
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Best of the Busts (Since I took over)

     Best of the Busts Since I took Over

I have put off doing this for far too long. The 5 star ratings feature (at the bottom of each post you can rate it on a scale from awful (1 star) to excellent (5 stars)) back in 2016, and I am excited to be bringing back the top rated stories. I will try to do this each month. This was last done a long time ago…so I am going to do an overall of the top rated stories since I took over Alex’s website in October 2021. We all look forward to his return, and I am so thankful for all of you supporting me and Dominik these past six and half months. That’s a long time. Alex left huge shoes fill and we have tried our best to keep this little website going. And without further ado, here are the top rated stories since October!

Now let's have a look at six month's posts. Needless to say: If you don't want to check out every story please do read at least the ones with a perfect rating. :-)

The five(nine) top rated stories from November 2021-April 2022:

(written by Jimmy)

average rating: 5.00/5 (5 votes)

The Walk Home
(written by Jimmy)

average rating: 5.00/5 (8 votes)



Snapshot: Midtown’s Hairest Balls

(written by Jimmy)r
average rating: 5.00/5 (7 votes)

A Freshman Victory
(written by Unknown)

average rating: 5.00/5 (10 votes)


Seriously Dude, Where is My Car?
(written by Jimmy & Secret Writer)

average rating: 5.00/5 (3 votes)


Elijah Wood’s Workout
(written by Jimmy)

average rating: 5.00/5 (5 votes)


The five top rated "Video links" posts of October 2020:
Jimmy’s Found Videos Balltap #1) 5.0 (5 votes)
Jimmy’s Found Video’s #2): 5.0 (1 votes)
Jimmy’s Video’s #5 rightintheplums: 5.0 (4 votes)
Jimmy’s Found Video’s #6 Discord: 5.0 (3 votes)
Jimmy’s Found Video’s #8 Instagram Ballhits: 5.00 (1 votes)

Jimmy’s Found Video’s #10 Nut Shot Boy: 5.0 (3 votes)

Jimmy’s Found Video’s #11 Tom Holland: 5.0 (3 votes)

Jimmy’s Found Video’s #13 Ouch: 5.0 (4 votes)

Jimmy’s Found Video’s #14 Failure.nutshot: 5.0 (1 vote)

Jimmy’s Found Video’s #14 Shamefullballs: 5.0 (2 votes)

Jimmy’s Found Video’s #17 Balltap Instagram: 5.0 (3 votes)

Jimmy’s Found Video’s #18 Gaybbjohn1234: 5.0 (1 vote)

My personal pick:
Obviously, I am very, very grateful to Alex for this space and it’s tricky for me to post my favorites as I love so many of the stories and most of them are my own. But if I have to pick…

·                A Freshman Victory by Unknown: your rating: 5.00/5 (5 votes) 

·                How Do You Measure Up Bro Part 1, your rating: 4.875/5 (16 votes)

·                Wedgied Again?!, your rating: 4.50/5 (17 votes)

And what's your personal pick?

I love this section, and I want to know…out of all the stories what was your favorite since November 2021? Please let me know!

Just leave a comment or send me an email (

And don't forget to rate the posts. It's just one click. :-)




  1. Thanks for the roundup, I was always a big fan of these summaries! If you do another, I might suggest looking at the total number of reviews that a post has. Often a 4.5 star rating with 25+ reviews is more compelling than a 5 star rating with <10 reviews. Perhaps as an honorable mention or something idk.

  2. Dear Nick,

    This was one of my favorite parts of the blog too! I plan on doing another one this weekend.

    I like your idea, I will incorporate that in the next roundup!


