
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Video links: World of sports (2)

They say that sport is good for your health. They don't say anything about your fertility, though...

Here are some more of my favorite sports nutshots.

Let's start with the clip from the screenshot above. It's a golf club swing to the nuggets. I love the recipient's stance right before his buddy whacks him in the golf balls with the club. And he's wearing compression pants. What a trooper!

Here's another golf nutshot. Awesome!

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Shenanigans at the apartment! Sorry @kweagley

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Hockey is a brutal sport, and the next clip is a prime example.

The next clip is just wonderful! It's an accidental nutshot in front of a live audience and countless viewers at home, and I love the reactions: from him, from the team mates, from the guy on the bench, from the commentators. Pure perfection!

Finally, here is an awesome basketball nutshot compilation. The clip above is featured as #10 - and it gets better from there.

Reader's pick:

Our reader Andy sent us the following clip, saying: "It's a fairly old one, but this one's still my favourite :)". Thank you for sharing it with us, Andy!

What's your favorite sports nutshot? Let us know by leaving a comment or by sending an email (


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