Saturday, October 5, 2024

Accidents Happen by Jimmy


Accidents Happen



by Jimmy



Eager, and inpatient Chase tests out the cuffs on his wrists. They feel good locking into place above his head. Restrained, Chase tugs. The muscles strain in an attempt to free himself, the curves of his biceps tense as he tests the new set-up. No matter how he pulls, and wiggles there is no give besides from the slight movement of the chains of above, and the sharp click of the metal links clanging against each other. 




Chase smiles up and then moves his key between his fingers and slowly lowering it into the lock. He misses the first time, but is patient as he readjusts the small metal piece. The tip slides in and Chase’s Cheshire Cat grin widens, all his teeth showing as he slowly and purposely twists the key. 


A bang downstairs causes him to freeze, and Chase twists his neck as his blue eyes sharpen towards the sound. Chase’s clever blue eyes point at his open doorway hoping that was Esmeralda already left for the day with the closing of the door and not coming back upstairs to clean something else. He forgot that she was still here, but the soft padding of socked feet on the stairs tells Chase that this is a much larger human triggering his ears to familiar pattern of foot falls. Chase knows those footsteps: it’s Logan. 


Not wanting to be caught he turns back, and flinches as his sweaty palm slips its grip on the tiny back of the key and watches helplessly as he strains in his binds as the key drops. He reaches once to catch the glimmer of metal but he is too slow. It seems to take a moment as the thin silver key is lost between his legs. It clicks regretfully on the wooden beams and stares up at him unhelpfully.


“Shiiiit” Chase curses, louder than he wanted to. His frustration and he hormones overwhelming his intelligence to test out the new and latest toys. 


“Chase?” Logan calls out. “You alright?” Logan’s footsteps pause a few feet away, his clear and deep voice telling Chase how close by to his bedroom he is. He’s nearly outside his doorway. 


“You…you’re not…ummm you know.” Logan chuckles embarrassed to be asking “Compromised?”


Chase sighs “Umm kinda.” The admission makes his face turn red, but a different story is told by quick pulse in his loins showcasing how excited he is to be potentially found in this position, and by Logan of all people.


“Well, I’ll leave you to it. Sorry to disturb you,” Logan turns on his heel and starts to head to his own bedroom and Chase in a panic of not wanting to be stuck up here in his own bedroom for the evening if Chase goes out calls him back quickly. 


“Wait…Logan…I need your help!”


Logan appears in the doorway, half covering his eyes but smiling ruefully. “You run out of lube, or something? Or…god please don’t tell me you’re stuck in one of cock and ball cages.”


“No…not like that. But I do need you to…” Chase stops speaking as Logan turns from not looking at the bed and faces him in the secret closet lair of his. 


“Chase. You’re all tied up.” The closet is all the way open, giving Logan a wide view of Chase and his apparent dilemma.


“Yeah” Chase answers sighing.


Logan steps forward peeking inside and out, “Where’s Jayden?”


“I was just…practicing. He’s not here.”


Logan pauses considering and says “So you’re all alone.”


Chases heartbeat quickens and he nods “Yes.” His voice is quiet, his erection is loud, points straight at Logan. No way to be hidden, even if he wanted it to be. 


Stepping into the room Logan steps on the key, and frowns. Bending down he pulls it off the pad of his foot and lifts the small delicate silver key up and holding it in front of Chase. 


“You need this?”


Chase bites his lip, eyes on locked on Logan “I can’t get out otherwise.”


Logan comes forward, the closet is not very big and Logan’s nearness, his breath on Chase’s cheeks as he leans down coming up to his ear. “Once upon a time I came awake tied up…by you. It’s funny to be on the opposite side of things.” 


Held in his fist Logan scrapes the key teeth down the center of Chases chest and pushing it inside of Chase’s bare abdomen directly into his belly button. Chase sucks in a breath, holding it as Logan tickles the warm smooth exposed skin. 


“Yes, but…that was different.”


Logan’s eyes find Chase’s as he moves his head to look into his eyes. “You think? You wanted to bust my balls and make me cum.”


Chases throat is dry as he mouths “Yes, but…you don’t want to do that to me.”


“You sure about that?”


Logan pockets the key and steps back. Chase focuses on his breathing, to try and steady his excitement and as he does Chase takes in Logan for the first time. Logan has changed from the gym. No longer wearing his sky blue wrestling singlet from earlier. His blonde hair is wet, and his shirt sticks to parts of his skin as if he didn’t fully dry off before he left. His t-shirt sticks to pectorals, his nipples coming out and discernible moving swiftly down to his tapered waist Chase stares at the bulge shifting in his underwear. He didn’t have time to put on pants or shorts. If anything this makes Chase even hornier.  


Chases heartbeat quickens, and he tries not to drool as he takes in Logan. 


“Well, I ain’t going anywhere if you are not going to release me,” Chases taunts licking his lips knowingly, his blue eyes burn like flames as they pierce into Logan’s. “Do your worst.”


It’s there. The challenge. 


Logan grins cheekily stepping up so close to Chase that Chases nostrils flair taking in the scent of him recently showered. Grabbing his waist Logan roughly pulls the lower half of Chase toward him and growls “Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.” Logan’s teeth grind together as he lets out a slight growl of a threat.


Chase opens his mouth to retort but the solid well-muscled thigh of the wrestler shoots up peppered with golden hairs and slams into Chase’s nutsack with a solid hit leaving him speechless. 


Outside the last wisps of light fad from the houses casting Chase’s room with dark shadows and midnight blues. The street lights begin to blink on and fading day crests over to night as the small scene is played out by Logan and Chase. Chase is gasping, taking deep labored breathes as Logan’s thigh thunders up again against his undersides, his balls squished and mashed against his tailbone. His face in half shadows does not adequately express his nut pain filled grimace as Logan’s thigh steels itself in place leaving Chase scissored. Chases legs bow outwards like stubborn piece of cardboard refusing to submit to the sharp slice of the blades trying to cut the thick paper product.


“My balls…” Chase whimpers. “My big…balls…knees…you should know….uuughhh, there the worst!” Expecting the blow, but not as hard has left Chase drained and he fights no more against his restraints. The pounding of his scrotum trapped has his full attention and he seizes as his guts twists in his tight stomach and his rising nausea plagues his insides like a virus pulsing within. 


“I figured if I was going to do this, start with the worst one for you…a knee.”


Chase blinks back tears as he mouths “Twice…you kneed me…two times. My fucking big balls!” Chase barks, slightly unhinged from the pain.


Logan laughs pulling his knee back and watching Chases nuts swing southward. Even this movement stresses Chases already swelling testicles and he can’t help but moan low in the back of his throat. His cock though, betrays him standing stiff and straight up tenting his underwear and revealing his swollen organ trembling in anticipation. 


Logan smirks at the appendage and rough grasps it. Chase sucks in air, his cock pulsing in Logan’s embrace as he gives it a testing tug. Chase’s erection emits a small droplet of secretion at the tip wetting his underwear where his bulging bulbous head rests against the thin material outlining it clearly.


“Man…you are sure hard.”


Chase agrees but says nothing as pleasure shoots through him. Chase’s lashes flutter and he thrusts his hips meeting Logan’s pumping fist. 


“And horny.”


Logan grins wider “I can fix that.”


Logan’s foot shoots up, hitting him in his nether region. The hard TWACK echoes about the small closet and Chase lets out a scream. 


Chase could not bring himself to open his eyes, the pain was so intense. A brief groan comes from his parted lips, and Logan chuckles as he moves his foot around feeling Chases balls squishing under his might. 


The pressure building in Chase’s groin leaves his eyes flashing open suddenly as his flattening scrotum forces him to whimper, the shock stealing from him his quick witted tongue and his resolve. He need to recover, but from the knees and now the kick Chase is left dealing with the pain threshold that is pushed far beyond that which he enjoys and has moved quickly to complete and utter overwhelming sensations. 


“My big…ballls!!! Logan you…..fuuuuck!” Chase yells out, pulling at the binds now that hold me in place. 


Logan watches the teen struggle, amused and kicks him again saying “I could keep this up all night, not that your…big balls could take that. But I’m barely tired after the few nut shots that I have delivered.” Logan explains as he stresses the nickname that Chase has given to his testicles. What Logan has explained is undeniably true, Logan has barely worked up a sweat but Chase admits sounds like a dying animal. Logan can’t help but grin at his handiwork as he works over his captive. What a gift to find Chase hanging here by his own devises.


Chase hunches backwards trying to move anywhere away from Logan, but only succeeds in swinging slightly and rattling the chains. The effectiveness of Chase’s efforts to retreat does not go unnoticed and the slight upturn of his lips as he rears back swings another kick up. Sensing the incoming missile, Chase locks eyes with Logan and pleads “No Logan, not again my balls can’t—Ahhh! Accckkk! Gods….noooooooo!”


Logan’s foot slams home nailing Chase’s scrotum like a sledge hammer scrambling his tender goodies. The balls surrender to Logan’s instep and squish down to blobs under his powered assault. Logan eyes the crunched vulnerable unrecognizable lumps between Chase’s ass crack and the top of his foot and says “Got ‘em.”


Chase’s body goes still as the pain immediately and immensely overtakes him. Like a crumbling building, Chase’s nutbag smooshes against his body. They hurt real bad, and Chase’s eyes cross from the impact and he coughs slightly as Logan pulls his foot out, the pain almost worst as a pulse runs through his body. Through all of this, Chase’s erection stands strong, throbbing all the while for more.


Leaking pre-cum, his erection almost hurts.


Whimpering Chase tries to close his legs, his knees touching as he quivers moaning unable to speak a word.


Logan is delighted by Chase’s nonverbal responses and pats his shoulder stating “I bet that you regret the bed incident now, huh Chase?” Logan pouts his lips mockingly and rubs at the blonde hair on Chase’s head messing it up as he shoots up his knee separating Chase’s legs easily. Chase sucks in a breath but Logan only rests his knee dangerously at the base of Chase’s testicles and bounces it marginally. Even this slight movement causes Chase to whine.


Logan places both hands on Chase’s waist, holding him still as he slides his extended thigh back and forth across Chase’s bottom and widely spread legs. The sensations coursing through Chase cause him to moan and ask “Wha…what are you…doing?”


Saying nothing Logan moves his thigh perfectly back and forth causing Chase’s stiffening erection to throb as his undercarriage and balls are caressed in such a manner. It’s not all good feelings as his balls get slightly rolled over by Logan’s upper thigh as he pulls the teen up firmly against his torso, Chase’s erection digging deep into his muscled abdomen. Chase’s pelvis meets Logan unwillingly, and presses his cock against him and Logan whispers “You are going to make a mess in those undies.”


Chase groans as Logan pushes him back across his thigh and slams his body into his own again, crushing Chase’s dick into him. Chase gasps, his cock feeling so good and locks his mouth against Logan’s neck biting him in a love bite to keep himself from screaming.


“What are you, a vampire?”


Logan pushes Chase away and dropping his thigh leaving Chase open mouthed as his dangling bits drop back down.


Shaking his head Logan knees him for the third time.


Unprepared Chase howls, aghast from the blow his body shudders against Logan’s as the knee threatens to rip him in two. Chase’s balls are busted into unrecognizable flattened spheres of boy flesh and he can’t help but scream out “Nooooooooo! St….stoooooooooop, Logan! Oh god! You…uuuuuuugh!”


“You can take it, Chase!” Logan demands. “It’s just a knee.”


Chase sees stars in his vision and as Logan retreats his thigh once more he locks on one hand around his scrotum, his fingers itching around his pulsing nutbag locking in. Knowing the danger he is in Chase opens his mouth to plead but Logan’s fingers find their marks and sink in dangerous deep into his man balls. The teen lashes out against the restraints trying to pull the walls and ceiling down to get to his precious and in danger big balls before Logan’s nutclaw finishes him off.


Chase’s eyes widen and he gazes slightly past Logan as the hand holding his balls, clutches hard, his stumpy fingers digging into his skin and the sensitive parts underneath the velvety ballsack. Squeezing harder now, Chase recoils and wails in anguish as the grip tightens further.


“I like to finish with a nutclaw Chase, there is something special about it.” Logan informs Chase, pulling the warm skin sack closer. Chase’s body moves with the forceful tug unable to deny Logan anything that he desires. Continuing to explain how this will finish Logan states “The struggle always ends once I grab my opponent’s nuts, especially when they can’t even defend themselves…like you. And you asked for me to do my worst…remember, Chase?” Logan points out his eyes shining as hit thumb grips the left testicle harder. “Some part of you wants this!”


Forcefully Logan grabs Chase’s cock by the stock with his free hand and Chase trembles as his appendage jolts while Logan’s fingers wrap around. Chase hisses as Logan expertly jerks him, stroking his hard thick cock with a few quick strokes. “Ooooh fuck” Chase whimpers, his blue eyes rolling back in his skull as Logan plays with his eager cock. Pre-cum slithers down from his piss slit coating the tips of Logan’s thumb and forefinger which he uses to slowly tweak Chase’s pink cockhead. “Logan…you’ve…uuuughh, ugh, ugh!”


Logan smiles knowing he’s got Chase exactly where he wants him.


Chase has been hard for all of this, never once has his cock lost his rigidity. Its night now, and he has been bound for over an hour. The twinkling lights from the street lights shine into his open window, the cool June air sneaking inside in small bursts from the wind. The night is alive with the eager crickets singing their melodies in the vastness of the dark while Chase slowly succumbs to Logan fapping his cock slow and steady, his grip like iron as he too emits his night noises. Chase grunts and pants, his pelvis thrusting up to meet Logan’s grip as the older teen expertly jerks him off, while still manhandling his dingleberries in a soul crushing nutclaw.


“Don’t hold back on my now Chase” Logan says, his fingers tugging hard on his balls. “We both know that you want to blast off…so why don’t you cum?” Logan teases, his thumb swiping across Logan’s pulsing pink tip as his body freezes up. Logan can feel Chase readying up to blow, the signs are all there and he quickens his steadying jerking hand, meeting the desire of the teenager with his thrusting fist. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, Logan’s nutclaw is steady in his grip clutching and crunching Chase’s scrotum and denying him the honor of spilling his seed without the constant throbbing of his twin nut cores. The sore sack in Logan’s hand seems to throb from the constant pressure that he has built up as Logan expertly increases the slow squeeze every thirty seconds of so making Chase gasp at every horrible squash of his big balls.


A primal squeal permeates the small closet as Chase lets loose a scream as Logan twists his sack a quarter turn and leans his knee in as he bunches Chase’s balls at the bottom of his sack and lifts up. Chase is shaking his head vehemently, but Logan only hits Chase’s balls harder he powers up his knee solidly nailing Chase’s red lumpy nuggets with his knee cap. Chase goes stone still, as the feeling of his balls flattening and curving around Chase’s knee cap subdues the throbbing for one tender moment. Then his cock spasms and Chase twists his toes against the floor, and squeezes his fists tight, the nails digging into his palm as he jerks his cock up into Logan’s waiting fist as surrenders a blast of white cum that bursts forth from his compacted testes.


“OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooommmmmmy….god!” Chase screams. It’s then that he starts flailing, as the second and third shot land where the first was against Logan’s chest, the hot semen soaking through the clothing that Logan wears and wets his skin. Logan pumps harder on Chase’s spewing cock, as he pulls back the knee and hits him again as Chase is still cumming. The meanness of the second hit steals Chase’s voice and he drops his jaw fully open and utters guttural groans as he finishes one of the most painful orgasms of his life.


Chase’s head drops back and he moans up at the ceiling, his cock finally wilting as Logan slides his fingers up and down his shaft more slowly, making sure to empty out him out completely.


“You did good, kid” Logan says smiling warmly now. Logan removes his knew and grasps the nuggets one in each hand.


“No more…” Chase whimpers. “You…fuck…er…”


Logan only laughs as he more gently rolls the fatter plums. Chase’s nuts have taken quite the beating this evening.


“I still don’t think I have done my worst.”


Chase looks up, his blue eyes widening in horror as Logan says “How about round two?”


“Noooooo!” Chase screams, as Logan reaches behind him and flicks off the lights casting them in almost perfect darkness. Only the street lights silhouette Logan’s bulk as his manhandles Chase’s nuts more firmly in his grasp.


“After all it’s a Friday night…you don’t need to be up early for school. I could really get you to scream after the third orgasm. It’s always the third that really dehumanizes a guy.”


Chase is shaking his head, and whimpering “Please…” he begs. “I don’t want…”


“You sure?” Logan asks, his lips by Chase’s ear. “I still haven’t done my worst…yet.”


“I’m…done. I don’t want to see your wooooorst!” Chase starts to yell as Logan’s thumbs press into his balls.


“Okay. I guess I can let you go.”


The locks click and a moment later, Chase falls against Logan shattered and spent.


Logan lifts him up, carrying him to his bed a few feet away and lays him down. One hand on his bare chest as he smiles down at him.


“If you get stuck again…don’t forget to call out my name.”


The lights are still off and Chase only breathes a sigh of relief as the door closes. He is already in the fetal position cradling his empty, sore reddened big balls mumbling “I’ll…” Chase thinks about how he is going to end that sentence but thinks better of it. He does not want to end back in the closet with Logan. Logan is not Jayden, his boyfriend. And he instantly and deeply knows who he would prefer. Shuddering at the memory of what just transpired and already knowing that he is going to have a nightmare about it he closes his eyes. It’s barely nine o’clock…but Chase is done.


It takes him a long time to fall asleep, he never managed to get under the covers not wanting to move. Everything hurts, and he just wants this night to end.







1 comment:

GinoJaydenAuthor said...

Hey Ballbusting Boys Community,

This is the last story spotting lighting Chase. I wrote four stories all starring the one and only swim team captain. I’m going to move onto another character to do the same treatment too but I want your input! Who would you like to see get the next staring treatment! Please let me know in the poll that I am going to post.

Hope you all enjoy this one.
