
Monday, March 11, 2019

Poll results: LEAST favorite character

Poll results (version 1) - artwork created by Champ

After we had a look at your favorite characters I asked you to tell me your LEAST favorite character last month. Almost 300 people took part in the poll. Thanks to everybody who voted!

And here are the results*:

David, "the dancer", Danny's brother   30%
Xander, "the rich boy"   24%
Zach, "Big Balls"   21%
Celebrity guests   19%
Logan, "the high school wrestler"   19%
Danny, “the actor”   17%
Ben, Kev's dorm buddy   15%
Kev, “the jock”   13%
Erik, assistant   11%
Phil, star soccer player from England   11%
I like them all.   11%
Simon, “the geek”   11%
Leo, “the skater”   11%
Colin, Kev's dorm buddy   11%
Brandon, Cal's swim team mate   11%
Parker, "the indie boy", the twins' friend   10%
Michael and Will, “the twins”   10%
Chad, cameraman   10%
Cal, “the swimmer”   10%
Vince, technician and prop guy   10%
Tristan, Leo's skater buddy   10%
Sammy, Leo's skater buddy   9%

* More than one answer per person was possible. The percentage number is calculated by using the total of voters, not votes. That's why the shares add up to more than 100%.

It probably comes as no suprise that David and Xander, our resident "bad boys" are at the top of this list. But it did come as a surprise (to me at least) that Zach and Logan who are among the most popular characters on this blog also rank in the top 5 of the least favorite characters.

Your opinion means a lot to me! Thank you very much for letting me know what you think!


  1. Logan alone has been my most favourite guy.He's just awesome.

  2. Thanks for your feedback, WaterSpirit! :-))
