Jacob was pulled forward and came toppling down on the hunk’s seized-up muscular body. Jacob landed knee first on Blake’s abused crotch as he fully collapsed on the huge studs tied up mass. The chair completely broke into pieces under their weight. 

Jacob could smell Blake’s masculine musky scent, mixed with the smell of designer cologne, as his face was buried deep into the beefy pecs of the older boy’s sweat-drenched body. Blake let out a loud muffled shriek as Jacob’s knee was smashed into his swollen testicles and battered cock. His head fell back, and he went completely unconscious. 

Jacob got up slowly while wiping Blake’s sweat off his mouth. “Oh fuck, I think we went too hard.” 

“No, that was perfect. That… was incredible!” Sam said, completely turned on by the erotic events. 

Jacob started panicking, worried they had caused permanent damage to Hunky Blake’s big balls. Sam pulled off Blake’s mask and tossed it to the side as he reassured Jacob that Blake was going to be fine. He pulled the tape off the studs mouth and fished the sock out. Then he got on his knees beside the unconscious hunk, reaching down and fondling the massive swollen nuts hanging out of the jockstrap. He signaled for Jacob to come over and give them a feel. Blake’s massive testicles were even more incredibly huge with all the swelling. Jacob prodded the inflamed organs, feeling that they were still surprisingly firm and solid. 

“Only one way to see if these things still work,” Jacob said with a lustful grin. He spit on his right palm and used his left hand to move the leather jockstrap pouch completely to the side—Blake’s huge, thick, long dick came flopping out on top of his swollen bull balls. 

Jacob eagerly started rubbing Blake’s massive cock while rolling around and massaging his huge left nut with his other hand. Sam jumped in to help, rubbing Blake’s thighs with one hand and gently massaging the hefty, dangling right nut with the other. Blake’s already impressive fat dick started to grow and get hard, throbbing in Jacob’s hand as he increased his pumping. The boys each were rubbing and gently kneading the swollen balls faster as Jacob kept increasing the speed of his pumping right arm. Blake’s unconscious breathing became harder, and his abs started tightening. Quiet moans escaped his lips as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Jacob watched Blake’s body closely as he continued pumping. He could feel cum oozing out of the fat mushroom head of Blake’s cock, lubricating his vigorously pumping hand. Blake’s abs started to flex, and his back slightly arched. His huge nuts started pulling closer to his body; a loud moan came from him. 

Both boys knew he was about to climax. Jacob, caught up in the erotic moment, suddenly plunged his mouth down, taking in the fat dick tip and several inches of the girthy shaft as his hand firmly grasped the base. Sam was stunned by Jacob’s boldness but took one of Blake’s huge cum-filled churning sperm tanks in each hand and gave a tight squeeze. Blake’s body shuttered, and he let out a loud, pain- and pleasure-filled moan as he started blowing a huge load, shooting his cum deep into the back of Jacob’s throat. Sam kept squeezing the draining bollocks as Jacob choked down massive amounts of cum for the first time in his life. 

Sam let go of the bloated balls and sat back as Jacob slowly pulled his mouth off of the emptied dick. Blake’s chest is still rising and lowering at a quick pace. The power to the house came back on, catching the boys of guard as they forgot that was even the original issue that led to the nights events.

Jacob was speechless; what he just did started to sink in. He had never had a dick in his mouth or tasted someone’s salty cum before. Sam was equally shocked; the two boys sat in silence for a while, breathing heavily. Sam eventually moved to stuff Blake’s obscene manhood back into the leather jock. He rolled Blake onto his side and removed the restraints from his wrists. 

Eventually, Blake slowly started to come around moaning in pain. He remembered bits and pieces of the ball-busting torture he had received. “My fucking balls! Oh God,” he moaned and cried out as he was finally able to clutch his huge battered crotch. 

Sam put his hand on Blake’s shoulder. “DUDE, we had no idea that was you the whole time! I’m so sorry, man, we thought you were dead and we were about to get killed!” 

Blake kept nursing his bulging balls through the leather jockstrap and asked for an ice pack and aspirin. He was terrified to look at his own nuts, worried they were ruined inside his swollen ball sac. “Sammy, can you please take a look to see if I need to go to the hospital?” Blake sputtered out “I’m an idiot; I wasn’t thinking. Sorry, I traumatized you guys.” Blake believed the boy's story, and not just because of all the alcohol still in his system. He felt guilty for causing Sam and Jacob to think he was dead during what he remembered of the night. He was somewhat impressed that they were so determined to beat the shit out of a ‘killer’. 

Sam had agreed to take a look at Blake’s balls, although he already knew they were intact and working just fine. Jacob returned to the room and handed Sam the ice pack and gave Blake the bottle of aspirin. Blake pulled down the leather jockstrap, allowing Sam to do his inspection. Sam rolled the huge nuts around in each of his hands, admiring the huge gonads that he always envied, and gave them each some pressure to test their resilience. Blake winced in pain as the tender touches still hurt. 

Sam, still holding Blake’s balls, gave him the good news. “It looks like everything is alright and just swelling. So the ice should help.” Sam stared Blake directly in the eyes. “You need to knock off your shit Blake... If you keep messing with people, you might end up getting seriously hurt.” He said with a coldness in his eyes as he gave Blake’s balls a final soft squeeze before letting them go. Blake winced in pain and moved the ice pack to his crotch as he processed Sam’s almost threat-sounding words. 

Blake spent the rest of the trip moving slowly and trying to recover. Sam and Jacob had a new memory to playback in their heads as they jacked off. The two boys were brought even closer together by the event, and their shared ball-busting fetish was even more heightened.


The End


Anonymous said...

Awesome story! I found this much hotter than the first episode. Actually that’s mostly because it satisfies my ballbusting and bull-man fetishes 😆. I always wonder if Theseus defeated the original minotaur by targetting his mighty swinging gonads. Well that could be a story for another day haha

Anonymous said...

More pics with stories pls :P

Levi_BB said...

Each story has a single picture I was able to put together, thanks to AI, but that's as far as I was able to get 😂

Anonymous said...

when next story come

Levi_BB said...

The next one, the 3rd story, will be posted this upcoming Friday! I'm currently working on writing the 5th story to the series.

Anonymous said...

I wait to see next story