Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Jimmy's Found Video's #25 Whatalowblow

      Jimmy's Found Video's #25: Whatalow.blo

This is @low.blo back-up account. Only 6 video's but all are great!

#1 Greensuit boy. Poor picture quality but a boy dresses up in a full green suit and gets led around by a collar and leash and kicked in the nuts.

@whatalow.blo • Instagram photos and videos

#2 Shirtless boy gets a nice punch from behind. He was in some serious pain. Again, picture quality is not great.

@whatalow.blo • Instagram photos and videos

#3 A nice kick, old youtube channel. Some of you may have seen this one before.

@whatalow.blo • Instagram photos and videos

#4 Classic kick to the nuts. He went right down.

@whatalow.blo • Instagram photos and videos

#5 Unitentional nutshot. Still fun.

@whatalow.blo • Instagram photos and videos

#6 Suprise nutshot. He tried to get revenge...pain was too much for him.

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