
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Video links: Bowling for balls

I don't know why but I never liked bowling (or the German equivalent Kegeln). My friends love it but I just think it's boring. Well, now I know why: It's just because I didn't do it the right way!

Turns out that you don't need a bowling alley or a Bundeskegelbahn, no! Your living room or your basement or your backyard is just fine!

And you don't need pins, either! Your buddy's testicles are much better!

Granted, they may be a bit harder to hit - but, boy, if you hit them right you really have something to celebrate...

Here are my favorite video clips of guys "bowling for balls".

In the first clip I really like the dialogue after the hit:
Bowler: "You need an icepack?"
Cameraman: "Hey, that was good!"
Victim: "Oh my god! Fuck you, guys!"
Cameraman: "I'm impressed!"
Victim: "Oh fuck you, guys! Oh my dick! Oh my balls!"

Monday, March 28, 2016

New girl in town

This was originally intended to be the introduction of a story that I’m going to publish on Friday featuring mixed ballbusting. I got a little carried away and it wound up being a little long… This story features very little ballbusting, and no male/male ballbusting at all. I hope you enjoy it nevertheless.

Featured in this story: Alex (click for pictures)

A few days ago, I met a new neighbor who had rented the floor in the warehouse right under our studio.

She seemed to be a nice girl, in her late twenties with long black hair, an attractive face and a very impressive pair of breasts. Whenever I saw her, she wore classy pantsuits, black high heeled shoes and white blouses showing a lot of cleavage.

Yesterday, when I saw her balancing a couple of boxes up the stairs, I offered my help and carried the boxes into her office. It turned out that we were in the same business.

Her name was Anita, and she had done some work in front of the camera before becoming a producer a couple of years ago. We instantly liked each other and I invited her to show her our studio the next day. I had nothing to do but my tax returns, and the rest of my staff had a day off.

Now we were sitting on the couch, drinking a cup of coffee.

“I visited your website”, Anita said, taking a sip from her cup.

I grinned weakly. “Yeah, a bit extreme, huh?”

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

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Friday, March 25, 2016

Toy boy (Orion meets Zach)

Special thanks to our reader Orion for the plot idea! If you (yes, I mean you, the one who likes to get treated like a sex doll!) would like to meet the Ballbusting Boys and see yourself in a story please read this post for more details.

Warning: Contains graphic homosexuality.

Featured in this story: Zach (click for pictures)

I couldn’t help but notice that Orion’s eyes were fixed on the bulging front of Zach’s boxer briefs. It was a common reaction for people who met Zach for the first time.

Zach was a great looking guy. The 20 year old stud had an awesome body with muscles in all the right places. Together with an irresistible smile and an attractive face, that made him one of the most popular guys on our website. But most impressive feature was the big, fat cock and the two heavy, low-hanging balls that filled his underwear to capacity. In fact, it looked as if his blue boxer briefs were a tad bit too small to hold his extralarge dick and his jumbo sized eggs.

“Umm, ready to start?” I heard Zach’s voice.

I blushed, noticing that I, too, had been staring at Zach’s crotch, just like Orion.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Video links: Nadverts (8)

I have been wondering for a while why it is that so many companies think it's a good idea to show guys getting hit in the nuts in their commercials. I mean, this is the eighth (!) post featuring what I affectionately call "nadverts" (previous posts herehereherehereherehere and here).

The first of today's clips might give an explanation: In this commercial for a beverage, guys around the world watch a soccer match. When a player gets kicked in the nuts on TV, they all react the same way, cringing in sympathy. A nutshot unites the male half of the earth's population regardless of race, nationality, political or religious beliefs. See for yourself.

Monday, March 21, 2016

What's the story? (5)

It's time for another post that gives you a chance to share your fantasies. While I don't have any plans to turn this into a story for the blog I can't guarantee that I won't use your ideas in another story...

So now it's over to you:

It seems like this guy has just shot his load - so why does he look so unhappy?

Who is he and who is behind the camera? What has just happened to this sad young man's dick and balls - or what is about to happen? What's the story behind this picture?

Share your ideas and your thoughts with us - no matter if it's a full story or just a few words. Let us know what you think is happening on the picture by leaving a comment or by sending me an email (!

Thank you!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Day of the champions

Previous parts:
A little secret
Naked Nutball Tournament

Featured in this story: Colin and Kev (click for pictures)

The gym was packed. Everybody wanted to see this match.

The newly crowned Naked Nutball Champion against the all-time record holder with three consecutive titles – quite literally – under his belt. The fact that the latter was the former’s father only added to the hype.

That’s why the event had to be rescheduled. The basement of the dormitory just wasn’t big enough for this kind of crowd.

After organizing the Ballbusting Olympics a little while ago, Kev had enough experience to know that there was money to be made. He had gotten over the fact that Colin had defeated him in the final match of this year’s tournament, and the swelling had gone down since the day a picture-perfect nut-squasher knocked him out and ended his chance of defending the title – and probably of ever having children…

Now he was walking through the gym, watching the excited audience wrestle for the best seats. Kev and his friends were going to make a shit-load of money today…

Like thousands of other people, Kev had placed an online-bet. The odds slightly favored Colin – but Kev had decided to go with his gut and place a bet against his buddy’s balls. Colin’s father was an experienced and skilled nutball player, and Kev was sure that he didn’t care if he ever had grandkids.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

New poll: Story themes

In 2014 I asked you to vote for your favorite additional themes for ballbusting stories. Since then, I have tried to explore your favorite topics (and then some) in my stories.

I guess it's time for a reality check, so I've created a new poll posing the same question.

Thanks for telling me your opinion! It helps me a lot to know what you like to read!

The poll is open till April 15th. If you are reading this post on your computer you find the poll in the right column of this blog. If you are reading this post on your mobile device you find the poll at the bottom of this page.

Thank you!

Poll results: Favorite character(s)

Last month I asked you to vote for your favorite character. More than 330 votes were counted. Thanks to everyone who voted!

Here are the results:

Logan, "the high school wrestler" - 51%
Zach, "Big Balls" - 41%
Kev, "the jock" - 37%
Michael and Will, the twins - 36%
Leo, "the skater" - 16%
Ben, Kev's dorm buddy - 15%
David, "the dancer" - 10%
Danny, "the actor" - 9%
Cal, "the swimmer" - 7%
Simon, "the geek" - 7%

Celebrity guests - 13%
Other - 9%

The results are very interesting. When we compare them to the results of the poll that asked the same question in September 2014 a few things stand out:

- Zach and Logan remain the favorite characters. In 2014 they came out on top, with 43% and 31% of the vote respectively. Logan's popularity has increased (from 31% to a whopping 51%) while Zach is as popular as he was two years ago (43% in 2014, 41% in 2016).
- Kev and the twins have made a big jump up. Kev more than doubled his votes (18% in 2014 to 37% in 2016), and the twins also saw a very large increase (22% in 2014 to 36% in 2016)
- David, our mean and arrogant dancer, has taken a plunge. In 2014 he got 30%, now he's at 10%.

The rest of the boys are pretty much where they were in 2014:
- Ben was at 18% in 2014, is at 15% now.
- Danny was at 9%, is at 10% now.
- Leo was at 6%, is at 9% now.
- Simon was at 6%, is at 7% now.
- Cal was at 5%, is at 7% now.

The results for celebrity guests (12% in 2014, 13% in 2016), and other characters combined (7% in 2014, 9% in 2016) haven't changed much.

So what does that mean for this blog? Obviously, you'll get your fair share of stories featuring Zach and Logan. And in addition to that I'll try and think of nice storylines for Kev and the twins. Expect to see them in a new story soon... :-))

Okay, thank you very much for telling me your opinion! I can't tell you how much your feedback means to me! :-))

Monday, March 14, 2016

Video links: Doctor doctor

Remember the last time you had your testicles grabbed by your doctor? Embarrassing, right? Well, imagine what the guys in the following videos must be feeling. I admire their courage. Stripping naked in front of a camera and showing off your dangly bit takes, well, balls!

They do it for a good cause, of course, which is another reason to admire them.

So let's admire these guys together.

Here are my favorite video featuring guys "feeling nuts". (No actual ballbusting in this post, just guys lightly squeezing their naked testicles or letting a professional do the dirty work for them...)

Before we get to the good stuff, here are the boys of One Direction with a special message (or a special massage if you will...):

Friday, March 11, 2016

A lesson in pain (Martin meets Leo and Ben)

Special thanks to our reader Martin for the plot idea! If you (yes, I mean you, the one who likes to see arrogant guys get taken down a peg!) would like to meet the Ballbusting Boys and see yourself in a story please read this post for more details.

Featured in this story: Ben and Leo (click for pictures)

“Okay, try to keep your balance”, Leo shouted with a grin. The lanky 19 year old skateboarder had his hands in his pockets and watched his muscular friend roll down the hill on Leo’s skateboard. “Yeah, that looks good! That looks---“

Leo’s friend crashed against a post box, muttering obscenities as he fell to the ground.

Leo ran his hand through his curly black hair and grimaced. “Not so good”, he mumbled, running down the street to help his buddy up.

Ben was lying on the ground, groaning in pain. “This is just stupid”, he grunted. He was a year older than Leo. Unlike Leo whose baggy pants and Bronze 56K hoodie clearly identified him as a card-carrying member of the skater community, Ben was new to skating. He had asked Leo to show him the ropes to impress a girl.

In return, Ben had promised to show Leo some boxing moves at the gym.

“I guess we’ll try that again”, Leo grinned.

Ben looked up at Leo. “This is fucking dangerous!” he muttered. “I almost hit my fucking nuts on that stupid post box.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The key to happiness: To the last drop

Previous parts:
Zach's choice
Cage fright
Gleam of hope
Days of woe
On the edge

Party boy

Featured in this story: Simon and Zach (click for pictures)

Warning: Can contain gallons of cum.

“So soon?” I asked.

Last week, Simon had locked up Zach’s cock for an unspecified amount of time, telling him to stand by and wait for his call. Frankly, I had expected Simon to wait longer until calling Zach, at least couple of weeks, maybe even a month.

But today, Simon showed up at the studio and announced that he’d free Zach’s dick.

The 23 year old was wearing blue trousers and a white shirt, a blue tie around his neck. The clothes and his horn-rimmed glasses made him look like a geeky schoolboy. But behind the innocent façade lurked quite a naughty rascal… I had seen Simon in a couple of outrageous video clips that featured him in a boy scout uniform standing in a street booth and selling cookies to unsuspecting passers-by while getting his ass fucked behind a curtain by a bunch of horse-hung studs. His performance had been quite impressive, and he had sold a lot of cookies while receiving a lot of cream. In the end, his customers on both sides seemed to be very satisfied.

“He won’t be suspecting my call this soon”, Simon grinned. “Remember, he has to be here within twenty minutes of my call.” He picked up the phone and winked at me. “Let’s see if he’ll make it…”

Monday, March 7, 2016

Video links: Bollywood balls (3)

Welcome to another edition of "Bollywood balls" were we celebrate the insane reactions, crazy sound effects and hilarious overacting that can be witnessed when an Indian actor's sperm factory gets shut down by a nice, hard hit in the nuts.

Again, very special thanks to the anonymous reader who sent me the links to the following video clips which I probably never would have found on my own. Thank you very much, my friend! I'm really grateful, and I'm sure my readers are as well!

Now, let's start with a clip that's so out-there that it instantly became one of my all-time favorites...

This one has it all: an unbelievable set-up, hilarious sound effects and a completely over-the-top reaction from the actor. He finds himself tied to the bed, waiting for his girl and looking forward to some hot action. Unfortunately, a crow appears and starts pecking away at the very body parts he really needs in this situation, ruining his night and leaving him with a pair of blue balls and a peckered pecker. (Note that the crow seems to deliberately attack one egg at a time before turning its attention to the meaty main course...)

The anonymous reader who sent me the link was kind enough to translate what he says near the end of the clip, when the crow has disappeared and his girl is back in the room: "Extreme damage has been done! In the fight of a crow and a parrot, the parrot always loses..." (Note that he refers to his dick as a "parrot" - that alone makes me love Bollywood!)

Okay, without further ado here's the clip from the movie Grand Masti.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Who wants some freshly Cracked Nuts?

Oh, the good news keep on coming, my friends! Last month, there were new signs of life on the wonderful art blog Ballbustin Playground and my friend bbmal came back from a two-year-hiatus to publish some hot new Ballbusting Tales.

And now, there's a new update at Cracked Nuts - Brutal Ball Busting Stories - and I have it on good authority that there's more to come! The story that was published yesterday (City Ballet Theater: CBT) is a delightfully vicious and imaginative tale of testicular torture that leaves behind a bloody, gory mess.

To be sure, the stories at Cracked Nuts are not for the faint of heart, but even though I'm not a big fan of permanent damage I am a huge fan of the Brutal Ball Busting Stories that you can find on the blog.

Check them out, and make sure to leave a comment if you like a story!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Best of the busts: February 2016

I really appreciate how many of you use the five star rating feature that enables you to rate every post on this blog on a scale from awful (1 star) to excellent (5 stars). There have been hundreds of ratings so far, which is absolutely awesome. Along with your comments and your emails the ratings help me figure out which stories you liked most and which stories you didn't enjoy that much.

Let's have a look at last month's posts.

The three top rated stories of February 2016:

Friday, March 4, 2016

The key to happiness: Party boy

Thanks to an anonymous reader for the idea for this story. The events in this chapter take place right after the previous part, and we get another glimpse of what Zach's life in chastity is like. There's not a lot of ballbusting in it but I hope you'll like it nevertheless.

Previous parts:
Zach's choice
Cage fright
Gleam of hope
Days of woe
On the edge

I hold the key to Kinky Kage's cock

Featured in this story: Zach (click for Pictures)

Warning: Contains graphic homosexuality.

AJ spotted the car’s headlights and moved away from the window. “The party boy is coming!” he yelled and moved away from the window.

“This is going to be fucking awesome”, Reese chuckled. “Zach will love it.”

Zach’s frat brothers had decided to throw a little party for their big-dicked buddy. In the past couple of weeks, he had been locked in chastity, and Zach’s friends had mocked, humiliated and embarrassed him, busting his cum-filled balls, making him run around naked, secretly feeding him Viagra and having a lot of fun at Zach’s expense.

But today it was going to be over. Zach had talked about nothing else for days. Today his dick was going to get unlocked, and everything would be back to normal. Even though Zach’s friends had enjoyed Zach’s time in chastity, they had decided to throw him a little party.

They had even bought him a inflatable sex doll so he could let off some steam and blow a couple of loads before going back to banging real girls.

The door opened, and Zach walked into the room.

“Surprise!” his buddies yelled, pointing at the sex doll that was sitting on the sofa, its legs spread wide apart.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Video links: Comedy gems (4)

They say that comedy is tragedy that happens to someone else. In that spirit, nothing is funnier than watching someone else losing his ability to father children by a well-placed hit to the gonads. The facial expression, the look of horror and disbelief in the poor guy's eyes, the hilarious sounds that come from his mouth - it doesn't get any funnier than that...

Here are some of my favorite comedy nutshots from movies, TV and web shows.

First up, we have a very short and very weird little skit that features a guy in tights and a tutu smashing four pairs of testicles with swift kicks. I'm sure these guys will never mock a ballet dancer again...