
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Video links: R/C car vs. nuts (2)

I have to admit that sometimes I am surprised when I realize that I can write another post about a topic that I thought was so off-kilter and/or random that I barely found enough examples for the first one.

Case in point: radio-controlled cars colliding with human testicles. It's fun, sure. But are there enough videos to fill a second post?

Here are some more of my favorite videos featuring guys getting hit in the nuts by R/C cars.

The first video is short but sweet. An R/C car hitting a guy in the nuts. Nothing more, nothing less.

It takes two attempts to drive the car into the guy's nuts in the following video. But the second one is perfect. (I love the reaction of the guy driving the car in the background. He loves seeing his buddy in pain!)

We know that the Chinese car industry is the biggest in the world. And we know that there are millions of Chinese testicles out there. It's only natural to use that knowledge and combine these two facts, right?

Here's a slight variation on the theme: They light the car on fire to ignite their friend's junk. What a nifty idea! It's like slash-and-burn sperm clearance!

Here is an automobile-mad young man who don't seem quite as mad about the unfortunate pair of testicles that belong to his buddy and happen to be right in the path of destruction. I think the casual tone of the driver ("I'm gonna go full throttle and I'm gonna hit him in the nuts.") is just hilarious.

Bonus clips

I know I shared these videos before but I hope you forgive me for including them again. Frankly, I could watch these clips again and again and again. They are from MTV Germany's Fist of Zen and they are just awesome...

What's your favorite video featuring guys running R/C cars into each others' nuts? Let me know by leaving a comment or by sending me an email (!


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