
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Video links: Boys just wanna have fun (57)

When times are hard and you need a quick laugh - just hit a buddy in the balls! He won't mind, cause everybody knows that nutshots are the funniest thing in the world!

Here are some more of my favorite videos featuring guys hitting each other in the nuts for fun.

Who doesn't like a good old game of ROSHAMBO? Go for it, guys!


The surprise nut kick in the next video is bad, really bad. Just look at the poor guy's face. He looks like he is about to throw up. The kickers laugh isn't helping. And the slow motion replay proves that there was perfect foot-to-sack connection. Good job, buddy, I don't think you'll be a godfather to your friend's kid anytime, soon...

Here's another hard kick. This one is from behind, and it kinda looks like the victim is enjoying it. I guess that means you'll have to go even harder next time...

The screenshot at the top of this post is taken from the next video. It's another kick from behind, and I have to say that it looks like it is well deserved. That hot guy looked like he needed to be taken down a peg or two...

Speaking of well deserved: Today's final clip is a perfect example. I guess it's just a natural reaction: If somebody acts like a jerk just kick him in the nuts and make sure he won't jerk off for a couple of days...

What's your favorite video of guys hitting each other in the nuts for fun? Let me know by leaving a comment or by sending an email (



  1. This video is great:
    I don"t know if you already posted it, but the kicks, the strong legs of the players, it is worth it.

  2. Thanks for your comment! That video is one of my all time favorites! It's so fucking awesome! Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention again!
