
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Video links: Boys just wanna have fun (50)

There's a special place in hell for guys who think it's funny to hit each other in the nuts. And that place is very, very crowded!

Here are some more of my favorite videos featuring guys hitting each other in the nuts for fun.

Have you ever taken a baseball bat to the groin? This is probably the best way to do it. Quick, hard, and with your buddies discussing who gets to go next while you're writing on the floor.

Here's a classic nut punch situation. It's a picture perfect punch to an entirely unsuspecting sack. Couldn't have done it better myself.

Some people hold back when they deliver a kick to a buddy's meat and two veg. Not this guy. He is going to turn his friend's vegetable garden into barren wasteland and snuff out every sprout and every seed. This guy's kicks should be regulated like herbicide! Nothing will grow in his buddy's loins for the foreseeable future...

The shovel nutshot is a classic. Here we have a wonderful version of it featuring a guy in a funny jacket with a funny hat - and after this stunt with a funny voice...

Finally, here are some guys playing a lovely game of NutShotRoulette. It's like Russian roulette with one difference: You don't risk your own lives but the lives of your unborn children...

What's your favorite video of guys hitting each other in the nuts for fun? Let me know by leaving a comment or by sending me an email (



  1. I loved the nut shot roulette and the shovel nutshot videos are so funny, would be great in stories. And a question, do you have videos with permanent damage?

  2. Thanks for your comment, Oscarmau! I‘m glad you enjoyed the videos. I don‘t have any videos with permanent damage that I know of - but chances are that a fair share of the vids that I posted over the years resulted in sterility, even if we don‘t realize it. :-))

  3. I'd love a new squeezing videos post

  4. Thanks for your suggestion! I‘d love to write a new squeezing video post but I don‘t have enough videos. Can anybody help? :-))
