What do you do when you don't know what to do? Hit each other in the nuts, of course. There's definitely no better way to battle boredom and have some fun, right? You don't agree with me? Well, don't take my word for it.
Here are some more of my favorite videos of guys hitting each other in the nuts for fun.
Let's kick things off (pun intended) with a young man who knows how to take a nut kick. He is wearing a shirt saying "FREE KICKS" with an arrow pointing down at his crotch, and a few people take him up on it. There are some very awesome kicks in the video, and I love the funny dialogue and the laughter by his mates! Unfortunately, a caption at the end of the clip explains: Due to some medical issues Rob had no choice but not to continue with the rest of this skit/video and is very sorry that he let everyone down. Poor Rob.
Do you know the fun game of Ball Slap Beer Pong? It's just as painful as it sounds...
The title of the next video is We all got kicked in the nuts!!! And the title is correct: They all get kicked in the nuts!!! Funny stuff.
The guy in the next video is living the dream. He says in the video desciption: I got to meet Wee Man and he is such a great guy. It's not everyday that a star from movies that I watched as a teenager will recreate a stunt from the movie but with me. I don't regret it.
What kind of stunt you ask? Well, it involves one foot and two testicles, and it gives every Jackass fan a warm feeling in the stomach...
Finally, here's Mr. Lucky. He sure knows how to have fun! In the first clip he shows us how to play basketball. I love the high-pitched whimper after the nutshot at 0:35! In the second video (appropriately titled Saco no Poste (The Pole Bag)) he gets his nuts crunched ba a metal pole. Ahh, don't you wish you were as lucky as him?
What are your favorite videos of guys having fun and busting each others' balls? Let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an email (alex@ballbustingboys.org). :-))
Thanks for the link! I love femaledom.com! It‘s one of my favorite f/m sites! :-))