and Oliver
by Lenny
BB Community,
for those of you are not aware runs his own blog and was interested in sharing
a story with all of you. I have known Lenny for a few years now and his stories
are always well-detailed, engaging, and fun. He is one of my favorite
Ballbusting writers, and this story is a huge treat! He has written some other
stories about Invincible on his blog. If you have not had the pleasure of
reading those I highly recommend.
care and happy reading!
“Oliver, you can’t just do whatever you want.”
Oliver pouted and groaned. He doesn’t like getting yelled at, especially for something he knows he’s not wrong about.
“But why not? Bad guys are bad! We should stop them.”
“That doesn’t mean you can just kill them! We need to protect people, not kill them!”
“But bad guys are different! They deserve it!”
“Just because they do something bad, doesn’t mean they deserve to die! Oliver! People are people, you can’t kill anyone, no matter what!”
Oliver’s face scrunched up and tightened as he thought through what came so naturally to him. “That’s stupid though! They’re so weak and squishy. If we protect the bad guys, we’re just wasting our time!”
Mark couldn’t be stoic in his blue get-up. He was shocked, his little brother sounding so cruel and hateful. How could his baby brother feel that way? It was like he got stabbed in the heart with a twisting knife. Underneath his powerful frame, you saw the body language of someone losing a battle and feeling it.
“Oliver… that’s so messed up. You…” Mark averted his gaze and grimaced, feeling his emotions swell up in him. He didn’t want to argue with Oliver like this, but he knew he was an adult and had to do something. He reached out to Oliver’s shoulder, laid his hand on him and tried to be an adult. Oliver starred in response to his big brother, determined to convince him.
“Oliver… you can’t just say that. You can’t.”
“Why not! They’ll be less bad guys, and everyone would love us more!”
“That doesn’t-”
“I’ll prove it to you! I’ll prove to you that-”
Mark’s hand on Oliver’s shoulder tightened and Oliver groaned, shifting.
“Mark, s-”
“Oliver, you can’t do that! You have no idea what you’re saying!”
“You can’t stop me! Let-”
“Oliver, you need to listen! Now!” Mark’s hand tightened as he felt his brother getting away from him.
Oliver tried to shove off Mark’s hand, but Mark was holding on too tight.
“Let go of me!”
“No! You’re going to run off again, and you need to listen! I’m tired of being nice. We both have a responsibility, Oliver! We need to protect the weak and not take advantage of them!”
Oliver whined as he continued to try and get his big brother’s hand off his shoulder, but it was just too tight. Looking ahead, he saw the most obvious thing and pulled his arm back, yelled out and slammed his fist hard into his big brother’s spandex-held bulge.
The bulge, which always protruded naturally and proudly, flattened and rippled in the now blue and black suit. Mark yelped out in a high pitch , his body folding over as the sudden pain in his groin exploded unexpectedly. Never in a million years did he expect to get attacked like this by his own brother.
He pulled a hand into his aching groin, cupping his balls as his other hand loosened on Oliver. Mark’s knees bent and he got closer to the ground, closer to Oliver’s point of view. Looking down and groaning, Mark felt his body weakening as the pain twisted inside him.
“Let go of me, Mark!” Oliver started to escape from Mark’s hand but Mark’s hand suddenly tightened as Oliver was about to escape. Oliver whimpered and squirmed, looking back up to Mark, who was still hunched over and looking down, and stumbled slightly.
“Agh, you’re hurting me Mark, let go!”
“Mrph… what the fuck was that, Oliver… don’t… don’t punch me there.”
“Let go, your hand is hurting me!” Oliver squirmed as Mark’s hand was gripping his shoulder tighter and tighter.
“You hurt me!” Mark looked up, his body tightening as he started to unbend his body. One hand was still cupping his balls. His palm was pressing against his warm, full manhood, his fingers wrapping around his heavy and sore testicles. His other hand dug into Oliver’s shoulder with increasing intensity, as his eyes drilled into his younger brother.
“Don’t ever do that! Don’t punch me in the balls!” Mark was getting more and more angry, but then he heard Oliver whine. It pulled at something in him and he realized that he was really hurting Oliver. Oliver was so much smaller than him… he really was just a kid. Mark sighed and took his hand off his bulge and loosened his grip on Oliver.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you Oliver. But you need to-”
Oliver took the moment to shift his weight and undo Mark’s hand on his shoulder. Mark lost his grasp and immediately tried to catch Oliver again but he couldn’t find him.
“No, wait!”
But as Oliver bent lower under Mark’s grasp, he shifted again parallel to Mark and sent another fist rocketing at Mark’s family jewels. This strike directly struck Mark's testicles, this time an uppercut and pancaking the orbs into Mark’s hard, bony body.
Mark immediately cried out like an animal, a burning white pain exploding between his legs as he jumped up to the tip of his toes at the rising force of the uppercut. As he rose, his body folded forward and his legs twisted inwards as he fell knees first. Mark almost fell into Oliver, his body overwhelmed by sudden pain. Hands and knees on the floor, mouth clenching and trying to hold everything in. Mark’s powerful body was arched, all of his muscles clearly defined in his spandex. Ass in the air, and Grayson groaned in pain as his body shuddered from a shockwave of pain. His eyes rolled back under his goggles and slowly, his powerful frame slowly fell to his side. He looked like a dead animal with his arms tight into his body as he laid up with his belly vulnerable and unprotected. His jaw clenched and he looked up at Oliver, his sorry face fallen in defeat. Betrayed and in agony, his powerful, half-viltrumite body sprawled, his mind, swimming in pain and confusion.
“Nnn… w-whh… nnnrgh…”
Oliver stared at Mark, shocked and confused by the suddenness of everything. His eyes were wide in fear and he whined as he jumped into the air and flew away.
“Oli–” Mark reached out as Oliver flew away, but twisted his body in sudden pain.
“Ngghh! My balls… Unnnn! This hurts!” Mark screamed as he rolled onto his knees, body unlocked and rocked back and forth. He never gets used to this pain, writhing in pain and cupping his balls. He was readjusting his bulge without any shame or hesitation, knees pulled up as he rolled onto his back, yelling into his closed mouth, then flopping onto his stomach. Kicking his legs, clenching his teeth, gripping his balls and feeling victimized, Mark was burning up and shutting. The pain was intense, dizzying and unable to think, he was helpless, rocking on his knees and curled over in pain.
“NnnnNNnnnNN… I’m… I’m going to kiILlL HIM!” Mark screamed out, looking up at the sky with tears falling down his cheeks. He jumped up into the sky to look for Oliver, and saw parted clouds where Oliver went. Mark went into sonic speed as he followed Oliver in frustration, trying to ignore the pain. He pushed the pain further and further as he went faster and faster, catching up to Oliver who was heading home Mark realized.
After a few moments, the pain in Mark’s groin was getting unignorable and slowed his flight to a stop. Mark stumbled and whined, clutching his balls and feeling sick to his stomach. He coughed on his knees, feeling something deep in his stomach and trying to keep himself together. He closed his eyes and folded over his knees. Groaning like he were dying, drool leaking from the corner of his lips, Mark rocked gently again, this position all too familiar.
“Fuck… ugh… my balls… m-my stomach…”
Mark made carefully sure that his balls were still in their sack, feeling around his meat to make out his testicle, being absolutely sure nothing was missing or exceptionally wrong. He felt very slight relief knowing they were both there, then groaned and let the pain wash over him. He loosened his body and relaxed, Mark finally accepting his fate and releasing his tension.
Mark wasn’t going to throw up, but he felt sick and had to hold it all tight together. Then after a few moments, his frame stretched out and tried to get comfortable. His body was sprawled, legs spreading first together but then spread out carefully with his stomach against the floor, arm wrapped around his stomach, the pain rising and maddeningly uncomfortable.
Mark closed his eyes and carefully followed the flow of pain in his body, readjusting and closing his legs together, pulling his knees up to his chest and rocking gently.
“Dammit… this sucks so bad. Why… why was it my balls… no nieces or nephews…” Mark said to himself, looking around and judging how far he is from his home. He was tense before but knows better than to run into Oliver without thinking about it again.
Oliver meanwhile, was home and wondering about what’s going to happen next. Mark was going to be so mad, he told himself… but Oliver knew he was right. He just hates that Mark doesn’t see that. But he then thought about Mark grabbing him and then punching Mark… there. He never really talked to Mark about this kind of stuff and something inside him just screamed to punch Mark there. It was right there and why not? It worked once, so he did it again, and it worked better. Oliver realized that-
“Oliver, you here?”
Oliver gasped and looked up, Mark breaking him out of his thoughts. Mark was still in his spandex even though Oliver changed out of his Kid Omni-Man gear, only wearing shorts and a long shirt.
“Oliver!” Mark flew in through the window as he took his goggles off. Oliver jumped up to defend himself as Mark approached.
“Woah, woah, peace, peace! I come in peace, little bro! Please… don’t punch me in the balls again…” Mark begged, his face falling and humbled. “You’re gonna kill me if you do that…”
“Nnrgh… I-”
“Wait, let me talk, please… I’m sorry Oliver. I was stressed out and concerned. You… I didn’t know what to do, so I grabbed and hurt you. I shouldn’t have done that… but… but, dude. Why did you punch me in the balls like that…”
“Mmm… y-your balls?”
“Yeah, my balls. You have them too. Did you feel like you had to do that?”
Oliver grimaced and started to loosen up. “I… just wanted to get away. And when looking at you, all I saw was… it was right in front of me.”
Mark blushed and looked down, his hands over his bulge. “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.” He said quietly to himself.
“And it worked the first time, so I did it again. I didn’t know it worked so well… I’ll have to do that against bad guys from now on-”
“Oliver, no, don't punch bad guys in the balls! Jesus, what’s wrong with you?” Mark looked over his younger brother, scared and worried about who he’s becoming.
“Why not? I won’t punch them hard enough to kill them, and if it stops them, then it’s better than killing them right? That’s what you said before, don’t kill them!” Oliver said proudly.
Mark clenched, grabbing the bridge of his nose and sighing. He looked down at Oliver and saw a little monster with an innocent, all too familiar face. Oliver looked determined and proud of his realization. Mark had no idea how to convince him not to do that.
“Oliver… Please, don’t hit people in the balls. It hurts really badly, it’s really not cool. And… that’s where babies come from. Don’t hit them there.” Mark said, out of ideas.
“That’s even better! The bad guys won’t have babies then!”
“Oh my God Oliver, no! Don’t hit bad guys in the balls, what’s wrong with you!?” Mark was sickened and scared at Oliver’s attitude about this.
“Hmph! You want me to not kill people, and now you don’t want me to hit them in their balls either! You’re so annoying!” Oliver pouted. “You can’t even give me a good reason. Why is it worse than punching them in the stomach!?”
Mark groaned and looked down at Oliver. He swallowed hard and held his own balls carefully. He closed his eyes and groaned. How can he get through to him?
“Oliver… you-”
“Tell me why I shouldn’t! Tell me!”
Mark sighed and shook his head. He hated this so much.
“Oliver, please just trust me. I-I…”
Oliver waited for Mark to continue. But Mark just looked over at him with a worried expression. Oliver saw Mark’s eyes looking down and scanning his body. Oliver realize that Mark didn’t know what else to do.
“You can’t even tell me why… I’m going to save the world by hitting the bad guys in the balls, Mark. You want me to not kill them, so I won’t. But if this works, it works. And you know it, which is why you aren’t doing anything! You know I’m right!”
“...I…you…” Mark sighed as he continued. “Do you really want to know why you can't do that?” Mark asked softly, almost defeated.
“Please, I do. Why can't I?”
Mark swallowed and felt sick but powered through. He had to teach Oliver a lesson. As a big brother and as a man. “Sorry, Oliver.” Mark said in a low voice.
Oliver tilted his head, his arms at his side and not understanding the apology.
Mark knows that raising a boy isn’t easy, but he felt his hand was forced. And so, he raised his leg quickly to end it quickly for both him and Oliver. His boot raised up between Oliver’s spread legs, and shin first Mark’s powerful leg slammed into Oliver’s groin with enough force to make a lasting impact in the impressionable young man. He knew he had to teach Oliver a lesson, but feeling the impact, feeling Oliver’s delicates on his leg, it felt beyond low. It devastated Mark and it made him feel sick as a heavy tinge of regret and pain dragged in Mark’s own plums, as his leg made it’s way up between Oliver’s legs.
Oliver felt his balls getting bashed into his body and he gasped out in shock. Something in his body tightened up and instinctually pulled his body inwards. His hands shot between his legs and his body hunched over Mark’s leg, his eyes wide and looking forward. The impact wasn’t intense but it was immediate, sudden and wiped out Oliver’s mind of any and all other thoughts. Oliver’s body felt empty and light. Time froze as he tried to process as he felt Mark’s shin crash into his pelvis and crush his nuts.
Once he felt his testicles getting slammed and misshapen, a sharp blast of pain spread out from his dual organs and his entire body tried to cover them, but Mark’s leg was in the way.
And then, Mark pulled his leg away and it all started to snowball. The pain that he felt a moment ago swarmed out of Oliver’s groin in a white, hot burning fury. It all started in his balls, which he immediately covered. His young, purple body was pulled to the floor. His eyes were wide, mouth open in a wide circle and he made a silent scream as he curled over. Oliver was stuck in that position and couldn’t break free for a couple seconds before something in him snapped as the pain doubled inside him. He shook, crumbling completely and letting out a broken, weak and childish croak.
Mark felt horrible, but he knew Oliver felt even worse. Oliver started to mewl like an animal, his shoulders rolled as his short, purple body convulsed in pain. His legs, barefeet twisted and curled, toes tightening as he lurched forward.
“Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ooooooo…”
Mark watched Oliver in pain as he held his own balls, knowing what Oliver went through, He thought back to when William first kicked him in the balls and how unbelievable it all was. He couldn’t think or control himself, and he knows he looked just as pitiful as Oliver looks now.
“It hurts, it hurts! Mark, my balls hurt… so bad! Nrhg! NNn!”
“I know, I know Oliver. This is why you don’t hit guys like that! I tried to tell you!” Mark said in his own pain and frustration. He kneeled down to try and comfort Oliver’s shoulder.
Oliver felt Mark’s shoulder and he immediately pulled his shoulder back. He sat back on his knees, eyes clenching and teared up, and face getting brighter as he pulled a fist back and angrily screamed as he punched Mark in the balls for the third time today. He was angry, scared and remembered Mark grabbing his shoulder before.
His scream was piercing and shocked Mark to his core. He didn’t expect this at all and pulled back but it was too late. He felt his already sore balls getting slammed into even harder than before. His bulge once again withstanding a vicious attack, his spandex rippling under Oliver’s powerful, yet little fist. Mark’s balls got misshapen under the punch and the force pushed Mark back and went flying back into Oliver’s wall.
Oliver’s scream soared as he followed through his punch, and barely caught himself before falling face first. His eyelids tight and watery, his body stumbling and trying to hold himself up but the pain in his balls was just unignorable. His scream then died, and he whined out hopelessly, his face against the floor and foot up in the air, as he shoved a hand down to his shorts and clutched his sore balls.
Mark’s body bounced against the wall and flopped face first as his eyes staring off and looked lifeless as his body curled up in pain. Legs mindlessly kicking and body jerking. He made a choking noise, his eyes closing shut as his throat lurched. Mark coughed out, holding his balls and looking like he had the wind knocked out of him. A long, silent cough escaped with a series of weak exhales. His eyes were clenched shut as it felt like his balls were broken in half. As he dry heaved on the floor, puckering his lips and cradling his balls, it was just too much for Invincible.
The two brothers writhed in their own shared pain across the room and neither thought about the other for a few moments. The entire house was silent except for the two boys rattling in pain. Mark started to dry heave as Oliver first coughed and raised his butt into the air as he clenched his twig and berries. And Mark, whose body is much bigger and stronger, couldn’t move once he stopped dry heaving and laid in shocking noiselessness. His face was totally red, pain overwhelming him as it was all just too much. Slowly his head dug into the ground, dragging and curled his legs and adjusted before settling into an unmoving husk.
“Nrgh… Mark… nrgh, my balls, my balls…”
Mark was unmoving and silent as Oliver called out. The air was tense with the shared pain between them. Oliver rolled on his back as he opened his eyes and saw Mark across the room. Oliver closed his eyes again and groaned in pain.
“I… mpfh.. ooo...”
The two brothers were like this for a few minutes. Oliver caught his breath soon and Mark barely moved from his ball.
Oliver stood up carefully, clutching his nuts and weakly stumbled towards the room towards the bathroom, whining carefully with each limp.
Mark looked up when he heard the door open again. He saw Oliver entering the room, and Mark hung his head, cradling his balls. The door closed, and Mark heard Oliver approaching him.
“Mark… my balls really hurt…”
Mark didn’t say anything, just nodding his head. He shifted his thighs and groaned lightly. The room was silent and Mark nodded slightly again.
“Mine too…”
“Yeah… bad guys aren’t going to be able to do bad stuff if this happens to them.”
Mark didn’t move, the words Oliver said hanging in the air. Mark swallowed hard and pressed down against his aching boys.
“Sorry I got you so hard though…”
“Nn… y-yeah… I know. I’m sorry too…”
Oliver sat down besides Mark, cupping his balls as he did. Mark pulled his upper body vertically and slumped back up against the wall. Spreading his legs he sat up. His own hand pressing against his bruised balls and the pain in his stomach was abusive and exhausting.
“I don’t want to punch you in the balls like that again.” Oliver said. “Can… Can I get you anything?”
“No…” Mark said softly. He hung his head between his knees as they were pulled up. Oliver rested his head on Mark’s knee and held his side.
Neither brother said anything for a minute, before Oliver got up and went to lay in his bed. His plain face shifted in pain before smirking and laying on his back.
“I don’t get why you don’t just do that to every bad guy… you’d never lose a fight if you just punch them in their balls.”
Mark said nothing as he sat there, shifting softly and groaning in pain.
“Of course, I won't hit them that hard. Now that I know how sensitive they are, just a little hit will be fine. But if they're really big and bad, then maybe I'll need to hit them really hard!” Oliver cheered, sitting up and then flying in the air, mimicking some low punches. Then he feigned a dramatic dodge and reared back a kick and cheered before wincing and grabbing his balls. He pulled his knees up and slowly laid himself to the bed and winced.
“Nrgh… it hurts for awhile afterwards.”
“...I know. It really does…” Mark said, falling over softly to the floor and spreading his legs out. Oliver looked over at Mark as did this, watching his brother lift his lower body and sneak a hand and cradle the bulge underneath him.
“That's good. It'll mean that the bad guys will know not to do bad things again.”
Mark groaned and then pulled his body in, nodding carefully. He was facing Oliver now, eyes drawn and face empty.
“And if they keep on doing bad things, then I'll just grab their balls and crush them!” Oliver grabbed an imaginary pair with his hands and crushed them in his palm in a performance. “Psshhuu!” Oliver voiced the sound of crushed testicles with youthful innocence.
Mark cringed and shook his head. He got to his knees and closed his eyes. What kind of monster is Oliver?
“Well, thanks for helping me out today Mark! I'm going to warm up some chicken tenders. You want any?”
“Nn… no. I'm not hungry.”
“More for me!” Oliver cried out, running out the door and closing it with a playful push.
Mark sighed out and spread his legs out. Mark’s plan backfired and the monster went to go make chicken tenders. He held his balls in woe and fear, the pain starting to subside enough to gather his thoughts. He raised his neck up and tried to be careful, adjusting his legs and trying not to cause anymore pain. His breath was still until he readjusted his leg fully, let it loose and breathed out. He pulled a hand up to his hard abs, pressing down on them and feeling the deep pain resonating. He opened his mouth and breathed loudly before arching his neck.
“Oliver! Can you make me some tenders!? Sorry!” He groaned
“...Sure, Mark!”
Mark pulled his neck back and breathed out. “Thanks, little bro…”
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