
Friday, July 5, 2024

Rex’s Latest Scheme: Part Three The Tables Turned By Jimmy and Y1ddo


Rex’s Latest Scheme: Part Three

 The Tables Turned



By Jimmy and Y1ddo



























Leftie seems left out of his protection, and Max makes quick work of it as he backs up and runs forward, a flash of color through the air, until his toes crash full force into Cody’s fleshy melon poking out between his thick thighs.


A sickening wet SPLAT echoes through the air as Max’s toes connects dead-on with Cody’s unprotected nut, smashing it into his pelvis.


“AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Cody screams, his voice turning into a screech as he rolls away howling, stopping at the end of the mat. The young jock looks up at Max, with horror on his face.


Max is cracking his knuckles and flexing a bit at Jayden, and he waves the shredded material inside his hand proudly. Jayden chuckles, and he mouths silently: “Go finish him!”


Max gives Jayden a cheeky wink, before he turns back towards Cody.


“You thought these were enough to protect your fat oranges from me?” Max chuckles and throws his opponent’s shredded underwear to the ground. He starts walking slowly towards him, stepping on the flimsy fabric and kicking it away.


Cody is lying flat out on his back trying to sit up, but he freezes as his smaller opponent approaches him.


“I think you know just how badly you messed up… Now, I’m going to take my prize and deny you a fun night out tonight by draining you of every last drop you got inside those big gas tanks of yours. I can be gentle… or not. Up to you, Cody.”


Cody looks up at him with pleading eyes, and he covers his big melons with both hands protectively. His sleeping serpent is resting freely along his abs, with his hands too busy nursing the forbidden fruits beneath. “Max… please… my balls…”


“It’s not your stupid balls I’m interested in…” Max sniggers as he climbs up on top of Cody, his lithe body able to push him fully down onto the mat. One hand sweep down across Cody’s barrel chest and over his ripped abs, and starts tickling the slumbering hose. Max grips the head and gives Cody’s girthy, thick serpent a little squeeze.


“You…c…can’t…oh my god…my balls…you wrecked me!”


“That was the plan,” Max smiles mischievously, and his eyes bore into Cody’s pleading blue eyes.


“I…no one has ever…oh shit…fu…fucking hell!”


Max smiles and toys with Cody’s tip, the mighty end of his long sword. He starts polishing it as one hand holds himself up in push-up position, so he is inches above Cody’s prone body on his back, staring into Max’s amber eyes.


Finally, Cody’s mind clears enough from the pain flooding through his nether regions, as his cock starts to swell under Max’s careful, and purposeful strokes. Max is starting to pick-up speed. He gently strokes Cody’s fattening tool in one hand as he watches Cody gain recognition, and he moans: “So…fucking…filthy! Stop!”


“Make me.” Max licks his lips, as he lowers one thigh so that his knee rests rather dangerously on top of Cody’s testicles. This time both hands cup his balls, but even the weight of Max’s leg causes Cody to wince, his brow crinkling.


“Don’t… please… I can’t take anymore.”


“Then hold still, this won’t take me too much longer. I can tell that you want to spill your load all over yourself….”


Cody’s eyes widen and he whimpers “No…I…!”


That’s when Max goes faster. Cody is fully erect now, and Max is zeroed in on the victory as he chokes-the-chicken on Cody and starts to “Buck…buck…buck!”

Max clucks at Cody, edging him on with his relentless hand, tightening every time he reaches the tip and squeezing the bulbously big pink head.


“Ohhh fuck…me…!”


“That’s the idea…” Max tells him, his hazel eyes flicking over to the other side of the mat.




Rex is in danger, and Zach slides his foot up and down his crotch trying to get him excited. Rex gulps, his heart racing as he tries to fight his way out of this position. He looks over to Chase and reaches for him, stretching his fingers to the very limit. Chase follows suit, but the large gap between the two swimmers is greater than either of them can fix. Rex drops his arm back to the mat as Zach’s heel catches Rex’s nuggets and squish them to the floor.


“None of that! You’re mine, little buddy… You wanted to face me after all, and here I am!” Zach smiles down, bouncing his foot a little making Rex’s teeth chatter and grunt on every squishing slight stomp of his foot. “You doing okay, buddy?”


Bastard!” Rex manages to groan out, as unbelievably his testicles plump back up only to be crushed to flat pancakes again as Zach stomps on his ball bag.


“Haha… face it Rex… you’re not even going to leave a mark on me… but for a small splash on my toes. Come on Rex… get hard already, so I can put you out of your misery,” Zach suggests, digging back his heel.


Zach can barely feel anything under his hardened heel, but judging by the look on Rex’s cheeks and the crossing of his eyes, he is hitting him right in the sweet spot.


My ballsmy balls…My…balls!” Rex whimpers, his bottom lip trembling as a bit of drool drips from between his cherry red lips. Zach watches as the spittle slides down to his chin and Rex’s chest arches, and he decides to really make his mark and pulls his foot all the way back.


Rex takes a quick breath of relief, but suddenly Zach’s foot shoots forward and his amber eyes, the color of shiny stone, widen in alarm. “Noooooo—arRRRRRrrrrrrrrh!”


There’s a terrible “CLONK!” from Zach’s foot thudding against Rex’s pelvis, the twin’s small balls caught in-between. The slosh of Rex’s small grapes crunching in his nutsack makes everyone nearby wince. Even Logan covers his eyes.


“Did you just…?”


Rex freezes and his bottom lip quivers, his taut upper body goes limp and falls to the mat.


Jayden comes up, pushing Zach aside and scooping up Rex’s tender worked over testicles.


“I didn’t mean to….”


Jayden’s so close to Rex, staring at his closed eyes. “Rex? You with me?”


Yes,” Rex says so softly that only Jayden can hear.  Jayden nods and proceeds to check over Rex’s bulge, before he looks over his shoulder.


“I have to make sure that everything is in good shape before he can continue. I need to find his balls… you know how hard that can be.”


Logan grins knowing exactly what Jayden is doing, but Zach stands there fidgeting, looking nervously at Jayden.


“Can… can I help?”


Jayden turns to move over to Rex’s ear, acting like he is checking his heartbeat. “This is your best chance,” Jayden tells him.


Rex nods ever so slowly.


Jayden waves Zach over, moving his hands aside. “I’m going to slide his singlet down a bit to his waist…to make it easier to find his testicles.”




Jayden Gomez takes his time, giving Rex a few moments more to recover as he takes out one arm, and then the other from the singlet. He slowly rolls the tight fabric down his frame, until his little nub of a belly button is visible.


Standing up, Jayden tells him: “Okay…go for it. Just be careful, I bet that there is a lot of swelling.”


“Yeah,” Zach says nodding, as he bends over Rex. His colossal body casts Rex in shadow as he comes right up to him, but he’s careful not to touch. Zach gulps as he puts one big hand on Rex’s tight abdomen, he can feel him breathing as his searching fingers twist and slide under the singlet. He finds no underwear, as his fingers come across Rex’s limp penis. Zach is about to move past when he feels Rex shift and sigh under his hand. Zach, unsure what to do, turns to look at Logan.


It’s then that the sleeping Rex makes his move and throws up a punch from below, hitting Zach square in his bulge. There’s no way for him to miss as his knuckles sink deep into Zach’s massive testicles, and they squish and crash against his taint.


“Got you now, Zach!” Rex spats and grabs Zach’s over-sized left nut, as he swings his other fist around and clocks him in the even more sensitive underside.


Zach hollers “My nuuuuuuuut!”, and he bends slightly over.


Zach’s hand is still in Rex’s singlet, and he squeezes Rex’s penis on each horrid punch, making Rex moan as his small pecker is squished by Zach’s big hands.


“Get… off… my dick!” Rex huffs as he twists Zach’s massive left nut with both hands, and Zach tries to stand up and get to Logan.


“Where do you think you’re going?!” Rex yells yanking him back down, Zach’s testicle cords pulling him down to the mat next to Rex. “I’m not through with you yet!”


Rex begins to rise, forcing Zach up onto his feet as well. The young swimmer walks slowly towards Chase, who’s dancing on the side lines, and Zach shakes his head pleadingly at Rex.




Rex shakes his head and kicks out a backwards kick, which Chase slaps as he climbs onto the mat, his blue eyes flashing with fresh energy.


“Now he’s really in for it!” Chase tells him, as he hurriedly rushes over to join Rex.


“One full minute, starting now!” Jayden says excitedly, and he sets his stopwatch with a gleeful smile. Logan meets his eyes, and sends him a stern glance.


As Chase approaches them, Zach is frantically trying to pry Rex’s fingers of his left nut. He manages to extricate one hand, and he uses both hands to try and remove Rex’s other one as well.


This leaves Rex with one hand free now, and he knows just how to take advantage of the situation. The young swimmer smiles maliciously as he slides his free hand along the muscular thigh of his opponent, and sneaks it up through the leg opening of the tight red singlet.


Rex releases his hold on the big meatball, before he swiftly reapplies his grip on the naked nut with his other hand inside the thin material. He feels the warmth of the pulsating, soft gonad between his lithe fingers, and he weighs it carefully in his hand.


“So cute… you’ve been saving up for me?”


“Rex… please… we’re going to the club…”


“Sure thing… They feel even heavier than last time! What’s this? A week?”


“Ten days…” Zach admits, and sends Rex a begging look.


“That’s a shame…” Rex says, unconvincingly. “You won’t be having any fun with that monster of yours for a while, after I’m finished with you…”


With a quick turn of his hand Rex twists Zach’s trapped nut, and the muscular jock doubles over, moaning miserably.


“Doesn’t seem like you needed my help, anyway…” Chase chuckles, as he stops beside Rex. Zach is bent over in front of them, with his hands on his thighs for support, and his face is a mask of pain and helplessness. Chase can clearly make out the outline of his friend’s clenched fist inside the singlet, and he feels something stir in his loins. The covered hand suddenly yanks down, and Zach lets out a high-pitched squeal.


“What do you take me for?” Rex asks, mockingly indignant. “I own these pathetic nuts, and I always will...”


Chase chuckles at his friend’s cocky taunt, and looks over at Zach. Chase grabs onto his chiseled chin and forces his head upwards. He looks straight into Zach’s pleading blue eyes, with a derisive grin.


“How does it feel to be owned by a skinny little teenager?”


Zach blushes, and he shakes his head pleadingly.


“Answer him!” Rex demands, as he twists Zach’s nut another round.


Zach groans hoarsely, and he whispers: “So… b… bad!”


Chase smiles, and he runs his hand across the big jock’s handsome face and down towards his shoulders. He squeezes Zach’s muscular neck softly, before his hands glide further down across his massive arms, admiring the strapping physique.


“Imagine… all those muscles,” Chase whispers into Zach’s ear, “… and then, such a weak pair of balls to go with it…”


“I’m… still… bigger… than you…” Zach manages to respond hoarsely, through gritted teeth.


Chase’s eyes narrow, and his eyes shoot daggers at the blond jock in front of him.


Just at the same time, Jayden shouts: “30 seconds left!”



Over at the other side of the mats, Max is still on top of Cody, working on his hardened tool.


“You’re about to blow, big boy… I can feel it.”


Cody is moaning softly, and the pleasure in his loins has slowly drowned out the pain in his bruised babymakers. He removes one covering hand from his meaty melons, and grabs onto Max’s stroking hand.




Max can feel his knee-cap grazing against the now unprotected meatball, and he lowers it slowly towards the mat. “I don’t think you’re in a position to negotiate, big boy…”


Cody winces as his free nut is pressed against the mat, and he looks pleadingly at Max. “What… do you… want… from me?”


“I’m going to drain those big, fat balls between your legs… Every, last drop…” Max presses his knee deeper into his opponent’s trapped orb, persuasively.


“Ohhh god… not… my balls… again!”


Max smiles, enjoying his opponent’s imploring expression. “Maybe I should squeeze it out of you…”


Cody shoots him a terrified look, before he turns his head towards the others, hoping to find some sort of saving grace. To his dismay, Cody discovers that his big cousin is fairing no better than himself…


Max decides to look over his shoulder to see what’s happening across the mats, feeling confident about his win. He has to widen his legs to keep his balance and places his knees on the outside of Cody’s muscular body, abandoning his hold on his opponent’s nut.


“Looks like your cousin’s in trouble as well, Cody boy. There won’t be much action for the Johnson family tonight, unless… you guys wanna shoot blanks…”


The obvious threat to his masculinity is too much for Cody, and he forcefully yanks Max’s hand off his rigid pole, with a loud groan.


“Wha…” Max starts, before he’s interrupted by a powerful uppercut to his singlet-clad bulge, catching both walnuts dead-on. Cody sends another devastating punch to his opponent’s unprotected nuts, before he throws the young swimmer off him.


“How do you like that, punk?” Cody mocks him, hoarsely.


Max isn’t able to answer as he curls up into a ball, whimpering. He’s rocking back and forth on the mat, cradling his stinging, throbbing nuts.


Cody sits up, and takes the opportunity to examine his own genitals. He slightly winces as he fondles his bruised melons, throbbing between his fingers. “That little fucker…”


The young jock’s still got the chubs, his mighty schlong standing at half-mast now.

“Later, buddy…” Cody says as he looks down at his impressive member, and gives it a slight tug. He rises slowly to his feet, careful not to inflict any more pain to his tender meatballs, and looks down towards his prey…


Max is whimpering still, holding his delicate organs. Even this morning, Max showed his twin brother Rex his ever growing testicles. Every few days, Max’s ballsack feels a bit weightier as they hang lower, tugging and elongating his light brown happy sack. Unfortunately, every small growth spurt makes his balls very sensitive, and sometimes as little as sitting on a chair can be dangerous for him. The double nut punch took its toll and Max lays prone grasping at his aching gonads, and feeling the slight pulsing tremors coursing through his genitals.


Cody starts to head over to fallen boy.


Max knows that he’s in danger, but there is not a lot he can do to stop him. He tries to rise, but his stomach flips and he drops back on all four, staring at the mat as Cody keeps getting closer. Max moans low “My nuts… I… need a minute.”


“You ain’t getting one!” Cody tells him and kicks him in the abdomen, forcing Max back onto the mat. Max lands with a grunt, and he lays dazed for a moment, which is all it takes before Cody reaches down and yanks Max up in the air by his singlet.


“Time to finish this!”


Cody grabs Max’s crotch and sticks out his knee, dropping Max into a back breaker over his thigh. Max sees stars as his body flops and hangs, his head just gracing the mat, hanging uselessly like his arms. Max’s middle is exposed and taut, and Cody forces Max’s head still holding him by the neck.


“Now you’re done,” Cody explains, elbowing him just below the abdomen and pelvis. Max moans, his head swimming. He’s slightly out of it as his thighs part a bit more. Then… Cody reaches back and grabs the protruding singlet pouch in one hand, and before Max can plead for him to stop Cody laces his fingers around Max’s bulge and squeezes.


“Ughhhhhhh!” Max draws his abdomen in tight, and twists on Cody’s thigh. He appears to the 18-year-old like a fish caught on a hook, with nowhere to go.


Cody squeezes Max by the roots of his newfound growing manhood, and Max pleads: “Not… my balls! Ughhhhhhhhhhhh, uh, uh, uh, uh….ooooooooOOOOOaAAAAA my god!”


Cody loves this, and gives a vicious twist which makes Max thrust up. He brings his other hand up and bunches Max’s nuts together at the tail end of his sack, and punches the bulging caught testicles. Cody delights as Max’s nuts squish down against his knuckles, appearing quite diminished by the knuckles flattening his tender growing nuts.


Max’s amber eyes open wide, and he gasps unable to free himself from this trap.




Cody slams two more hard punches into Max’s ball bag, each strike squishes and flattens his bulge a little more, as Cody tenderizes his opponent’s testicles a bit more reminding him of how much control he now has over him.


“Give up?” Cody asks, as his knuckles graze the soft undersides of Max’s bulging balls, threatening to strike him again.


“I…” Max gulps, trying in vain to clear his head.


“Yes?” Cody asks as his right knuckle digs into the small oval, pinching it against its twin.


Max swallows hard. “I can’t…give up…only way…is to cum…”


Cody thinks about that for a moment before he grabs the left out, plump looking shaft along Max’s belly, pointing towards his navel. “I’ve got to touch this bad boy…huh?” Cody shrugs. “A few tugs of this and I bet you spew…”


Max shakes his head “No I…oh. Oh…man…just…” At this stage Max bites his lip. Cody knows how to handle a cock, his grip is firm around the bulbous end of Max’s erection, and he starts jerking it sensually, keeping a steady pace that is surprising to Max… The young jock really knows how to handle one.


Cody’s mouth splits into a wide grin as Max moans.


“Told you, Max. You are about to make a mess…”


Max’s amber eyes widen, and he grunts, a rushing feeling of warmth swarms through his abdomen. He glances up at the sky, his back starting to arch, but Cody tugs his balls at that exact moment pulling Max down to the mat. Max jolts downward and his head turns.


“Look at me,” Cody demands. “I want to see you lose…!”


Max shakes his head. “I… won’t!”


Gritting his teeth Max tries to remember how to fight back, but Cody’s grip somehow tightens around his stem. He flicks the head of his bloated dong, and Max shudders. He’s so turned on right now, and Cody starts to cradle his balls and tickles them.


“Oh my god!” Max grunts.


Nearby, Jayden Gomez chuckles as he watches the spectacle, seeing his friend about ready to unload. He turns back to see his boyfriend Chase flipping Zach over onto his belly, yanking the twenty-year-old’s legs apart. Zach is sweating and moaning, his face shoved into the mat. His lips are parted and slightly drooling, as his tongue sloshes in his jaw.


“Fucking hell… you… biiiiittch!”


Chase slams his foot directly into Zach’s exposed groin. His legs are pulled off the mat and his ballbag just hanging in between the fork of his spread-out thighs, looking so inviting. The crash of Chase’s foot, and his little smirking grin as he winks at Jayden, makes the young referee blush.


Zach’s scream reaches a new octave, and Jayden winces sympathetically.


“Ouch,” Jayden laughs, shaking his head.


“That’s nothing…watch this!” Chase rears back again and Rex flies forward, their minute almost over as the two rushes in a double kick, each swimmer nailing a big, bloated bowling ball and knocking Zach’s testicles together.




Zach’s face reflects the horror as he gags, fighting back bile, and screams so high-pitched that all three cover their ears.


Jayden turns towards Rex. “Okay, your minute’s up.”


Rex shrugs: “Oh, well,” and begins to head off the mat.


He stops to bend down to tie his shoe, as he spots Max clearly in trouble. Rex looks back, spotting Jayden not looking, and moves in behind Cody…


Cody is pumping Max’s erection so fast that his hand is blurring. The growing wet spot on Max’s singlet is making the fabric almost clear, as it hugs his head. Max is breathing fast, and Cody seems to only be rolling Max’s testicles around in his ball sack rather sensually, teasingly groping into his ballbag as Max’s frame starts to lock in. Max is whimpering and moaning, and his breathy voice says: “No…stop…I…oh god…I’m…I…uuuuuuugggghhhhhhh!”


Rex can tell his brother is about to release, so he moves in behind Cody, taking aim. His target is big and inviting, hanging heavy and freely between Cody’s muscular thighs. Rex rushes up and kicks Cody as hard as he can from behind, his foot crashing perfectly into the 18-year-old’s ample nut sack with a satisfying “SMACK!”.


The young swimmer darts away before Cody or anyone else sees, and firmly plants his ass on the outskirts to watch.


Only Logan catches his eyes, but he only chuckles and winks at him. Rex shrugs and tries to hide a smile. Cody meanwhile freezes and stops, his hands still clutching Max but no longer moving.


Cody blinks a few times, and coughs.




Rex’s sneaky foot work seems to have done its job, and Cody falls prone pulling Max with him. He cradles him to his chest, groaning. “You… busted my… baaaaaalls!”


Cody squeezes Max harder, the tender grip no longer in place as Cody locks both hands around Max’s well worked-over testes. Max hollers out at the same time as Cody, both seem lost to their pain and shared agony. But Cody is in a position to capitalize on his anger, and he does so by squeezing Max’s testicles for all he’s worth.


Chase winces at the screams, and spots the pair on the mat. Making a disgusted face, Jayden laughs.


Chase stops messing with Zach and comes over to plant a kiss on his boyfriend’s lips, before he pulls him in and his tongue slips in. Jayden moans as Chase kisses him. He pulls back, staring deep into his brown eyes. “Later… I want to fuck you.”


“Nope, my turn…” Jayden tells him, and gives Chase’s half-cocked erection a squeeze. “Now go finish Zach… Oh hurry, he’s crawling!”


Chase turns back, and sure enough Zach is on all fours. Logan is leaning over, his hand outstretched, and he encouragingly tells Zach: “Keep going, almost there!”

Logan clearly used the interruption for all that it was worth, to try and get Zach to move.


Zach reaches out.


Chase is running, his heart beating as he rushes forward and dives for Zach’s ankles.


Digging deep, Zach makes one last small lunge. He’s in the air as Chase lands on his belly and grabs his ankles, his heart beating fast. But Logan’s and Zach’s finger graze each other, just as Chase pulls Zach back.


Logan then steps onto the mat, knuckles cracking.


Chase gulps, staring up at him.


“You… are in for it now…” huffs Zach.


“Yes… yes you are.” Logan stands tall, his shadow falling over Chase, as he points straight at him.


Chase smiles. “I’ve been waiting all day for this.”


Logan allows him to get to his feet.


Zach uses the time to crawl away to his side, nursing his swollen, beaten genitalia. He looks green in the face and doubles over, not even paying attention to what is about to occur.


Logan thumps his chest with a wicked cocky grin on his face, and gestures for Chase to come closer.  “Then come at me, Chase. Show me what you got.”


Chase doesn’t need to be told two times, and he rushes towards Logan, grabbing his singlet by the straps. The young teen pulls the wrestling captain towards him, and rears his knee back.


Logan reads the move easily though, and blocks his opponent’s knee before it reaches his bulging basket.


“This is how it’s done!” the blond wrestler smiles, as he rams his own knee up between Chase’s spread thighs. Chase’s eyes bulge out in a surprised expression, and he croaks: “Not… my big balls!


Logan only chuckles as he leaves his knee high, grinding his knee-cap against the sensitive underside of Chase’s nut sack. “I know you’re sensitive to a good old knee…”


Logan retracts his knee slowly, allowing Chase to sink down to his knees, and predictably he does just that. The wrestling captain walks behind his opponent, wrapping his muscular arms around the young swimmer in a massive bearhug, before he tosses him to the ground.


“Uuugh… can’t… breathe…” Chase pants weakly, as he’s spread eagled on the ground. One hand is rubbing his stomach, while the other is a bit lower, fondling his ‘big balls’.


Zach grins as he glances over at the fallen teenager. “You call those little raisins big?” he chuckles, and moves towards Chase.


The 20-year-old jock stops and crouches down above Chase’s heaving chest. With one hand Zach reaches inside his own singlet and pulls out his ample nut sack through the leg opening. “Theseare what real balls look like, kiddo.”


Zach squats down lower, and lets his heavy ball bag hang above Chase’s miserable face. “Take a good look…” the muscular Adonis encourages, and he teasingly taps Chase’s nutsack behind him.


Chase winces, and he cups his stinging balls with both hands. “You’ll… regret that… so bad!” the young swimmer threatens, but Zach only rolls his eyes in response. He places his foot on Chase’s abdomen, and smiles down at him.


Jayden then interrupts them: “30 seconds!”

He looks worried, concern etched into the frown he wears, as he stares down at Chase.


Zach grabs his sack playfully as he looks down at Chase, and gives him a smug wink. He tugs at the base of his low-hanging eggs, displaying their impressive size. “Wanna compare?”


“Fuck you!” Chase snarls.


“That’s what I thought…” Zach chuckles, and turns towards Logan. “I’ll leave you to him… I have to check in on my cousin.”


Logan only smirks, and he shakes his head as his muscular buddy turns towards the other side of the mats. Zach’s nut sack is still hanging outside of his singlet, and his big fruits sway like a massive pendulum between his thighs as he strolls away.



Meanwhile, Cody is maintaining his nut claw on Max, and the young twin is pleading for him to let go. The jock has secured both of Max’s hands above his head, pressing them to the mat, while his other hand is clutching the twin’s whole package inside his fingers.


“Give me… a break…” Max pleads, miserably.


“I don’t know…” Cody answers doubtfully, as he twists his hand. “This is kinda fun.”


Max yelps in response, as both his growing nut sack and his flaccid member gets painfully twisted by his opponent’s strong hand. He shoots him a pleading look. “Please, Cody… I can’t take this anymore… You’re so much… stronger.”


“I know.”


Cody looks down at Max’s sincere expression, and he suddenly feels bad for the young twin. “Stay there…” The 18-year-old jock let go of his smaller opponent, allowing Max to curl up into a ball.


  1. good part jimmy. its good both sides get a chance to bust the other. I think that perhaps in one last desperate attack chase, rex and Max should crush logan, zach and cody's nuts. then at least they'll all have busted eggs and crunch the yoke out of them.

  2. Awesome story! Nice work Y1ddo and Jimmy

  3. Hi Owen🙂,

    That’s a fun idea! The story has already been written, but I hope that you enjoy the rest of this crazy ride that Y1ddo and I wrote! There is more to come!


    Hi Anonymous,

    Happy that you are enjoying our story, thanks for writing in guys!

