thanks to Chris for the idea for this story! If you (yes, I mean you,
the one who likes a good, hard nut-kicking competition!) would like to meet the Ballbusting Boys and see yourself in a story please read this post for more details.
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Artwork created by Champ |
It had started as a simple basketball game. Just four guys playing ball on the caged basketball courts downtown.
Kev and Ben were 20 years old, two muscular, athletic jock types with impressive arms and legs that they proudly showed off, playing shirtless wearing only loose-fitting basketball shorts that left no doubt about the fact that Kev was freeballing while Ben was wearing underwear.
Ben was wearing a beet red bandana around his forehead. It contrasted nicely with his black hair – but it looked absolutely ridiculous on him, and his buddy Kev didn’t get tired of pointing it out to him.
Kev himself was wearing a baseball cap that hid his short brown hair.
Logan was 18, the youngest of the bunch, an experienced high school wrestler, blond and blue-eyed, with a happy-go-lucky attitude and a winning, warm personality. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
At 26, Chris was a little older than his friends. A Scottish engineer from Dundee, tall and handsome, with a basketball player’s build, with size 11 feet and big hands, brown hair and brown eyes, Chris was wearing a burgundy hoodie and grey sweat pants. When it came to his plumbing, Chris was well-endowed and had no reason to hide his treasures – and he didn’t. Like Kev, he wasn’t wearing any underwear and the outline of his impressive dick and his low-hanging nuts was plainly visible in his shorts.
Chris had teamed up with Logan to play against Ben and Kev, and even though the two college jocks weren’t bad at it, they didn’t stand a chance against Chris and Logan.
They had all had a few beers, which accelerated Kev and Ben’s state of frustration, making them turn to dirty tricks midway through the game.
It started with a sack tap that was conceivably be construed as an honest mistake.
The back of Kev’s hand collided with Chris’ balls right after a slam dunk.
“Fuck! Right in the bloody bollocks!” Chris grunted with a weak laugh as he doubled over and rubbed his package. It didn’t look like he was seriously hurt, and he made light of the situation, lifting the waistband of his sweat pants and peeking inside. “You alright, fellas?”
Kev, Ben and Logan burst out laughing.
Kev chuckled and patted his buddy’s back. “Sorry, bro”, he grinned. “Everything okay?”
Chris grimaced comically as he stretched his limbs. “Don’t worry, my mates at uni and I went for the bollocks all the time”, he shrugged his shoulders. Then he grabbed his package and adjusted it, winking at Kev. “Takes more than that to bring my bollocks down…”
“Sounds like a challenge”, Kev grinned, raising his hand with a cheeky wink.
Chris replied with a backhand sack tap to Kev’s precious spuds. There was a wet splat as Kev’s ample ball bag slapped against his thighs, and Kev grunted in pain.
“Careful what you wish for”, Chris quipped as Kev doubled over. He turned to Ben and smiled. “Want one, too?”
Ben laughed and crossed his hands in front of his groin. “No, thanks, man”, he chuckled.
They continued playing for a bit until Ben’s elbow collided with Logan’s nutsack during a dunking jump.
“Oh, fuck!” Logan groaned as he sank to the ground, clutching his gonads.
Ben and Kev high-fived as Chris walked over to Logan.
“You alright?” he asked.
“I’m fine”, Logan groaned, rubbing his groin. “I just need a minute.”
“I’m so sorry”, Ben said, not looking sorry at all.
“Look at the bright side”, Kev quipped with a huge grin, “You can tell your girl to stop taking the pill.”
It was a weak joke but it made everybody laugh.
A few minutes – and seven accidental sack taps, two unintended elbow nutshots as well as three inadvertent knees to the balls – later Chris’ mood had darkened considerably. Logan had received a couple of nutshots as well – but Chris poor plums had borne the brunt of Ben and Kev’s vicious attacks.
“Listen, why don’t we just skip the basketball match altogether and have a nutshot contest?!” Chris grunted, grimacing in pain as he massaged his aching nuggets.
“You’d love that, huh?” Kev chuckled, grabbing his crotch. “My fucking nuts are invincible.”
Ben cleared his throat.
“And Ben’s as well”, Kev added, playfully smacking his buddy in the nuts and making him let out a surprised yelp that did very little to prove his point.
“We’ll see”, Chris grinned.
“Yeah?” Kev grinned back at him.
“Alright, let’s fucking do this!” Kev roared. “Last man standing!” He raised his arms and put his hands behind his head, spreading his legs wide. “Five kicks from each. We’ll go round until there’s only one man left standing.” He looked at Chris, a cocky smile on his face. “Come on, kick me in the fucking nuts – what are you waiting for?”
Chris didn’t hesitate, and he didn’t hold back. His large foot connected perfectly with the large package in Kev’s crotch, ramming his nuggets into his body and flattening them like pancakes.
“One! Two! Three! Four! Five!” Logan and Ben chanted as Chris delivered kick after nut-crunching kick to Kev’s babymakers.
Kev was gritting his teeth, letting out grunts and groans, trying to act like nothing was happening while red, hot pain was spreading from his testicles into his stomach.
He let out an animalistic roar on Chris’ last kick before turning to Ben. “Come on, man, kick me in the fucking junk!” he barked through his gritted teeth.
Ben chuckled and did as he was told, delivering five hard kicks to Kev’s balls.
When it was Logan’s turn, Kev looked a little less confident than before, but that didn’t stop him from daring Logan to kick him as hard as he could. “Give me your best shot”, he hollered. “You know I won’t hold back when it’s your turn…”
Kev did have a point, and Logan made sure to kick Kev’s balls with all the force he could muster, crunching his nuts with the force and energy of a friend who knew this his nuts would be on the line very soon.
After taking fifteen kicks to the balls, the expression on Kev’s face was a mix of pain and cocky pride. “Fuck yeah!” he yelled. “Who’s next?”
“Biggest balls in the room!” Ben yelled, spreading his legs and looking at Kev expectantly.
“Fuck yeah!” Kev replied and delivered a hard kick to Ben’s nuts.
Ben howled in pain as kick after kick met his precious balls.
Logan followed suit, making sure to match the force that Kev had used when kicking Ben’s balls.
Chris was next, and he delivered a series of mean, hard kicks that lifted Ben off his feet.
“Oh, hell”, Logan mumbled as he assumed the position, nodding at Ben who was cradling his aching testicles.
Five kicks from Ben were followed by five kicks from Chris and five kicks from Kev.
Then it was time for Chris to spread his legs. “Come on, kick them as hard as you can”, he said with a confident grin.
Logan had a tough time ignoring the pain that he was in, but he managed to land five very respectable kicks to Chris’ large babymakers that elicited some appropriately painf-filled screams, grunts and groans.
Ben followed up with five very hard and very well-placed kicks, ramming Chris’ nuts into his body again and again and again and again and again.
Kev had a huge grin on his face when he watched Chris grimace in agony with every kick.
“How are your nuts, buddy?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Never better”, Chris grunted. “Let’s start with round 2 right away.”
That startled Kev. He had assumed that Chris would give up right away.
“Alright, sure, yeah, let’s go!” Kev stammered. As soon as he had spread his legs, Chris started kicking his nuts as hard as he could before Ben and Logan took their turns.
Round two was just as hard as round one, and the cumulative effect of the pain in their testicles started to show.
Ben wasn’t nearly as confident as he had been in round one, and Logan looked like he was about to pass out any second. Chris took the second round of kicks in stride, even joking about the swelling of his testicles and showing them to his buddies.
Round three was pretty hard on Kev – but it was even harder on Ben and Logan.
Ben passed out after a particularly nasty kick from Chris. In a rather embarrassing ending for the cocky stud’s proud plums, Ben let out a gurgling cough as he sank to his knees and lost consciousness.
With Ben out of the running, Logan and Chris were in luck: They only had to endure ten kicks each.
Kev was a little miffed about that, and he made sure to deliver his kicks with a running start that looked like he wanted to kick those nuts into orbit.
For the next round, Kev insisted that they changed the running order.
Chris went first, and he took his kicks like a champ.
Again and again, Kev’s foot connected with Chris’s nuts, ramming his balls into his body and making him grunt in anguish.
Logan followed up with five hard kicks but it was obvious that the 18 year old was severely weakened by the pain in his swollen, bruised testicles.
It took only two hard kicks from Chris to make Logan pass out. He let out a tiny, high-pitched whimper and his eyes rolled back into his head as he collapsed on the ground.
“Looks like it’s just the two of us left”, Chris said, his eyes narrowing.
Now, with two guys out of the running and four nuts thoroughly crushed, the competitive atmosphere was palpable.
Kev looked at him. “Wanna give up?”
“Let’s finish this round before we decide anything”, Chris said with a stern expression on his face.
“Alright, let’s do that”, Kev said, spreading his legs. There was a hint of insecurity on his face but he managed to hide it behind a cocky grin. “What are you waiting for?”
Chris foot sailed up between Kev’s thighs, colliding with Kev’s rapidly swelling love spuds and making the muscular stud howl in agony.
The second kick was just as worse. It connected perfectly and elicited a high-pitched wail from Kev.
The third and fourth kick were almost gentle, hitting both balls dead-on but failing to get a notable response from Kev apart from the grunts and groans that were expected, but the fifth kick was another winner.
It was a picture-perfect kick that connected with elegance and precision, and just the right amount of force to make Kev wonder whether he’d ever be able to father children.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Kev wailed, doubling over and clutching his nuts. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!”
Chris watched him, a proud smile on his face. He spread his legs and grinned. “Your turn, buddy.”
Kev was jumping up and down, screaming in pain.
Chris waited patiently until Kev was ready to take his turn.
The five kicks that Kev threw at Chris were respectable but they didn’t measure up to the marvelous sperm-killing superkick that Chris had scored just moments ago.
“Fuck”, Kev groaned. He was in serious pain, and he knew he had blown his chance to land a match-winner.
Now it was Chris’ turn again, and he seized his chance, delivering five resounding kicks to Kev’s manhood that had Kev reeling and squirming, screaming and moaning and gasping for breath.
It took an eternity until Kev was ready to continue, and when he was he delivered five well-placed but far too weak kicks to Chris’ manhood.
“Shit”, Kev mumbled, his face a mask of pain. His nuts felt like they were swollen to the size of melons. He wanted to have a look at them, but he was afraid that he might have to throw up if they looked anywhere near as bad as they felt…
Kev looked down at Ben and Logan who were still out cold.
He gulped.
“Spread your legs”, Chris said with a smile.
Kev bit his lower lip. He hated to give up. Then again, Ben and Logan were out of it. They wouldn’t remember. And maybe Chris could be talked into keeping things quiet in order not to threaten Kev’s status as a tough-nutted stud with a prize-winning pair of indestructible balls.
He moaned as another wave of pain was washing through his body, a paralyzing, sharp pain, worse than he had ever felt before. His nuts felt like they were on fire. What if they were seriously damaged? What if they were damaged beyond repair?
A panicked expression crept onto Kev’s face. “I give up”, he blurted out. “You’re the man, I give up.”
Chris shook his head. “You don’t get to give up now”, he said with a cruel grin. “I get five more kicks.”
Kev’s eyes widened. “What? You can’t be serious, man”, he moaned. “Listen, I give up. Let’s just end this, okay?”
Chris raised his eyebrows. “It ends when it ends, buddy. Don’t cheat yourself out of this.”
Kev blinked. “But--- Please, man, it’s---”
“Shut the fuck up and spread your legs”, Chris barked.
“But---” Kev was at a loss for words. “Listen, I’ll do anything you want, okay?”
There was a moment of silence.
“Okay”, Chris said.
A look of relief spread on Kev’s face as he shook hands with Chris. “Okay. Good. Okay. Great. Thanks, man.” He laughed nervously. “For a moment I thought you wanted to kill my nuts, you know?”
Chris smiled. “You’ll do anything I want, right?”
Kev smiled back at him. “Yeah, sure, just say it.”
“I want to kick you in the nuts now”, Chris said matter-of-factly.
“Alr--- WHAT?!” Kev turned pale.
“I want to kick you in the nuts now”, Chris repeated casually. “As often as I like.”
“But---” Kev blinked. “But you said---”
“Anything I want”, Chris said with a shrug. “Now take off your pants and spread your legs, buddy.”
“Chris, man, you---”
“Shut the fuck up and drop your pants now!” Chris yelled.
Kev was on the verge of crying as he lowered his pants, exposing a beet red and ridiculously swollen pair of testicles that looked like it was far too big for the shiny, stretched skin of his nutsack.
“Oh god”, Kev whimpered, looking down and gently fondling his bruised and battered balls. “Oh my god.”
Chris was unimpressed. “Get your hands away”, he said. “I want to break you balls, not your hands.”
“Chris”, Kev pleaded, his face filled with pain and fear. “Please! Please, I---”
Chris’ foot hit Kev’s right nut dead on, eliciting a high-pitched wail from the handsome hunk.
“Nooooooooooo!” Kev wailed, clutching his nuts. “My fucking nuts! Please spare my fucking nuts!”
Chris ignored him and grabbed his hands, pulling them away from Kev’s testicles and ramming his knee up into Kev’s crotch, smashing both of Kev’s swollen nuggets into his body.
Again and again, Chris kicked Kev’s nuts as hard as he could, reducing Kev’s screams of protest to pathetic sobs and miserable whimpers.
Soon, Kev was babbling incoherently, his face contorted in pain as Chris powered kick after nut-crunching kick into Kev’s sore, swollen, bruised balls.
Kev sank to the ground, begging on his knees, his nuts an angry shade of purple and swollen to an almost impossible size.
Chris rolled his eyes. “God, you’re pathetic”, he mumbled and kicked Kev’s nuts with all the force he could muster.
Kev coughed and groaned, pale as a sheet, sweating profusely.
Chris kicked his nuts once more.
Kev’s face went blank and his eyes rolled back into his head.
“Pathetic”, Chris repeated with a sigh and brought his foot down on Kev’s manhood, squashing Kev’s ridiculously swollen balls like a bug.
There was no reaction.
Once again, Chris stomped down on Kev’s balls.
Chris looked at the three passed out hunks.
“Good game, lads”, he said casually as he turned to leave. “Let’s do this again sometime.”
Epilogue (written by Reg)
Ben was the first to wake up.
"My fucking balls!" the big jock groaned as he rubbed the oversized bulge in his shorts.
He opened his eyes a crack and glanced around to find Logan and Kev passed out on either side of him.
He managed a wry smile; it was some consolation that his buddies' nuts had also been thoroughly trashed.
Ben slipped off his shorts to reveal a tight jock that was bursting at the seams around his painfully swelling gonads. He gritted his teeth as he carefully peeled off his last remaining garment to release his plump balls from their painful confinement.
"Oh you beauties!" He grinned with evident relief. His proud nuts had not only survived their ordeal but actually looked more impressive than normal in their swollen state.
"Hey, welcome back!" Ben grinned across at Logan "Looks like that kid really wrecked your love-spuds, huh?"
Logan groaned as he massaged his sorry gonads and then frowned at Ben.
"Well, your weak nuts gave out first!"
"Bullshit!" Ben retorted defensively. He frowned as he inspected his aching jewels "These big boys are unbeatable"
"Ha! In your dreams maybe!" Logan scoffed.
"Sorry Ben, we all saw it! We were only a few kicks in when Chris fired a ball-wrecker at your plums. Seriously dude, you shrieked like a girl and then, THUD, no more Ben! Pretty embarrassing if you ask me!"
"Fuck!" Ben gulped. He sat fondling his aching gonads with a defeated frown. He winced as he recalled the pain of that nut-shattering kick that had brought him crashing to his knees before the darkness took over.
"My god that was brutal!" Logan continued muttering to himself "My damn nuts! Fuck! That bastard must have balls-of-steel."
Logan looked down at his virtually decommissioned testicles and sighed.
"Sorry guys! I know you boys are pretty tough but that that kid was ..."
"Yeah right!" Ben rudely interrupted him.
The dark haired jock had been inspecting his balls for a while now and had clearly reached a different conclusion.
"Yeah, he may be tough, but only these monsters are balls-of-steel!" Ben corrected the blond teenager.
His usual cocky grin had returned as he displayed his hefty tackle.
Logan just gaped back in bewilderment.
"That's right, bro!!! No way could Chris defeat these bad boys." Ben bragged.
"Dude we all kicked your ass! You were clutching your shattered jewels and screaming in agony!"
"Haha, yeah, I really fooled you all!" Ben chuckled "My tough nuts were just getting warmed up!"
"What?" Logan frowned in exasperation.
"Yeah, and then I remembered I have this date tonight and she loves to suck my balls, dude, but they're so big already. Any swelling would be impossible, haha, so I left you boys to it. Sorry kid!" Ben gave Logan a friendly nudge.
"You passed out, idiot!" Logan retorted angrily.
"Nah !" Ben winked back "I was just chilling and watching you and Kev. You boys did OK but next time I'll beat him for you"
Logan was clearly getting incensed but when he was distracted by a sudden commotion behind Ben.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"
Kev had finally come round and was writhing and gasping as he nursed his horrendously swollen genitals.
"Calm down buddy!" Ben sniggered at Kev then cruelly prodded his bloated ballsack making him roar in pain "Wow you're pretty fragile down there, dude!"
Kev writhed in pain before gritting his teeth and looking up angrily at Ben.
"LOSER!!!" He gasped angriliy "Your puny, tiny, miserable little baaaaaaggh..."
The tough jock's words faded to a strangled croak as Ben buried his bony fist into Kev's mangled testicles.
The agonized jock, pawed pathetically at Ben's wrist and opened his mouth in a silent scream. Then his eyes rolled back into his head as he slipped back mercifully into the world of dreams.
"Poor Kev! He gets delusional sometimes" Ben shrugged.
"You are unbelievable, Ben!" Logan yelled, shaking his head in disgust.
Ben just grinned and slowly got to his feet. He stood over his two beaten friends and flexed his biceps.
"Yeah, I know !!!"
Love it!!!
ReplyDeleteKev won’t be that cocky again for a while. :D
Nice. Will we get to see more of Chris?
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Great to see the jocks suffer. Ben's balls-of-steel let him down again and it was so hot to see Kev begging to spare his balls. Respect to Chris, those mmight be genuine balls of steel!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback, guys!
Your words mean a lot to me! I'm glad you enjoyed your story! :-))
There are a lot of "Be our guest" stories left so I don't have plans for a sequel at the moment. Never say never, though... :-))
Yeah, those tough nuts are perfect! :-))
post-script part 1:
ReplyDeleteBen was the first to wake up.
"My fucking balls!" the big jock groaned as he rubbed the oversized bulge in his shorts.
He opened his eyes a crack and glanced around to find Logan and Kev passed out on either side of him.
He managed a wry smile; it was some consolation that his buddies' nuts had also been thoroughly trashed.
Ben slipped off his shorts to reveal a tight jock that was bursting at the seams around his painfully swelling gonads. He gritted his teeth as he carefully peeled off his last remaining garment to release his plump balls from their painful confinement.
"Oh you beauties!" He grinned with evident relief. His proud nuts had not only survived their ordeal but actually looked more impressive than normal in their swollen state.
Postscript part 2 of 2 :"Oh fuuuuuck" a sorry voice moaned miserably next to him
ReplyDelete"Hey, welcome back!" Ben grinned across at Logan "Looks like that kid really wrecked your love-spuds, huh?"
Logan groaned as he massaged his sorry gonads and then frowned at Ben.
"Well, your weak nuts gave out first!"
"Bullshit!" Ben retorted defensively. He frowned as he inspected his aching jewels "These big boys are unbeatable"
"Ha! In your dreams maybe!" Logan scoffed.
"Sorry Ben, we all saw it! We were only a few kicks in when Chris fired a ball-wrecker at your plums. Seriously dude, you shrieked like a girl and then, THUD, no more Ben! Pretty embarrassing if you ask me!"
"Fuck!" Ben gulped. He sat fondling his aching gonads with a defeated frown. He winced as he recalled the pain of that nut-shattering kick that had brought him crashing to his knees before the darkness took over.
"My god that was brutal!" Logan continued muttering to himself "My damn nuts! Fuck! That bastard must have balls-of-steel."
Logan looked down at his virtually decommissioned testicles and sighed.
"Sorry guys! I know you boys are pretty tough but that that kid was ..."
"Yeah right!" Ben rudely interrupted him.
The dark haired jock had been inspecting his balls for a while now and had clearly reached a different conclusion.
"Yeah, he may be tough, but only these monsters are balls-of-steel!" Ben corrected the blond teenager.
His usual cocky grin had returned as he displayed his hefty tackle.
Logan just gaped back in bewilderment.
"That's right, bro!!! No way could Chris defeat these bad boys." Ben bragged.
"Dude we all kicked your ass! You were clutching your shattered jewels and screaming in agony!"
"Haha, yeah, I really fooled you all!" Ben chuckled "My tough nuts were just getting warmed up!"
"What?" Logan frowned in exasperation.
"Yeah, and then I remembered I have this date tonight and she loves to suck my balls, dude, but they're so big already. Any swelling would be impossible, haha, so I left you boys to it. Sorry kid!" Ben gave Logan a friendly nudge.
"You passed out, idiot!" Logan retorted angrily.
"Nah !" Ben winked back "I was just chilling and watching you and Kev. You boys did OK but next time I'll beat him for you"
Logan was clearly getting incensed but when he was distracted by a sudden commotion behind Ben.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"
Kev had finally come round and was writhing and gasping as he nursed his horrendously swollen genitals.
"Calm down buddy!" Ben sniggered at Kev then cruelly prodded his bloated ballsack making him roar in pain "Wow you're pretty fragile down there, dude!"
Kev writhed in pain before gritting his teeth and looking up angrily at Ben.
"LOSER!!!" He gasped angriliy "Your puny, tiny, miserable little baaaaaaggh..."
The tough jock's words faded to a strangled croak as Ben buried his bony fist into Kev's mangled testicles.
The agonized jock, pawed pathetically at Ben's wrist and opened his mouth in a silent scream. Then his eyes rolled back into his head as he slipped back mercifully into the world of dreams.
"Poor Kev! He gets delusional sometimes" Ben shrugged.
"You are unbelievable, Ben!" Logan yelled, shaking his head in disgust.
Ben just grinned and slowly got to his feet. He stood over his two beaten friends and flexed his biceps.
"Yeah, I know !!!"
OMG! I love your additions! Thank you so much! You are a great writer - have you ever considered writing your own story? I'd love to publish it! My email is alex@ballbustingboys.org in case you are interested. :-))
ReplyDeleteThanks Alex. Glad you liked my little postscript. It is me, Reg, by the way. I would be thrilled if you could post this as a story for your readers that don't read comments.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately i don't have time to write long stories but I will try to contribute with shorter pieces from time to time��
Thank you, Reg! I have added your epilogue to the story, and I‘m looking forward to your contributions! :-))