Saturday, December 16, 2017

Poll results: Favorite character portrait?

Last month I asked you to tell us which of the character portraits that my friend Champ created for this blog is your favorite. It was a very tough choice because they are all amazing - which is reflected by the fact that the average voter chose 3.3 portraits, and the comparatively even distribution of votes across all the portraits.

More than 250 people took part in the poll. Thanks to everybody who voted!

And here are the results:

Chad   3%
Ben   8%
Danny   8%
Phil   9%
Sammy   10%

Erik   10%
David   12%

Vince   13%

Xander   13%
The twins   14%

Simon   15%
Zach   15%
Parker   16%

Cal   17%

Tristan   19%

Brandon   19%

Kev   19%

 Leo   22%
Alex   23%
Colin   25%
Logan   32%
Again, special thanks to my friend Champ for his awesome work! :-))

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