
Monday, July 31, 2017


Chad - artwork created by Champ
Name: Charles Wulf
Age: 30
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown

Chad is my cameraman, and he has worked for the Ballbusting Boys website since day 1. He can be a little grumpy and moody at times, but he’s a good guy and he knows how to make a scene work on camera. He tries to keep his nuts out of trouble but he doesn’t always succeed – which makes him even more grumpy and moody (especially when it interferes with his very active and eventful sex life).

Chad’s workplace buddies are Erik, Vince and me (Alex).

Fun fact: 
Even though he doesn’t like working in front of the camera Chad is the only person to date who has co-starred in two episodes of “Sammy the ball doctor”.

Further reading:

This post has been edited on 07/31/2017 to include the wonderful character portrait created by Champ.

Here’s the original post, previously titled “Who is Chad?” (original date: 11/26/2014):

Original date: 11/26/2014

After we've taken a look at what you think ZachDavidLoganBen and the twins look like I'd like to turn to a character that has mostly been in the background: good old Chad, my reliable friend and cameraman. He's 30 years old, with brown hair and brown eyes. He can be a little grumpy at times but he's a real ladies' man (even if he's having ball trouble now and then...) He is handsome and sexy, with a three day stubble and an athletic body. (If you want to revisit Chad's adventures you find all the stories labelled "Chad" here.)

Now, what do you think he looks like? Feel free to post links to celebrities or porn stars or whatever you like in the comments section. Headshots or nude pictures or fully clothed ones - everything is welcome. Alternatively you can send me pictures or drawings or whatever you like via e-mail ( - if you provide me with the source I'll post them here on the blog.

Thanks for your input!

All picture collections: BenBrandonCalChadColinDannyDavidErikKevLeoLoganParkerPhilSammySimonthe twinsTristanVinceXanderZach

Scroll down for readers' suggestions.

Update 11/27/2014:

An anonymous reader's suggestion:

Actor David Guintoli
Another reader sent these pictures via email:

And here's Chadfan's suggestion (which I personally find absolutely awesome):

Porn star Cayden Ross (holding the camera)
Update 11/28/2014:

Another reader's suggestion:

Randy Blue's Chris Rockwell

Update 12/14/2014:

BB_Daddy has three awesome suggestions:



Update 11/14/2015:

Our reader Adam sent these suggestions via email:

British actor Kit Harington

British actor Dominic Cooper

British actor Michael Peavoy
Update 12/30/2015:

ABusterteen's suggestion:

Football News presenter Chris Ford

Chris Ford again
What do you think?


  1. David Guintoli

  2. Thanks for your suggestion! I've added the picture to the post!

  3. How about chris rockway from randy blue studios?

  4. Thank you for your suggestion! I've added it to the post!

  5. Thanks for your comment, Chadfan! I'm glad you like the pics!

  6. I really like the 2nd guy.
    His hair is a bit too long but damn he's fine!

  7. I have three candidates here!
    and my favorite hairy hunk

  8. Replies
    1. I know! right? I personally have things with facial hair and body hair. When these two combined, I would go...Loli Lolipop ��

  9. Thanks for your suggestions, BB_Daddy! I love them and I've added them to the post.

  10. Sports presenter Chris Ford!

    1. He's a football news presenter for Premier league Productions :-)

  11. Thanks for your suggestion, ABusterteen! I've added the pictures to the post!

  12. That new drawing is... HOT!!!
    That's what I'd love to see and read more about, mutual ballbusting till both cum together and less one-sided humiliations...

  13. Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you like Champ's drawing! :-))
