
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sammy the ball doctor: Treating Chad again (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: Chad and Sammy (click for pictures)

My cameraman Chad looked at me with a strange expression on his face, a unique blend of anger, desperation and resignation.

A week ago, I had made him agree to do another episode of our “Sammy the ball doctor” series. He had done one couple of months ago, and it took quite some persuasion to get him to see “Doctor” Sammy for a follow-up appointment… But I guess I had been quite compelling – and pretty relentless on his testicles – so Chad finally agreed.

Now he was standing in front of me at my doctor friend’s practice. To add insult to injury (and quite literally so…), I had given him an patient hospital gown, one of those flimsy things that were open on the back. It was white with small blue dots. My attractive 30 year old cameraman was stark naked underneath. The gown covered his upper body, his crotch and his thighs, but his muscular legs and his feet were naked.

He sighed and turned around to walk to the door, letting me catch a glimpse of his naked back and ass. I chuckled.

Chad sighed deeply and walked out the door.

We had set up the camera equipment and were ready to start.

Sammy, our red haired protagonist, was wearing his doctor’s coat. He grinned in anticipation. Under the white coat he was wearing sagging jeans, a black t-shirt and old sneakers. The idea for the doctor skits had been his, and he took great delight in donning the coat now and then, and treating his “patients” to a thorough examination of their most private area.

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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Video links: Ooops (8)

 Nothing can ruin your day (or your chances of ever having kids) like a good, unexpected shot to the nuts.

Here are some more of my favorite accidental nutshot videos.

The guy in the first video (which is the source of the screenshot above) takes the nutshot with a hearty laugh. I wonder if his kids will be laughing as well when they come out cross-eyed...

Friday, January 29, 2021

Bossy bottom (Ty meets Parker)

Special thanks to Ty for the idea for this story! If you (yes, I mean you, the bossy ballbusting bottom!) would like to meet the Ballbusting Boys and see yourself in a story please read this post for more details.

Artwork created by Champ

Featured in this story: Parker (click for pictures)

Warning: Contains graphic homosexuality.

“Hey, don’t I know you from somewhere?”
Parker rolled his eyes, chuckling. “Really? That’s the best you can come up with?” He leaned back against the bar, his elbows on the top, one of his feet on the foot rail. It was a flirtatious pose, and Parker knew it. He was wearing very tight jeans, and Parker was very aware of the way the light accentuated the very impressive bulge at his crotch. It almost looked as if the denim fabric was bodypainted on his package. His fat, meaty dick and his plump balls were individually outlined, a delicious treat on a hot Saturday night.
Parker was a handsome young man with flaming red hair. A professional athlete and circus performer, he was muscular and athletic, and he wasn’t shy about showing it. If his skintight jeans weren’t enough of a clue, his leopard print tank top did the rest: It sat so tight on his muscular bodies that his perfect six pack abs and his pecs and his hard nipples were on full display.
Parker smiled at the young man next to him, licking his lips.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Shakeout: The mole (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!


This is the last part of the Shakeout story. Thanks to everyone who contributed and left their feedback. Very special thanks to JP for the initial idea, a lot of input and all the help with the details...

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: Ben, Brandon, CalDannyKev, Parker, the twins, Vince and Zach (click for pictures)

Previous parts:
Meeting with the enemy
Task 1: The key
Task 2: The machine
Task 3: The mallets
Taks 4: The glass plates
Task 5: The math
Task 6: Erections
Task 7: Upside down
Task 8: The funnel
Task 9: All or nothing

During the past weeks, our team had been competing against a rival website,, that had challenged us to a series of brutal, relentless tasks. Finally, last week, after nine of those tasks, we had managed to defeat them once and for all.

Warren, the owner of the rival website, had kept word. He was a vicious, mean guy, and I had half-expected him to ambush us and try to force us to give up. But apparently, my cameraman Chad had been very convincing when he had stomped Warren’s nuts into oblivion last week… Anyway, was offline, and I was pretty sure we’d never hear from Warren again.

One matter remained unresolved, though: Warren and his team had stolen some of our ideas that hadn’t been published. Somehow, they had been able to get access to privileged information. There was only one explanation: Someone from our own team had betrayed us. We hadn’t been able to find out who it was since we didn’t have insight into Warren’s documents.

I had all but given up hope that we’d find the traitor until, two weeks ago, Vince had given me new hope.

Vince was the mastermind behind all those nasty contraptions that had been included in the tasks. He was a thorough and devoted scientist, and he had a very, very twisted imagination – a combination that resulted in buckets of cum and quite a lot of bruised and battered balls…

But, at the same time, Vince had a heart of gold. He was friendly and polite, and I really liked him. He was 20 years old, with brown hair and a cute face. He looked younger than 20, and he tried to appear older by growing a goatee and sideburns. But due to a distinct lack of facial hair and beard growth, his attempts at looking more mature made him look even younger…

Two weeks ago, Vince had told me that he had a lead. Today, he was going to reveal the identity of the traitor. 

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Video links: Comedy gems (27)

I really love nutshots that are played for laughs. I don't know why, I just think they are awesome!

Here are some more of my favorite comedy nutshots from movies, TV shows and web originals.

The first clip is from Ashton Kutcher's Netflix show The Ranch - which is basically a show about two brothers hitting each other in the nuts figuratively all the time. Unfortunately, I haven't found many videos of actual nutshots from the show. Maybe one of you knows where to find some? In the meantime, here's Ashton Kutcher hitting his co-star in the balls and joking about him not being able to "make little roosters"...

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

From the web: Korean Guys Swear by This Remedy for Getting Hit in the Balls


I stumbled across a little article called Korean Guys Swear by This Remedy for Getting Hit in the Balls over at, and I thought you might like it.

The first paragraph alone is a gem:

They say there is no greater pain than heartbreak, but I beg to differ. Getting hit in the nuts is worse. To this day I, and most guys I know, have no clear way of articulating exactly how it feels when we get knocked down there. The weight of discomfort travels upwards, all the way to the stomach. If hit hard enough, you’d start feeling faint and nauseated. Then I discovered a remedy.
It goes on in that same playful, jocular tone (which I LOVE!), and it has a tweet and a video for demonstration. It's a short read, and I hope you'll like it.

Read the full article on

Monday, January 25, 2021

Date night - a Gino and Jayden story (written by Jimmy)

This is the 27th part of Jimmy's amazing Gino and Jayden series. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Note: This story features underage characters. It goes without saying that it is a work of fiction and fantasy with no relation to the real world. If you don't like reading about underage characters in ballbusting stories please skip this story and move on to another one.

Previous parts:
Christmas Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas week
Christmas break ends 
Brothers and cousins 
Gino vs. Logan 
A boy's anatomy
Chase's revenge 
Testicular examination
Chase and Jayden team up
The boyfriend debacle
A new cock rules the roost 
Battle for the captain's title 
Love hurts
Worst babysitter ever

The foster family
Devil boy
Shattered family
Jayden saved?
Chase's secret
Homeward bound
The choice
The wrestling tournament

Dreams do come true: Gino meets the Ballbusting Boys

Gino's secret crush

Jayden had a lot on his mind as he biked over to Chase’s house. Over the past two weeks he had some major concerns for many of the people closest to him. The most important person to him is his brother Gino who has been giving him the silent treatment ever since Francisco came back into their lives and rejoined the Bartlet wrestling team, which in part Jayden feels responsible for. Something happened between Gino and Francisco a year and a half ago and he’s not sure what that was but it clearly shattered their friendship. Naturally Jayden wants to fix that, but he’s totally unsure how.

Then there is Bill who has been dodging his calls lately since the breakup. Jayden is trying to give him the space that he needs but he’s not very good at it. Besides, Bill is now living with Sam Hell, aka the red eyed Devil Boy and Jake, two of the most despicable people that he has ever met. In the recent wrestling match for the championship, Jake even revealed to Gino that he was hurting Bill. Although Jayden has not been able to confirm that, he has asked his friends to keep an eye on Bill and report back with any concerns. Since some are on the same swim team and regularly shower naked together they can easily observe even the tiniest bruise, but to date Leroy, Max, and Chase all swear they have not seen a single mark on Bill.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

One on one: Leo vs. Xander (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Warning: Girl present. And she indulges in illicit behaviour, too.

Featured in this story: Leo and Xander (click for pictures)

Leo was sitting on the couch. The tall, lanky 19 year old boy was wearing his trademark baggy jeans and a wide, black t-shirt with the long sleeves of a beige shirt covering his forearms. His curly black hair was hidden underneath a baseball cap. He had his skateboard on his knees and played with the wheels.

I smiled at him. “Xander will be here any minute”, I said.

Leo nodded. “What is he like?”

“Well - you met him”, I reminded him. “Didn't you? He busted your balls...”

Leo shrugged. “Yeah, but we didn't talk to each other. What is he like?”

I hesitated. “Well… He’s--- oh, you’ll see…”

Leo grinned. “He’s an asshole, huh?”

I shrugged. “I guess that’d be an appropriate description…”

Leo laughed. “You want me to humiliate him?”

I didn’t answer.

Leo adjusted his crotch and chuckled.

“Do whatever you feel like doing”, I said, smiling.

Leo grinned and nodded. “Alright…”

“He’ll be here any minute.”

The door burst open and Xander entered the room, followed by his entourage.

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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Video links: World of sports (3)

A soccer ball, a dodgeball, a hockey puck, tennis balls, assorted sports balls and an elastic band - these are the stars of today's post. In supporting roles: several testicles.

Here are some more of my favorite nutshots from the world of sports.

Let's start with a classic: A soccer ball in the nuts. Nice!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Snapshot: The wake-up call

This is the 21st part of a loose series of short stories inspired by pictures that I found on the web. They don't necessarily feature any of the regular characters. If you have an inspiring picture let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an email (

Click here to read previous episodes.

Cody cracked his knuckles, a wide grin on his face.

An hour ago, his buddy Spencer had fallen asleep on the patio, after mumbling, "Wake me up when the girls are here, bro."

Now it was time for the wake-up call.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Shakeout - task 9: All or nothing (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: Chad (click for pictures)

Previous parts:
Meeting with the enemy
Task 1: The key
Task 2: The machine
Task 3: The mallets
Taks 4: The glass plates
Task 5: The math
Task 6: Erections
Task 7: Upside down
Task 8: The funnel

Today was the day.

It was the final day for one of our websites.

Someone was going to win today, and the loser would have to pack his things, admit defeat and close down his website.

It seemed like years ago when Warren, the owner of, had challenged us to this series of tasks. His website was a thinly veiled carbon copy of our site, and he had stolen our members and copied our ideas for the last months.

Today, either one of us was going to go offline.

I looked at my cameraman Chad.

We were standing in front of the door to Warren’s warehouse.

Two hours ago, we had received an email. “7 p.m. today. You and your little boyfriend.”

I sighed and bit my lower lip.

“Let’s go in”, Chad said.

I sighed again.

“And if we don’t win, I have a job for you”, he added.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Video links: Boys just wanna have fun (64)

There are so many ways to have fun for guys - and almost all of them involve their genitalia...

Here are some more of my favorite videos featuring guys hitting each other in the nuts for fun.

Let's start with a wonderful little prank between friends. My favorite part is the guy in the background, clearly amused by the nutshot. That man is all of us!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Best of the busts: Best of 2020


I guess I am speaking for most of us when I say that I'm glad that 2020 is over. 2021 will be a better year. I promise.

And yet I want to take another moment to look back at 2020. We published 114 stories last year. Isn't that incredible? Very special thanks to all the guest authors who had a huge, huge part in that! Harry, Jimmy, Reg, Dominik, Jason, Xander, Mickey, Riley, shrews12001, Jonathan, Leo, Lee, David, Oscar, glamdring, White Worm, Robustidol and everybody else who contributed to this blog - thank you so much!

Now, usually we have a look at the Top Ten best rated stories from the last year at this point. But after analyzing the ratings I have to say I am stunned that we had more than ten stories that received the perfect rating of five stars. Here they are, all thirteen best-rated stories, all of them with a perfect 5-star-rating.

#1 (shared)

Monday, January 18, 2021

Fighting (Special Guest Star: Nick Jonas) (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

The reason for revisiting this particular story from 2017 is that Nick Jonas made it to the top once again: He won The B Factor - Season 2.

This is the third part of three stories featuring Special Guest Star Nick Jonas. Thanks to Jimmy, ballbusterXXL and a lot of anonymous readers for some pretty awesome suggestions. Today Nick Jonas meets our high school wrestler Logan for a little fight.

Previous parts:

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: Logan (click for pictures)

“You sure you’re up to this?” Logan grinned, running his hand through his short blond hair. He was wearing a skintight orange wrestling singlet that contrasted nicely with the color of his skin. He was 18 years old, an athletic, good-looking guy. He was an experienced high school wrestler, and he had the trophies to show for it.

Nick Jonas grinned. The 25 year old singer and actor was shirtless, wearing fight shorts and open-fingered gloves. “I have been looking forward to this”, he said.

The handsome superstar had turned to our studio to get some help preparing for a couple of roles. This was the final lesson – and I wasn’t quite sure if he needed any help at all.

He looked quite comfortable in his MMA gear, and I knew he had starred in some movie playing an MMA fighter before. Somehow I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was more about boosting his ego than about getting some help…

I had told Logan about my suspicion but the handsome high school wrestler had just grinned at me. “Don’t worry about me”, he had said. “I know how to handle myself.”

Now they were standing in the middle of the studio, ready to start fighting.

I couldn’t deny that I was pretty excited about this. I had looked forward to this fight for weeks, and I was working hard to look busy by sitting at my desk and pretending to do the taxes while I was watching the two handsome men prepare for their bout.

“You are sure you don’t want to change into MMA gear?” Nick said with a smile, glancing at Logan’s singlet. “I brought another set.”

Logan shrugged his shoulders. “Nah”, he said. “I’m fine.”

“Alright”, Nick smiled. “Wanna talk about the rules?”

“What rules?” Logan grinned.

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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Hazing (Special Guest Star: Nick Jonas) (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

The reason for revisiting this particular story from 2017 is that Nick Jonas made it to the top once again: He won The B Factor - Season 2.

This is the second part of three stories featuring Special Guest Star Nick Jonas. Thanks to Jimmy, ballbusterXXL and a lot of anonymous readers for some pretty awesome suggestions. Today Nick Jonas meets Kev, Ben and Colin to brush up his acting skills for a movie role.

Previous part:

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: BenColin and Kev (click for pictures)

“Finally”, Kev grinned, rubbing his hands. “We’ve been waiting for this for quite some time.” The 20 year old jock was shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of short sweat pants, showing off his muscular, athletic body. He ran his hand through his brown hair and smiled at his buddies. “Right?”

Kev’s roommates Colin and Ben nodded. They were as old as Kev, and they were dressed just like him.

Ben was a little more muscular, and he proudly displayed his bulging biceps, his six-pack abs and his perfect pecs. His black hair was cut short and he had a wide grin on his face.

Colin wasn’t as beefy as Ben or Kev, but he had no reason to complain, either. His sculptured body looked like a greek god’s statue. His curvy blond hair stood on ends and he looked like he had just fallen out of bed.

The three studs smiled at their guest.

Nick Jonas smiled back at them. The handsome singer had started making a name for himself as a serious actor, gaining critical acclaim in a couple of small films. He had enjoyed the experience on the set, and he wanted to pursue his acting career.

When he had asked us to help him broaden his horizons by taking a couple of lessons from our models, I had gladly accepted.

After all, when do you get a chance to get to know a star like Nick Jonas up close?

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Saturday, January 16, 2021

The B Factor - Season 2: Complete poll results


Now that The B Factor - Season 2 is decided here are the full results of every elimination poll for all you geeks out there. :-))

Thanks to everybody who participated!

And special thanks to Jason, co-creator of The B Factor. You are awesome, my friend!

Stripping (Special Guest Star: Nick Jonas) (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

The reason for revisiting this particular story from 2017 is that Nick Jonas made it to the top once again: He won The B Factor - Season 2.

This is the first part of three stories featuring Special Guest Star Nick Jonas. Thanks to Jimmy, ballbusterXXL and a lot of anonymous readers for some pretty awesome suggestions. Today Nick Jonas meets Danny to brush up his acting skills for a movie role.

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: Danny and Alex (click for pictures)

Nick Jonas was just as hot as I had imagined. I hadn’t paid much attention to him in the early stages of his musical endeavors with his older brothers. But since he had started a solo career he had blossomed into a hot, sexy star.

One of the pictures that showed him channeling “Marky Mark” Wahlberg’s crotch-grabbing Calvin Klein phase was the background picture of my work computer, and it helped me remember the important things in life (hot guys’ bulges) whenever some boring office work made me lose focus.

You can imagine my excitement when I heard that Nick Jonas was going to visit our studio for a series of training sessions that were supposed to help him prepare for his work as an actor.

The super-hot singer had met Danny on the set of one of his movies, the box office flop “Careful What You Wish For”. One of the critics had labeled it “a painfully stilted high school production of ‘Fatal Attraction’”. I hadn’t seen the film but it sounded very much like a film that Danny would be cast in…

Nick Jonas had played the lead role, and he and Danny had gotten to know each other even though Danny’s role had been very small and he hadn’t shared any screen time with the hunky star.

Nick had told Danny about his starring role in a cheap “Magic Mike” rip-off, and Danny had offered to help him prepare for the role.

Nick had a very impressive body, and there was no doubt that he was one of the sexiest guys of the planet, but he wanted to prepare meticulously for his role to make sure his performance wouldn’t be panned in the press.

Now Nick Jonas was standing in our studio, smiling at me and shaking my hand.

“I’m so glad you’re here”, I mumbled. I probably sounded like a fool.

“Yeah, I can see that”, Nick grinned, nodding at the very obvious erection.

 Read more

Friday, January 15, 2021

New poll: Daily posts?

Artwork created by Champ

I have created a new poll because I want to know what you think about the daily posting routine that I have started back in April. Tell me your opinion! It matters to me! :-))

The poll is open until mid-February. If you are reading this post on your computer you find the poll in the right column of this blog. If you are reading this post on your mobile device you find the poll at the bottom of this page.


The B Factor - Season 2: Nutshot Gladiator (Final elimination)


We have reached the end of The B Factor – Season 2. It has been a wild ride. 10 finalists have been eliminated, and we are down to the final two contestants: KJ Apa and Nick Jonas.

It was a pretty close race: In the end, the winner got 61%, and the loser received 39%. Fun fact: This season's winner didn't reach first place in any of the elemination polls before this one! Our runner-up reached the top spot twice - but that didn't help him in the final poll.

So who is the winner?

Read the following story to find out!!


Nutshot gladiator
“So we’re the last men standing, huh?” Nick Jonas smiled, cracking his knuckles. The 28 year old singer and part-time actor ran his hand through his hair and smiled, flexing his muscles. He knew he looked good on camera, and he knew that his great looks were the reason he was here. People had voted for him for weeks, and it certainly wasn’t because auf his brains…
“Looks like it”, KJ Apa replied. He was 23, another good-looking entertainer. He was the star of the hit show “Riverdale”, and there were certain similarities that he shared with Nick: They were both muscular and athletic, handsome and hot, and they both wanted the title.
Nutshot Gladiator was a game show that had quickly made headlines for its hilarious premises and its raunchy one-liners. The first few seasons had been enormously successful with viewers and with advertisers, and it had only been a matter of time until fans’ calls or a celebrity season had been answered.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Shakeout - task 8: The funnel (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: Cal, DannyKev, Parker, Vince and Zach (click for pictures)

Previous parts:
Meeting with the enemy
Task 1: The key
Task 2: The machine
Task 3: The mallets
Taks 4: The glass plates
Task 5: The math
Task 6: Erections
Task 7: Upside down

Last week, we had been duped by Warren and his team. Warren was the owner of rival website, a ruthless tyrant who bullied his models and was unapologetic about stealing our members and our ideas.

Some time ago, he had challenged us to a series of tasks that were designed to determine who was going to keep their website. The loser was going to shut down his site.

Right now, with seven out of nine tasks completed, Warren had a narrow lead: His team had won four points while my team had won three.

Today, it could be over. Everything was on the line. If we lost, we lost everything.

This morning, Warren had sent us an email. “Bring 6 models, loser. Warehouse. Today. 7 p.m.”

My cameraman Chad and I had been arguing all day.

After last week’s defeat – someone had poised Brandon’s soda with a substance that caused him to lose control of his cock, resulting in two impressive, involuntary, incredible ejaculations that left poor Brandon humiliated and groggy – Chad had urged me to think of a way to pay Warren back.

“Why don’t you see it?” he had fumed. “That fucking bastard isn’t playing by the rules. Why should we?”

“Because we are better than him”, I had responded for the 600th time. “We can win against him without using dirty tricks.”

Finally, Chad had given up. “This is ridiculous. You are stupid.”

Now, we were standing in front of the warehouse.

Six models.

We had decided to ask big balled blond frat guy Zach, indie gymnast Parker, brown haired jock Kev, black swimmer Cal, curly haired cutie George and strawberry-blond actor Danny.

All of them knew what awaited them.

Read more

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Video links: Nutball mania (12)

There are so many people playing nutball all around the world. I wonder why there's no international nutball league! I mean, here's a sport that can be played everywhere, indoors and outdoors, and you can even have social distancing rules in place without having to change anything. Perfect, right?

Here are some more of my favorite videos featuring guys playing nutball.

I love the giddiness and the plain joy these two young men have while playing nutball. What a wonderful game that makes men feel like boys again!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Ballbusting Hall of Fame: Andrew and Tommy

It’s always great to see new people on the ballbusting scene, don’t you agree? That's why I started my own "Ballbusting Hall of Fame", highlighting my favorite creators of ballbusting content.

Today, I want you to meet Andrew (27) and Tommy (31) from Brazil, two awesome, hot content creators who have joined twitter last month to share their fantastic videos with the world. I am so happy that they agreed to answer a few questions for me so we can get to know them better.

Make sure to follow them on twitter (@_AndrewWolff and @Sirdomtommy and check out their amazing videos!

Q: Let's start with the basics: Who are you?

Monday, January 11, 2021

Blind man's balls (written by Dominik)

This is another wonderful story written by my German friend Dominik, author of Pain by the pool and Another competition with consequences, and co-creator of German language story blog Jungs mit Eiern. I hope you enjoy Dominik's story as much as I did! :-))

Featured in this story: Ben, Kev, Leo, Phil and Zach (click for pictures)

"Alright. Sounds like a decent enough idea", Kev said and burped.

He sat together around a garden table with Ben, Leo, Phil and Zach in the backyard of Zach’s house. They were sipping beer making themselves a nice Friday evening after an exhausting week. It was a warm autumn evening with some occasional cold gusts of wind, but the boys didn’t seem to freeze. Zach and Kev were dressed in T-Shirts and shorts, Ben wore some long sweatpants and a tanktop and only Phil and Leo were dressed in jeans and long-sleeved shirts with Phil even wearing a thin jacket on top.

They had been talking about their days for a while now, but getting increasingly excited and drunken, they were looking for a way to spice up their evening a bit.

That’s when Ben and Zach had suggested a game they had played a while ago in their soccer group after an exhausting match to bring up the mood: they would blindfold one of them and put him in the middle. Afterwards, someone of the others would hit him in the balls with a means of his choosing, and the blindfolded player would have to guess which one of them did it. Guess correctly, and he’d be freed and the one who hit him would become the new blindfolded one. If he guessed wrong, someone else could hit him and he would have to guess again, with the amount of hits increasing each round.

"Yeah, sounds fun", Leo agreed. "I’d be up for it."

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Shakeout - task 7: Upside down (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: Brandon and Vince (click for pictures)

Previous parts:
Meeting with the enemy
Task 1: The key
Task 2: The machine
Task 3: The mallets
Taks 4: The glass plates
Task 5: The math
Task 6: Erections

I looked at my watch. It was quarter to eight.

We walked back to the car. Brandon was limping gingerly between me and Chad, his black t-shirt covered with stains. The 21 year old Asian American whimpered in pain with every step. His hand was cupping his crotch. The top buttons of his jeans were open in order not to compress his sore, swollen junk. His half-hard cock was pointing up inside his briefs, with his bruised balls tucked in below.

“I’m sorry”, Brandon croaked, his eyes filled with tears. “I really am! I don’t know why that happ---“

“Alex!” I heard someone whisper.

I turned around and saw Vince running towards us. He looked over his shoulder, back at the warehouse a couple of times. When he reached us, he grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a tree so that we were out of sight from the warehouse.

Vince was out of breath. “They gave him a drug”, he whispered nervously. “They cheated!”

I stared at him.


An hour earlier, at quarter to seven, we had arrived at Warren’s warehouse.

Warren was the owner of, a website that was stealing our ideas and had caused our website to lose quite a lot of subscribers. He had challenged us to a series of tasks. In the end, the loser would have to go offline. Right now, the score was even. Our team had won three challenges and Warren’s team had won three challenges.

Brandon was in a good mood. He was wearing blue jeans, sneakers, and a black t-shirt. “Okay, let’s go”, he grinned as we walked towards the warehouse, carrying a bottle of Pepsi in his hand.

My cameraman Chad and I had told him everything there was to know about Warren, the challenge, Warren’s frightening cousin Rex, the team of tough models.

But Brandon didn’t seem to be intimidated. Even as we told him about Vince’s twisted inventions and what might be in store for him, Brandon just shrugged and grinned, “Don’t worry. I’ll win…”

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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Video links: Sack taps and dick slaps (20)


Shared pain is shared joy.

Here are some more of my favorite sack tap videos.

Let's start two fantastic friendly sacktaps found by rightintheplums. (Watch the full clip here.) It's sadistic and gleeful and absolutely perfect!

Friday, January 8, 2021

On the count of three (Stan meets Ben, Leo and Logan)

Special thanks to Stan for the idea for this story! If you (yes, I mean you, the one who has been following this blog in secret for years!) would like to meet the Ballbusting Boys and see yourself in a story please read this post for more details.

Artwork created by Champ

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: Ben, Leo and Logan, with guest appearances by Chad, Erik and Alex (click for pictures)
“Who is that?” Erik asked me, scratching his head.
He was eyeing the stranger who was standing in the hall, a cocky grin on his face.
Erik was my assistant, a talented young man that I had met in Europe. He was 19 years old, smart and ambitious, handsome and funny. On a previous job, he had lost one of his testicles, a fact that Erik was undoubtedly reminded of when the stranger in the hall unceremoniously kicked him the remaining one, making him double over in pain.
“My nut”, Erik coughed, grabbing his crotch and stumbling backwards, allowing the stranger to enter the studio.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Shakeout - task 6: Erections (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: Ben, DannyKev, Parker, Simon and Vince (click for pictures)

Previous parts:
Meeting with the enemy
Task 1: The key
Task 2: The machine
Task 3: The mallets
Taks 4: The glass plates
Task 5: The math

Last fall, a bitter fight had started between us and the team of a rival website, Somehow, they had been able to get privileged information about our site, copying our skits and stealing our members. We suspected that there was a mole among our models, but we and’t been able to find out who it was so far.

Warren, the owner of, was a sinister guy, big and muscular, with a no-nonsense-attitude,. He had challenged us to compete in a series of twisted tasks.

So far, we had won two of them, with Warren’s team winning three challenges. Today, we were going to compete again – and we needed a win.

In the end, the losing website would have to go offline – and we sure hoped it wouldn’t be us…

We entered the first floor of Warren’s warehouse.

Warren had told us to bring five models, and Chad and I had asked everybody we could think of. Most of them hadn’t been very keen on helping us out…

In the end, we had been able to get muscular jock boy Kev (who was very confident and didn’t believe the horror stories that Ben and the twins had told him), his dorm buddy Ben (who had been persuaded by Kev to accompany him – finally, Kev had offered Ben a go at one of the girls Kev was seeing, and Ben had accepted), red-haired indie boy Parker (who had defeated and humiliated Russian stud Dima a couple of weeks ago and hoped to see him again to rub it in his face), handsome actor Danny (who was recovering from Christmas with his family – apparently his brother David had treated him to a private rendition of “The Nutcracker”…) and geeky Simon (who didn’t have anything better to do).

Kev and Ben were talking about girls, bragging about their stamina and the reputation they enjoyed on campus. The rest of the boys were silent.

When we entered the warehouse, even Kev and Ben shut up.

The vast room was cold, moist and dark. Three or four naked lightbulbs hung from the ceiling, illuminating parts of the room.

Warren greeted us with a smirk. “Happy new year”, he grinned.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Video links: Animated agony (6)

One thing I like about animated nutshots is that they are almost always played for laughs. They show us how ridiculous testicles are, and I think that is a very important lesson.

Here are some more of my favorite nutshots from animated shows and movies.

I know we had Total Drama nutshot compilations before. But you can never have enough Total Drama nutshot compilations, right? Here's another one to get you warmed up. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Best of the busts: December 2020


I bet you have seen our 5 star rating feature:. At the bottom of each post you can rate it on a scale from awful (1 star) to excellent (5 stars).

I encourage you to use the feature because it helps me understand which posts you like and which posts you don't like. Of course I'm always trying to make my readers happy, and you can count on my desire to give you more of the stuff you like and less of the stuff you don't like... :-)

Now let's have a look at last month's posts. If you haven't read every single one of them you might want to check out one of the top picks...

The five top rated stories of December 2020:

Monday, January 4, 2021

Gino's secret crush - a Gino and Jayden story (written by Jimmy)

This is the 26th part of Jimmy's amazing Gino and Jayden series. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Note: This story features underage characters. It goes without saying that it is a work of fiction and fantasy with no relation to the real world. If you don't like reading about underage characters in ballbusting stories please skip this story and move on to another one.

Previous parts:
Christmas Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas week
Christmas break ends 
Brothers and cousins 
Gino vs. Logan 
A boy's anatomy
Chase's revenge 
Testicular examination
Chase and Jayden team up
The boyfriend debacle
A new cock rules the roost 
Battle for the captain's title 
Love hurts
Worst babysitter ever

The foster family
Devil boy
Shattered family
Jayden saved?
Chase's secret
Homeward bound
The choice
The wrestling tournament

Dreams do come true: Gino meets the Ballbusting Boys

Featured in this story: Logan (click for pictures)

Jayden enters the halls of Bartlet High School, his thoughts of an upcoming math test filling his head. Passing between the morning rush of students he gets the occasional hello and high five from a few of his classmates. After his wrestling championship match Jayden has suddenly became a “somebody” in his new school and the high schoolers took a sudden interest in him. Jayden, per his usual hated the attention and tried to deflect it whenever it came up in conversation. Keeping his head low, he held his backpack straps tightly maneuvering through the halls. When he got to the center mass of the crowd he notices that it has become a standstill and it’s was easy to see why.

Kim the black haired youth Asian with great looks, rich dark hair that he is currently sporting standing up at odd angles framing his head in gelled into spikes and even darker eyes. At seventeen he was being groomed to take over the Bartlet wrestlers when Logan graduates in the spring, or so he thought. The relationship between Logan, the wrestling captain and that of his relationship with Jayden changed the dynamic of the team considerably. Logan seems to have taken Jayden under his wing like an older brother, and has extended that friendship to his older brother Gino. Jealous and unsure of his future on the team Kim changed alliances, and sought to destroy his own team. Kim and Jayden’s relationship has only deteriorated from there.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Shakeout - task 5: The math (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!


Warning: Can contain traces of cum.

Featured in this story: the twins and Vince (click for pictures)

Previous parts:
Meeting with the enemy
Task 1: The key
Task 2: The machine
Task 3: The mallets
Taks 4: The glass plates

Today, I was in a rather good mood.

I was sitting on the passenger seat of the car. My cameraman Chad was driving. We were on our way to Warren’s warehouse.

Warren, the owner of, a rival website that had stolen a couple of our story ideas and continued to steal our members, had challenged us to a series of tasks. Four tasks had been completed, and the score was even. Last week, our big balled stud Zach had shown us how much cum was stored in those oversized babymakers of his. And the week before, our red haired gymnast Parker had defeated Warren’s prized Russian hunk Dima and humiliated the horsehung guy.

I was whistling happily, looking in the rear view mirror and watching the twins Michael and Will stare back at me.

Today, Warren had sent me an email asking me to bring the twins. No problem, Warren, we are on our way!

I turned my head and smiled at the two blond 22 year olds. “I’m sure you’ll win this thing!”

Michael shrugged. “I don’t know. From what Parker told me, he was in pain for a couple of days.”

“But he won”, I said cheerfully. “You should have seen that Russian. He had a huge cock that was fiery red after he pulled it out of the milking machine…”

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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Video links: Corn nuts (7)


What better way to ring in the new year than by throwing bean bags at each others' bean bags?

Here are some more of my favorite videos featuring guys playing nutshot cornhole. 

The first clip is short and sweet. I guess this is what you call a "hole in one"...

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy new year!


Happy new year, my friends!

2020 was pretty much the worst year in recent memory. Good riddance! With several coronavirus vaccines being distributed, with people realizing that solidarity trumps selfishness, with law and order, sincerity, responsibility and civility coming back to the White House on January 20th, there's hope that 2021 will be much better than 2020. Let's work on it!

I plan on continuing to post new content every day for as long as I can. We'll see how that goes. :-))

And we will try something new with our Original Videos: Toby Springs has retired from the business and won't be shooting new clips for us. But before his retirement we shot two more clips featuring him and Fluffy. So there are two more clips to look forward to, and I am confident that we'll be able to release them in the coming weeks. 

After Toby's departure, Fluffy is in charge of operations now. We want to continue shooting great ballbusting clips for you, and we are looking for new talent. If you want to be a Ballbusting Bro and have your balls busted don't hesitate to send me an email so we can talk about it. We are looking for well-endowed guys with experience in front of a camera who can take some ball abuse and enjoy giving and taking real, hard shots to the nuts. All of our clips are shot in the US (mainly Las Vegas) and have full nudity and no face coverings. If that sounds exciting to you please send me an email with a few pictures and examples of your previous work (! I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you for your loyalty and your support! Let's all have a happy new year! :-))