
Friday, August 23, 2024

"Hey, that's my ball!" written by Jimmy

“Hey, that’s my ball!”


by Jimmy


Chase was bored.

His boyfriend was busy.

Adam was busy.

His friends Max and Rex were busy.

Even Logan was busy.

Alone and shirtless on his trampoline, he dries off from sitting in the sun which feels great on his skin. Closing his eyes, he is about to drift off into sleep when a ball swooshes overhead and lands inside the trampoline.

Blinking, Chase quickly sits up. The bright sunlight blinds him for a moment as he spots Caleb and Junior searching for their missing ball.

“I think that it went over there.”

“I’ll get it.”

Junior hopes the fence landing on all fours, his soft blue eyes searching as he raises one arm to block the sunlight. Through his cupped palm Junior turns this way and that giving Chase a chance to take in Junior’s form. He’s wearing basketball shorts and nothing else. Drenched in sweat, Junior is breathing hard mouth slightly ajar and Chase thinks ‘Huh, not bad. Jayden was right. He is filling out nicely, gearing up for his wrestling tryouts.’

Chase clears his throat and stands up, Junior’s attention is pulled towards him and Junior can’t help buy eye the Midtown swimmers build, the big pecs, the specular abs and the thick legs as he leans against the mesh lining the trampoline.

“This yours?” Chase shakes the yellow ball like a stolen diamond.

“Yeah, it’s mine.”

Chase raises one eyebrow feeling a bit frisky, “Come get it then.”

Junior Krueger gulps, and grits his teeth a hard look coming over his brow reminding him of Logan’s own frown. “Fine.”

“What’s taking so long?” Caleb calls out, sounding annoyed.

Junior does not answer him as he climbs the trampoline and slips inside the netting entrance, and reaching out for the ball.

Chase sniggers and holds it up higher where the youngster can’t get it.

“I’m going inside!” Caleb yells, and footsteps can be heard as he turns and marches away.

“I thought that you wanted it.” Logan shakes it again and Junior clearly baited, tries to jump for it. Chase easily pulls it further back and gives him a quick shove to the chest. Chase’s hand comes back to him wet from Junior’s sweat and he sneers as “Disgusting.” Junior loses his footing and lands on his ass, but jumps back up quickly and jumps again.

“Still too slow.”

Chase’s mood has improved immensely and as Junior keeps missing the ball, Chase takes a further risk and sticks out his knee as Junior leaps for it again. When Junior descends still empty handed, he falls crotch first. The hard splat, reminds Chase of eggs being crushed as Esmeralda makes his breakfast and he laughs, a mocked concerned look appearing on his charming face.

“OOOopps looks like you missed your landing there, small fry.”

The boy gasps, his body tensing as his splayed legs hang between Chase’s well planted thigh. Junior follows up with a long sad moan, as he grabs Chase’s leg a faintly higher pitched voice squeaking out “Ohhh my boyballs… oh man….uh…uh….uuuuuhhh.” The last grunt comes from deep with Junior as he slides off Chase thigh, like a backwards slide, his genitals rolling backwards along the hard muscle. Junior grabs himself, folding over his eyes squeezed shut as he continues to moan.

“My bad.” Chase slaps him heartily on his backside, causing Junior to wince as he stumbles to the right and falls further to his knees.  

Mockingly Chase grabs his own much larger balls commenting “They were so little, they must not hurt that much!”

Ignoring him, Junior focuses in on his sore, throbbing ball sack. He’s learned over this past year from wrestling and battling with his brother Caleb that rolling the nuggets in his ballsack helps to alleviate some of the initial stinginess from his boys. However this usual method for Junior does not appear to be helping very much as his gentle and well bitten finger nail knobby fingers probe the smooth sack, his nuts continue to pulse shooting pain deeper in his stomach as he touches himself.

Chase tosses the ball back and forth between his hands stating, “Guess you don’t want this ball anyways…since you’re playing with your own pair.” Chase chuckles, as his Cheshire cat smile creeps up and his playful eyes dance behind his long dark lashes. Standing tall, Chase walks over to Junior and plants his foot on the teens stomach and knocks him over, leaving his foot in place as he takes the breath from him as he presses down.

“Uggh!” grunts Junior, one hand coming up and then the other to prevent Chase from hurting his abs more. “Get off me!”

Still grinning Chase leans down saying “Jayden told me to test you if you ever came over…you know to prepare you for your wrestling tryouts. I just didn’t know that it would be so easy to make you give up.” Chase grin widens, showing all his perfect white teeth as he laughs “To think, you were better before your training started. Maybe… you like getting your ass kicked.”

Junior’s eyes flash with anger and Chase takes his foot off of him and Chase still holding the ball launches it over the fence and into Krueger cousins backyard.

“Since you couldn’t beat me…I decided to give a free pass, this one time. But I would be careful anytime a ball comes onto my side. I don’t play fair, now scram kid,” Chase says dismissively moving over to the entrance of the trampoline to exit and leave Junior here defeated by one little knee.

Junior grabs his hand, stopping him as Chase almost starts the climb down.

Breathing hard Junior gushes out “If you want a match, all you had to do was say so. I’ll beat you.”

“You haven’t before” quips Chase coming in and shoving Junior back against the trampoline net, his height, weight and age all seem to be advantages that Junior does not possess. Chase feels strong as Junior bounces off the net and he puts out one arm, clotheslining Junior across his bare chest and slamming back to the trampoline floor. Junior bounces back-up before he can get a breath and Chase slams him back down again with an elbow planted in his midsection.

This time Junior does not bounce up, but rolls onto his stomach clenching his abdomen as he gasps, and kicks slightly trying to regain his breath. Chase shakes his head smirking at Junior’s flushed face a he grabs his ankles and pulls them up, separating them roughly with a pull like chop sticks. Junior manages to pipe up, his voice pleading “No, not my—balls!”

It’s already far too late. Chase’s bare foot drops straight down, his toes just grazing Junior’s thighs as his the pad of his foot squishes Junior bulge flat against his pelvis. Pulling on Junior’s legs, Chase concentrates on crushing his opponent’s balls in a move that Jayden Gomez taught him. It’s effective, brutal and it certainly has Junior’s full attention. Junior’s hands are on his ankle trying to lift it up and prevent his nuts from turning into smooshed pancakes.

Junior’s eyes roll back and his body arches as he groans loudly “UUUuuuuuuughhhhh god…my fucking nuuuuts!”

The soft testicles were no matched for Chase’s foot, which is well calloused from his years in the pool. Chase leans down, putting more weight into his foot and this added pressure causes Junior’s nuts to spread and flatten out even more much to Junior’s horror. Junior cries out, his lungs expelling air and pain in one harsh shriek of pure anguish. Delighted by the response Chase jiggles his foot up and down, pumping it like he would about to race a car next to him down the street.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh!” Junior grunts on every drop of Chase’s foot. Junior’s eyes glaze over, as Chase takes great pleasure in enjoying his new playthings. Everything below the waist feels well-worked over, swollen, and mushy and Junior can’t help but feel exhausted and listless as his hands start to slip down Chase’s ankle. Above him Chase attempts to plungerize his nuggets like one would a clogged toilet and yank up his testes as Chase’s foot pounds away at his nuggets with continuous foot slams. “Please…pl…please stop…my balls…uuuuuUUUuuughhhh!”

“That you giving up? Like a little kid. Okay, go on…get!”

Chase releases his hold, allowing Junior to roll into a fetal position which Junior does so immediately. Junior’s body does a quick, and quiet quiver as his hands slip between and beneath his shorts holding onto his bare ballsack. Chase gets a tiny peek, and thinks that Junior’s scrotum looks very swollen indeed, rather a stronger shade of red, with a hint of throbbing that even he can see from a distance.

Standing above Junior, Chase shakes his head “It’s like I said before Junior…you lost your touch.” He tisks clicking his teeth, as Chase steps over Junior’s prone body. “You can see yourself out…when you can eventually get up.”

The mesh net hits Chase’s side as moves to jump down, but again somehow Junior grabs onto Chase’s ankle a grim, but determined look in his wounded blue eyes. “No” Junior says, his breath is ragged but resolute as he stops Chase once more. “We aren’t done.”

Junior is climbing to his feet slowly, he’s huffing mouth slightly open and his red lips pulled back into a grimace. “Unless you are giving up, I’m not done yet.”

Chase is surprised, both blonde eyebrows are raised as he moves back in, the black mesh of the trampoline sliding along his bare skin and he smiles, like the cat about to eat the canary.

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to cry home to Mommy.”

Chase rubs his muscles, giving a strong pose as he flexes and gives a clever wink to Junior. “You are messing with fire, Junior. But alright, we can do this one more time.”

Junior is breathing hard, but on his feet and this time he looks ready, weary but observant as Chase runs towards him, Junior dodges away. Chase grabs his back of his shorts yanking him up and off his feet. Junior hangs in the air, feet running as Chase’s fingers finds his underwear and drops him into a wedgie. The underwear snaps up, the material slicing up between Junior’s spread buttcheeks squishing his balls and rubbing his butt crack hard as his full body weight lands on this thin strip of undies. Chase laughs at the predicament that Junior has found himself in as he grasps Junior underwear in both hand, his muscles bulging as he hefts him up and down giving him a wild wedgie ride that he is sure that Junior will not soon forget.

“Oh oh! Wha…oh no!” Jayden shrieks, his shrill voice delighting Chase’s ears.

Junior tries to swing free, feeling useless as he claws upwards at Chase’s arms reminding him how hard it is to face a foe that is stronger, and taller than he. Junior’s underwear is halfway up his back, everything is squished together and Junior feels his balls getting crushed, the fabric, flimsy enough to barely constitute as protection now turns against him as it digs into his scrotum, and cock. Junior’s mouth falls open as he can’t get free as the increased pressure cuts into his fleshy bits. Junior’s left nut almost split down the center by the band and while his left trapped underneath his cock are continually being crushed from Junior’s own body weight.

The humiliating move hits Junior right in at the core of his masculinity, as he thrashes in the air while Chase snickers and keeps yanking on his drawers, the material around his junk shrinking as it stretched and contorts. The underwear that Junior is wearing strangles his precious nuts in a powerful chokehold that warps his balls and bends his limp noddle against his small frame. Junior thinks that he might scream a high pitch noise befitting that of a very small girl when he finally gets lucky and manages to kick out elbow nailing Chase in the chin.

Junior is dropped to the floor, and bounces away to the side of the trampoline painstakingly removing the stretched out underwear from his asschecks that more resembles dental floss that the boxer briefs that he put on from this morning. When Junior untucks his nuts and cock, the blood flows back into the throttlehold organs and he shutters, a fine film of sweat coating his body as he convulses and grabs hold of his prized processions.

“Oh god…” Junior moans, his eyes crossed as his balls throb between his fingers bloating up to almost double their size.

Seamus and his friend Alexander were play fight on Seamus’s trampoline. (his parents were away, so they were free to rough-house as hard as they wish) Seamus was larger and stronger than Alexander, his body was a mix between slightly toned and slightly podgy. Alexander on the other hand, was smaller, sickly thin.

Chase spits out a glob of wet saliva as he holds his chin, blinking rapidly from the dazed blow. Giving his head a good shake he winces and curses at Junior’s lucky hit, “You’ll pay for that, brat.”

Turning back to Junior he spots him in his normal position, bunched up fetally clutching his privates and looking like he was struck dumb. Chase chuckles, but the laughter is cut short as his jaw aches and he stalks over to Junior ready to put the hurt back onto him and finish this. Chase grabs one of Junior’s arms, yanking it from between his thighs and turns him forcibly onto his back and grabs Junior at his exposed neck, each fingers sinking into his wind pipe. Junior gasps once as Chase yanks him up along the netting of the trampoline pinning him to the side as chokes him with one hand.

Junior’s face starts turning red as he can’t breathe, and he holds onto Chase’s arm with both of his trying to get freed as he kicks at Chase’s shins. Gritting his teeth, Chase squeezes harder, his other hand moving to Junior’s shorts and slips his hand inside. Junior’s eyes widen in terror now as Chase’s whole hand grasps his bare balls and grunting powers him into the air one hand one his throat, and the other his growing testicles, the nut claw perfectly applies and crushing his defenseless swollen family jewels.

“I will have to tell your cousin later on Krueger, how I easily beat you in the backyard” Chase says as he starts to walk around the trampoline showing off his strength as he further humiliates Junior by twisting his balls, squishing the orbs in their defenseless state.

The pain was sudden and brutally overwhelming. Junior gasps and wiggles in the air like a fish caught in a net, his balls locked in Chase’s mean fist as his fingers sink in and out, tenderizing his nads as the blows keep intensifying, each hitting him just a little bit harder and deeper. Chase’s targets are clear and Junior’s pain rings throughout him as the crushing nutclaw tightens in, forcing his balls to squish beside the other. Junior’s groin is ringing with agonizing pain that tortures his poor boynuts.

“Ch…Chase!” gaps Junior, in between strangled breathes from the chokehold still being applied to his neck. He tapes at Chase palm indicating that he gives up, but Chase not a wrestler does not seem to notice or care as he pivots and body slams Junior to the trampoline below. The little air in Junior’s lungs is forced out and dark spots cloud his vision as he bounces back up as meets Chase’s elbow that hits him directly in the midsection. Junior grunts and falls back to the dark tarp below breathing ragged and labored as he takes in grateful gasps of air, pain brewing all over.

The swim team captain smiles down at the defeated looking young wrestler and twists his foot in the air and sends in straight up between Junior’s legs maximizing his standing position and power to strike cleanly and clearly.

Junior’s eyes widen from the sudden jarring impact and increased pressure below the belt. He gulps at the sudden bust of pain and leans up on his elbows, his world rocked again from Chase’s foot hitting him in both testicles.

“You always leave yourself open…it’s like you are asking for this!” Chase says and moves his foot away and kicks in again, but Junior rolls away at the last moment and is up on his feet swaying and blinking numbly. Junior comes forward, taking Chase’s surprise as an opportunity and swings his foot up to kick Chase back. He was not that surprised and grabs the lads ankle pulling up, and stretching Juniors groin muscle. Junior calls out a slight yell as Chase takes the opening and ducks a bit gathering speed and shoots up an uppercut from below. Chase’s fist makes contact with Junior’s bulge with deadly force, slamming another loud blow that cracks against Junior’s nuts knuckles first.

Junior manages to pull away, as his legs lock together and he stumbles backwards nearly to the netting wall. Pushing his hands down he holds onto his groin, eyes clenching shut from the pain as it shoots up into his stomach, as the blow erupts like a mini volcano from beneath his cupped hands. Junior bends over slightly, his face white and devoid of color as a painful mask transforms his boyish features from the pain. The poor boy’s legs shake like jelly on toast as his expression puckers with growing sickness.

Chase isn’t done and kicks out once again targeting Junior’s midsection and nail’s his lower belly knocking him to his knees. The hit worsens the growing sickness creeping over Junior and his eyes bulge as coughs out from the blow. The power of Chase’s kick doubles him over so that his face almost touches the floor. Stepping forward to get closer Chase smacks Junior’s chest with the back of his hand sending him reeling and tumbling over onto his ass forcing Junior to face him as he climbs somehow onto his feet.

“You don’t know when to quit, do you?”

Trembling on his feet, Junior’s legs shift and widen so he does not fall over and Chase easily spots the opening stepping right in close as he brings up his knee targeting the considerable bulge. Chase’s right knee swings up flattening Junior’s nuggets with another hard, thunk that crunches Junior’s balls against his lower abdomen as his nuts and cock swing up to escape but only flail and hit Junior’s own lower body.

“AAAAAaaaaah! OOOOooooo umpppph! OhhhhhHHHH! UUUUUuuuuuuugh!”

Chase feels the Junior’s scrotum lift with his knee as he plows his leg up further squishing the poor, sad nuts with all his might.

Junior on the other hand, feels the pain screaming up from his gonads as the knee lands squarely, hitting him precisely in the weakest parts of the undersides of his softened up ballsack. The knee strike drags his balls into his pelvis, sending shockwaves from below the belt. The pain inside of Junior’s nuts tightens, and spikes while Junior’s thin legs clench yet again. His hand slower to grab and protect himself, which is only natural but Chase’s knee prevents even that as Chase keeps the knee in place and drags Junior up on the offending limb. The pain crescendos reaching up past Junior clenching stomach muscles as the explosive waves thunder from inside of his crushed nuts.

“OOOOOOOOOOoooooo my nuuuuuuuuts! UUUuuuuuughhhhh nooo….my….uggh!”

Falling off of Chase’s leg he lands hard on his knees, which spread a bit and he hunkers down to hold his privates at last Chase get’s there in a finishing move and slams his bare foot into the crevise between Junior’s spread thighs. Junior gags from the blow, and blinks back tears, as Chase’s foot spears him and his meaty bloated nuggets once again.

Junior caught by Chase’s foot hangs slightly in the air as Chase kicks up and out tossing him back against the netting where he lands, legs splayed and grabbing his balls.

“OOOooo fuck…oh, my nuts….ohhh fuuuuuck!”

Chase victorious in his beating of Junior comes down to his level to stare into his wounded, hooded eyes that are glazed over in pain.

“I think you learned something today, Junior Kruger. I may not be a wrestler…but I’ve been taking karate. I know how to level an opponent, and you were not up for my challenge. Careful when you throw a ball over my fence,” Chase stands up, stretching a bit and enjoying Junior’s groans as he heads over to the pool to wash off his own sweat, and Junior’s.

Sometime later Junior hobbles out of the trampoline and says before he leaves “I’m sending over Caleb next time.”

Chase laughs, lounging in his pool chair, still a little wet from the pool as Junior takes his time, wincing as he walks slowly back to his house.




1 comment:

  1. Excellent story. Great to see a story based around Chase and it’s nice to see him come out on top!
    Junior has a nasty habit of humiliating the bigger boys but not this time!
    I was especially pleased to read that Chase’s balls are „considerably larger” than Juniors. Maybe these Krueger brats will start to acknowledge that their hunky young neighbour is a force to be reckoned with!
