
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Video links: Animated agony (5)

I know that nutshots in cartoons and animes are not everybody's cup of tea, and I understand the objections of some readers: The nutshots are "fake" by definition. Sometimes the execution of the sack attack defies logic and/or gravity. More often than not they are played for comic effect. I like them, however, because they tend to feature many things that I love about nutshots: funny situations, comical sound effects, light-hearted comments, hilarious reactions. And, love them or hate them, one thing's for sure: They are always right on target.

Here are some more of my favorite videos from animated TV and web shows.

In the episode "Popcorn Monster" of The Adventures of Kid Danger it's not the Popcorn Monster that does some damage to a pair of unsuspecting nuts. No, it's Kid Danger and Captain Man who stomp a poor birthday boy's birthday boys!

Skip to 1:20 for two consecutive nut stomps

The Total Drama shows have been featured a couple of times in this series of posts. I don't think I know any animated series that features as many scrotal injuries as this one. And here are some more!

In episode 7 of Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race we have three (!) instances of testicular trauma.

Skip to 13:00, 17:00 and 18:00

And while we're at it here's a wonderful vine swing nutshot from episode 6 of Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race.

Skip to 11:30

Here are three wonderful clips from the BB Toons youtube channel which is a treasure trove for anime nutshot afficionados. The first one features three kicks to the nuts of a spikey-haired redhead, played to maximum comic effect. I love the "DING!" every time his bells get rung... :-))

Here's another funny one. A soccer ball meets a boy's most precious possessions. Let me quote the strangely Trump-like commentator: "Well, of course this happened." DING!

The last one is played for drama. But guess what sound we hear when the kid kicks the guy in the dragon balls? DING!

Reader's pick:

Our longtime reader BB_Daddy has found the following video. There are two wonderful hard kicks to the nuts in them, one at around 0:35, the other one at around 2:25. Thanks for sharing this clip with us, BB_Daddy!

What's your favorite animated ballbusting scene? Let me know by sending me an email ( or leaving a comment!

Thank you!


  1. I think in that same episode of kid danger Theres a part where the hunk guy gets his nuts stomped in a fence in mĂșltiple times

    1. Yeah that's true

  2. Awesome! Thanks for your comments, guys! :-))
