
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Time off


Alex on vacation - artwork created by Champ

Even though the vacation that I had planned for the next two weeks is cancelled due to the coronavirus situation I have decided to take some time off nevertheless.

So I will be offline until the end of the month. My friend Jimmy, author of the incredible Gino & Jayden saga will take over the blog while I'm away.

He will publish not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but SIX new stories over the coming two weeks. I can't tell you how happy I am that Jimmy is contributing his stories to this blog!

I will be back in two weeks. And now I'm going to enjoy the leisure of my vacation at home! :-))

Have a great time and see you soon!


  1. Have a good time Alex! You of all people deserve it! Let's hope this time next year you can take your vacation :)

  2. Alex,

    You absolutely deserve it! I will do my best to fill in during your absence! I'll keep notes of requests and queries from the boys. Have a good time relaxing!



  3. Enjoy your time off!
