Friday, October 11, 2024

The Results in!



Overwhelming when presented with two choice the results were super clear. I am looking forward to giving Gino Gomez, some love and attention with four stories with him taking center stage!

If you have ideas with Gino as the lead, please feel free to share. I am hoping to have the first one out next Friday!




Tuesday, October 8, 2024





We have a tie! With 43 votes there is a tie between Gino and Sam Hell, aka The Devil Boy. Here is a new poll between the final two candidates! (Results)


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Poll: Which Character Should get to be the next star in the Gino and Jayden Universe?


Dear Ballbusting Community,

The poll will be open until Tuesday, October 8th.

Chase just received four stories in which he got to star in...who is next? You get to decide!

Happy Voting.


Accidents Happen by Jimmy


Accidents Happen



by Jimmy



Eager, and inpatient Chase tests out the cuffs on his wrists. They feel good locking into place above his head. Restrained, Chase tugs. The muscles strain in an attempt to free himself, the curves of his biceps tense as he tests the new set-up. No matter how he pulls, and wiggles there is no give besides from the slight movement of the chains of above, and the sharp click of the metal links clanging against each other. 




Chase smiles up and then moves his key between his fingers and slowly lowering it into the lock. He misses the first time, but is patient as he readjusts the small metal piece. The tip slides in and Chase’s Cheshire Cat grin widens, all his teeth showing as he slowly and purposely twists the key. 


A bang downstairs causes him to freeze, and Chase twists his neck as his blue eyes sharpen towards the sound. Chase’s clever blue eyes point at his open doorway hoping that was Esmeralda already left for the day with the closing of the door and not coming back upstairs to clean something else. He forgot that she was still here, but the soft padding of socked feet on the stairs tells Chase that this is a much larger human triggering his ears to familiar pattern of foot falls. Chase knows those footsteps: it’s Logan. 


Not wanting to be caught he turns back, and flinches as his sweaty palm slips its grip on the tiny back of the key and watches helplessly as he strains in his binds as the key drops. He reaches once to catch the glimmer of metal but he is too slow. It seems to take a moment as the thin silver key is lost between his legs. It clicks regretfully on the wooden beams and stares up at him unhelpfully.


“Shiiiit” Chase curses, louder than he wanted to. His frustration and he hormones overwhelming his intelligence to test out the new and latest toys. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Shak Attack! written by Jimmy






by Jimmy



“I hate this game” Bill complains loudly to everyone that could hear.

“Everyone loves my games!” Chase’s indignation causes a ripple of laughter to hit the gathered swim team. “Now get in the water, it’s time to play.”

Bill looks nervous as he slowly lowers his slim body into the pool. Dressed in only the standard Midtown swimsuit, Bill disappears into the water, swimming neatly underwater never surfacing until he reaches the center of the pool. Surfacing, Bill takes in a deep breath, hanging in the center of the schools swimming pool his legs working to keep him above the water line. Blinking hurriedly he looks around the pool as the boys fan out each in their designated position.

This game is a recent entry. It’s called Shark Attack. The game is supposed to help his team keep up in the pool not going below their best time. The teammate that performed the worst was Bill. Bill is one of the smallest swimmers on the swim team, which makes him usually one of the fastest. Recently though, his time has been getting worse and now Bill is going to suffer for it.

“On my whistle” Chase says, a hungry look in his blue eyes as he meets Bill’s watery gaze. The young lad gulps as the whistle goes off in Chase’s mouth, the plastic piece shooting out of his mouth as he dives. Chase hears similar splashes from Aldo, Leroy and Shane.

Once in the water Chase is torpedoing towards Bill, who must count to ten before trying to escape the sharks. If caught, each shark will “bite” the victim, but the bites are always low blows. Tentative, targeted blows to the groin. Every shark getting a turn turning into a shark frenzy. The game lasts until every shark has had their turn, some can take more than one but every shark must “bite” for the game to be over. Chase itches to get there first, he wants to pound Bill’s little walnut scrotum in with a fist. He plans on surfacing Bill’s body to get the perfect swing in. Deliciously he imagines Bill’s shudder, the tremor and the feel of his rasinetes under his knuckles.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Self-Defense Nightmare written by Jimmy


Self-Defense Nightmare



by Jimmy



Today’s the day.

Max and Rex are proud of Chase DiPiertro, and went to support him in claiming his new karate belt, but in Chase’s car on the way over they most ragged on the sixteen year old.

“I didn’t think kids over ten even did karate!” Max says, already laughing.

“Of course they do dummy, how else do people become masters. They nerd it up!”

 Chase laughs good naturedly along with the twins, “Alright, alright! I get it, I’m old, a nerd but this guy knows how to kick ass now. I finally decided that I would keep my big balls safe, and now I can.”

Rex and Max share a look before both of them stifle their giggles by putting their fists in their mouths.

“Yeah, right!” Max laughs. “I bet that he gets his ass handed to him today, and starts crying and saying shit like ‘My big balls, aww no not my big ones!’”

Rex bursts out laughing, tears streaming down his face “Biggest…balls in the room!”

Max is leaning against the window sobbing with happy tears and when Chase pulls into a parking space he is quite happy to leave the two of them and go change.

Chase ignores his aggravation at his friend’s words and tries to take big calming breathes as he slips out of his ribbed tank top and shorts. Turning to look in the mirror, Chase admires his reflection. He’s the only one in the small dojo locker room and eyeing his muscles starts to flex a bit.

At sixteen Chase is in pique perfection. Chase’s abs flex as he sucks in his stomach counting each one and delights when he gets to eight. He’s been on a role recently and beaten every opponent from the karate dojo and his friends around him. He is most happiest about how he handled Junior the other day, and rubs at his groin thinking about how sweet it was to bust his balls so well-handedly.

Chase lifts his arms ups to flex again, when all the lights turns off.

“What the hell?”

Friday, August 23, 2024

"Hey, that's my ball!" written by Jimmy

“Hey, that’s my ball!”


by Jimmy


Chase was bored.

His boyfriend was busy.

Adam was busy.

His friends Max and Rex were busy.

Even Logan was busy.

Alone and shirtless on his trampoline, he dries off from sitting in the sun which feels great on his skin. Closing his eyes, he is about to drift off into sleep when a ball swooshes overhead and lands inside the trampoline.

Blinking, Chase quickly sits up. The bright sunlight blinds him for a moment as he spots Caleb and Junior searching for their missing ball.

“I think that it went over there.”

“I’ll get it.”

Junior hopes the fence landing on all fours, his soft blue eyes searching as he raises one arm to block the sunlight. Through his cupped palm Junior turns this way and that giving Chase a chance to take in Junior’s form. He’s wearing basketball shorts and nothing else. Drenched in sweat, Junior is breathing hard mouth slightly ajar and Chase thinks ‘Huh, not bad. Jayden was right. He is filling out nicely, gearing up for his wrestling tryouts.’

Chase clears his throat and stands up, Junior’s attention is pulled towards him and Junior can’t help buy eye the Midtown swimmers build, the big pecs, the specular abs and the thick legs as he leans against the mesh lining the trampoline.

“This yours?” Chase shakes the yellow ball like a stolen diamond.

“Yeah, it’s mine.”

Chase raises one eyebrow feeling a bit frisky, “Come get it then.”

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Jimmy's Found Video's #90


Jimmy’s Found        

          Video’s #90

Dear Ballbusting Boys Friends,


Hope you all enjoy this week's batch of finds!




1). Can't believe that I missed this one!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Game Over...I win written by Jimmy


Game Over: I win

First to 10 Wins


by Jimmy




“Why do I have to wear a cup again?” The question was rhetorical, and the pouch feels foreign and strange on his genitals. The cup holds Rex’s testicles both safely and uncomfortably against his pelvis. Standing in only his underwear he inspects his new boxer clad junk, it bunches up and has a fake appearance. It’s impossible to make out his ample equipment and he wonders out loud “Do you think it works?” Gently he taps it with one finger hearing the solid think of the plastic under his index finger. Grinning he pulls on his shorts, ready to surprise his friend. “Okay! I’m ready to be kicked ten times!” Hands on hips, Rex juts out his bulge and wiggling his eyebrows at his twin brother. “And if I win, I get the twenty bucks AND you let me nail your balls ten times…no cup of course.” Rex is all smiles as he taunts his twin. “I am going to win.”


“Bro, if I learned anything from last week it’s that your nuts are as sensitive as a cock head after jizzing. I know you can’t take 10 kicks to the balls with a cup on. It doesn’t over enough protection.” Max and Rex both laugh, but Max pokes Rex in his ribs for emphasis.


“You’re just gonna cry again” Max says, his earnest face full of energy as he tries not to laugh again at the bulge sticking out from between Rex’s thin legs.


This is exactly what he hoped to hear. “Then you accept my challenge then, bro?” Rex asks.


Rex comes up to Max and grabs Max’s balls getting a good feel of his brother’s assets. “I’m looking forward to busting these later.” Rex winks, and steps back and grins.


Rex’s fingers did not squeeze, he was careful to only hold Max’s set tightly but he itches to touch them again.


“It’s not gonna be a challenge. Okay you’re asking for it now. You ready for this?”


“Born ready, bro. I never back down. Besides, Max…I know exactly where your balls hang now. So when I kick them my knowledge will be put to good use!”


Unless you want to just give up, and let me kick you ten times. I know how this ends.”


Gino and Jayden Stories: Celebrating...Chase!


Hey all,

I'm back at it. And I decided to try something a little different. I am going to try to write four stories a month and celerate one of the characters from the Gino and Jayden Series. Staring on August 23rd will be the first of four Chase stories. I'm going to start with Chase! Hope you guys enjoy them!
