Thursday, April 28, 2022

Jimmy's Found Video's #19: Rightintheballs

 Jimmy's Found Video's #19: Rightintheballs

                   Adam and Omar Damytwins


Dear Ballbusting Boys Readers,

I know I have shown this Instragram before, but I purposely selecting these sexy twins five videos. None of the videos are all that rough to our liking but they are hot, and I certainly hope that they do more! You may think some are the same videos but check their clothing they are different! Twins after all and they enjoy each doing the same things to the other: true love. Enjoy!



1). Kiss, kiss?

Nut Shots (@rightintheballs) • Instagram photos and videos

2). The Salute Challenge

Nut Shots (@rightintheballs) • Instagram photos and videos

3).I don't even know how to describe this!

Nut Shots (@rightintheballs) • Instagram photos and videos

4). They do it again! LOL!

Nut Shots (@rightintheballs) • Instagram photos and videos

5). Nutshot Measuring Tap Challenge

Nut Shots (@rightintheballs) • Instagram photos and videos

6). Nutshot Measuring Tape Challenge

Nut Shots (@rightintheballs) • Instagram photos and videos

7). Nutshot Measuring Tape Challenge

Nut Shots (@rightintheballs) • Instagram photos and videos


GinoJaydenAuthor said...

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the late post. For some reason I must have changed the time zone. This should have been posted hours ago. Hope that you enjoy the brothers as much as I do!



Anonymous said...

Dear friends, please encourage and sharon to come back. Tell her how to do seo. How she to find new slave and fans on social medias. Offer your solutions to sharon. Let's revive this beautiful website and enjoy it with our help and cooperation.

Anonymous said...

So sexy

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

So happy that you enjoyed it!



Anonymous said...

Amazing, ballbusting in a new hot way... slamming balls together! I'd love to read a story about that.