
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Video links: Reflex test(icles)

Reflexes are designed to protect us from harm and help us survive. So it's only natural to test them once in a while, right? And what better way to test your reflexes than to have someone try to whack you in the meat and two veg!

Here are some of my favorite videos of guys testing their reflexes while putting their manhood on the line.

Here are two young men who find out that testicles are a perfect training area for your reflex testing exercises!

They are not the only ones who have discovered the awesome powers of nutsacks in regard to reflex training. Here are two more lads having fun with the idea.

Are you ready for 13 minutes of relentless reflex training and hilarious testicular agony?

Testicular reflex training is sweeping the globe, and of course our friends from Brazil, the awesome stunt group La FĂȘnix, jump right on and whack each other in the nuggets to test their reflexes.

Leave it to La FĂȘnix to up the ante and turn this fun exercise into a completely hilarious spectacle of epic proportions by combining the reflex testing with a mock driving exercise. This clip is filled with sack taps and nut punches and laughter! Just awesome!

What's your favorite way of testing your reflexes? Let me know by leaving a comment or by sending me an email (!

Thank you!



    I have a bit of a favor to ask
    This is one of my favorite nutshots
    It isn't on youtube anymore, not the long version atleast
    The short versions cuts out some stuff like the crowd cheering with shouts of "cup check" or "right in the crotch" and the delightful way the opposing team celebrates as the pitcher smiles with delight

    Any chance you could share this link in hopes that someone with the knowledge might reupload it?

    Or atleast spread it so others can enjoy it as well

  2. Thanks for your comment, Toothpick! I'll see what I can do. :-))
