Sunday, November 23, 2014

New link: Brincadeiras entre homens

Are you following the awesome blog Brincadeiras entre homens? If you don't you should definitely have a look! The name loosely translates to "Banter between guys" or "Guys at play" - and that's exactly what you get...

There are guys getting pantsed, there are guys touching each others' bulges, and there are lots and lots of ball grabsnut taps and nutshots.

The picture above is from one of today's posts. I've seen this clip before - and it's one of my all time favorites...

It shows a couple of guys busting their buddy's balls with a toilet seat. It's not a particularly hard hit, not a sex-life-ending, testicle-shattering blow. But it's awesome anyway. What makes it special (in my mind) is the atmosphere between the guys.

Those hotties want to make sure to really hit their cute buddy, and he eagerly puts his balls on the line, giving a thumbs up when his friend explains what they are about to do, dropping his pants to reveal his undies, adjusting his package so that his nuts are in a perfect position, letting his dick hang over the toilet seat so it doesn't shield his balls from the impact. It takes three attempts until they get it right. And then it's perfect and everybody is happy... :-))

Thumbs up! This is gonna be great!
...and pleasure.
The blog has been around for more than a year, and there are more than 800 awesome pics and videos. Check it out and browse through the archives. I've added the site to the links section on the left.

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