Thursday, November 26, 2020

Richard and Paul 3 (revisited)

Since more than half of our readers discovered this blog less than five years ago I thought it would be nice to re-introduce some older stories for those who didn't catch them when they were first published. Enjoy!

Warning: Contains graphic homosexuality.

A couple of months ago, I received some emails from a guy named Richard. He is a 21 year old DJ, quite small at 5’3”, with brown hair and brown eyes – and a notable sadistic attitude.

He sent me video clips that showed him frequently humiliating another guy, Paul. Paul is two years older, 8 inches taller, and a surfer type. He has a smooth, lean body, blue eyes and sun-bleached hair.

The last video clip that Richard had sent me hadn’t been complete. It showed Richard fucking Paul with his thick 6 inch cock and kneading his nuts at the same time.

Today, after more than five months, I decided to send an email to Richard.

This is the reply he sent me.
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 12:18:27
From: "Richard ******" [
To: "Alex"
Subject: Re: Clips

2 clips
thats it


Attached to the email were two video clips titles “fuck2.mpg” and “balls36.mpg”. I opened the first one. Like the title suggested, it was the second part of the video he sent me in February.

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