
Monday, November 19, 2018

Coming soon: Original Video #2

I'm back from my vacation, and it was a blast. Thank you very much for taking over while I was away, Paul! You are awesome!

Now that I am back I have exciting news for you: The release of Original Video #2 is right around the corner!

It will be all about kicks and knees, and I know you will love it.

Watch this space for more info very soon! :-))


  1. Damn... I hope you guys can find a few new subs for Toby to kick. Fluffy looks like he needs a break after that. Toby fine as hell lifting him with that knee though ;)

  2. Thanks for your feedback! Yeah, poor Fluffy’s balls have taken a lot of abuse for this video - but somehow his nuts are still intact. :-))

  3. Mate if he kneed me like that I'd probably jizz all over him

  4. Thanks for your comment, Jammy! I‘m sure a lot of my readers would love to see that - me included! :-))
