
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Jimmy's Found Video's #74

  Jimmy’s Found        

          Video’s #74


Dear Ballbusting Boys Community,


Here's this weeks videos, hope that you all enjoy them! Have a great week everyone, and happy busting!




1). Tricking the younger bro...

2). Wet towel fun!

3). The dreaded spoon!

4). Right from behin!

5). A flying kick to the groin!

Enjoy, have fun and let me know which one is your favorite.

Remember it's easy to convey your thoughts with one click or a comment!


  1. Waar zijn ze, die video's. (Where are they, those videos).

  2. None of the videos are public

  3. Hi everyone,

    Big problem. I can't download videos from Instagram to post here it won't let me. So I am at a loss of how to get the videos easily onto the website. If anyone has any suggestions, I am here for that!


  4. If you're having trouble saving the videos you can always try screen recording them on a phone and posting them from there? instagram makes it hard to save images and videos so other than that im not sure what you'd do
