
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Video links: Rock Paper Balls (5)

Some people enjoy watching skilled professionals play tennis or football or soccer or basketball. I think the best spectator sport is Rock Paper Balls. It's exciting and funny, suspenseful and thrilling, you root for your favorites and you cheer when a pair of balls gets a deserved whack from the referee. There's just nothing like it.

Here are some more of my favorite clips featuring young men play the wonderful sport of Rock Paper Balls.

If you don't know the rules to the game have a look at the first video (one of my all time favorites that I've shown you before). These guys explain it very well.

The next videos has kicks as the punishment of choice. They aren't that hard but they do the job, and I like the clip a lot. These guys are pretty funny when they are playing, and I think their reaction to the initial proposal by the cameraman ("it ends a little differently than last time") is awesome.

The Portuguese name for Rock Paper Scissors is joquempô (colloquially: jokempo or jokenpo in countless variations), and the two young men in the following videos are joquempô enthusiasts who like to put their pelotas on the line for our entertainment again and again and again and again and again.

If you prefer your kicks a little harder than that have a look at the following video. The sack smacking sound that you hear is a sure sign that those spuds are hit nice and proper.

The follwing game ends right after the very first round, when a thunderous kicks hits the loser's package at full speed. It's a very, very well-placed kick that would not be out of place in a penalty shoot-out at the Soccer World Cup. Watch out for the replay from a different angle, and make sure you stick around for the bonus nutshot in the second half of the clip.

Finally, here is an epic episode of Rock Paper Balls that clocks in at a whopping 15 minutes. The players spent most of the time cringing and wincing in anticipation which is pretty funny to watch. My favorite part: "You got right nut twice!" at 1:50. Priceless!

What's your favorite RPB video? Let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an email (!



  1. Great post! The best ones are when the loser keeps losing round after round and the winner just laughs at their pain haha

  2. Thanks for your comment! So cruel and so true! :-))
