
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy new year!

Happy new year, my friends! It's 2017! Yay!

Remember when I told you a year ago that I hoped that 2016 turned out to be just a good year as 2015? Well. Umm. It certainly had a couple of surprises in store for us.

So let's look into the future now: What will 2017 bring? I am working on some pretty hot stories and a huge collaboration with a very good friend that I am very, very, very excited about. I hope we'll be able to go public with it by the end of March.

I'm absolutely thrilled about all your contributions to the Be our guest series. When I first launched the project back in 2014, I hoped for a handful suggestions. I thought a dozen would be absolutely fantastic. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine writing more than fifty stories (Thomas' December 23 story is #57!) - and we're not finished, yet! If you want to be part of this unique experience and meet one of the Ballbusting Boys please read this post for more details. An extra special thanks to our reader Toothpick who came up with the idea for this project!

Another very special thanks goes to our readers Martín, Reg, Jacob and Lenny who wrote some amazing stories and allowed me to publish them on this blog last year:

My biggest weakness (written by Martín)
My painful exam (written by Martín)

GoPros and lowblows - part 1 (written by Reg)
GoPros and lowblows - part 2 (written by Reg)
GoPros and lowblows - part 3 (written by Reg)

Love, pain and sibling rivalry (written by Jacob)

Picture perfect (written by Lenny Bennu)

It's always great to see new writers on the ballbusting scene, especially when they are as imaginative and talented as Martín, Reg, Jacob and Lenny. Thank you so much, guys, you really made my year! :-))

Finally, as always: If you have any ideas for stories, anything you'd like to see on this blog, if you want to talk about your favorite stories or characters, or if you want to vent your frustration about stories that you didn't enjoy, please let me know by leaving a comment or by sending me an email ( At the risk of sounding like a broken record: One of the most exciting aspects of this blog, and the reason I devote so much time to it, is the interaction with you, my dear readers! I really appreciate your input and your feedback! :-))

That's it for now. I'll leave you with a couple of fun videos featuring guys getting their balls busted by champagne corks. After all, there's nothing like spending the turn of the year curled up on the floor with an icepack on your crotch, right?

Happy new year everybody!


  1. Hi Alex, Happy new year.

    Sorry to brung this up again, you're most likely sick of hearing from me. But did the story actually send this tims; and if not should I try sending it to the other email address or maybe attach a word document. Sorry to keep bothering you about this.

    And I hope you have a fantastic year and thanks for all the erotic gifts you've given us. You really are amazingly talented and a gift to the ballbusting community.


  2. Thanks for your comment, Daniel! I've just sent you an email. Sorry for the inconvenience. :-)

  3. Hey alex, I tried to mail you but I keep getting it back. Even when I copied and pasted it. Is the mail addres correct?

  4. I have no idea what's going on... I have just sent you an email from my new account. :-))

  5. Hi Alex, I just replied to your email on the new account.
    Also, I don't believe the anonymous person is me.

  6. Okay, now it's getting really complicated... :-))

    @anonymous (not Daniel):
    Please try

    I received your reply email and replied to it twenty minutes ago.

    Okay, now I'm curious what will happen... :-))

    1. I've sent you the story, but I'm guessing that it hasn't worked?
      If not, j might just re-type it straight into my email and see if that works.

    2. Sigh. No, I haven't received it. Can you copy and paste the story into the email and try again? (Keeping my fingers crossed...)

  7. Okay, I've sent it again. If it doesn't work this time I might just make a new email address on google and see if that works.

  8. I haven't gotten it yet. :-/

    (And I have received and sent other emails throughout the day on both email accounts - that's what makes it so puzzling...)

  9. That is odd, maybe email gods just hate us.
    Anyhow, I've just made an email address called, so maybe it'll work now.

  10. Sometimes I wish we had statistics of the Be Our Guest series
    Which boys were most popular
    Did readers prefer busting, being busted, or both?
    Were there more Strong Balls or Weak Balls

    Pretty sure there were more big dicks than little dicks though
    But I'm willing to bet a few people lied to stroke their own ego
    Can't imagine many guys admitting to having small cocks

  11. Thanks for your comment! I don't have collected the data, but I'm pretty sure Logan is the most popular boy. It feels like I write a "Be our guest" story with him at least once every month... :-))

    Off the top of my head I'd say that about half of the stories feature guests with big dicks, some describe their dicks as average-sized, and below average sizes only feature when the guest being humiliated and mocked for having a small dick is part of the plot.

    Busting vs. getting busted feels like 50/50 to me. No idea if that's really the case.

    And I'm pretty sure strong balls outnumber weak ones... :-))

    Maybe I'll do an evaluation some day. It might be interesting. Thanks for raising the idea! :-))
