
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Video links: Nutball mania (2)

Nutball mania is sweeping the world! Young men everywhere are lobbing baseballs at each others' nuggets, firing tennis balls at each others' squishy bits, throwing random objects at each others' nutsacks! It's only a matter of time before this wonderful new sport makes its debut at the Olympics!

In the meantime, let's have a look at some of the most enthusiastic players even though they are not competing in Rio this year...

The setup of our first competition is very Olympia-like: There's an enthusiastic audience, two keen and able players, and a very public setting. It's the 2010 NSW State Cup Final of CockBall!

Apparently, 2010 was a very successful year for nutball players all over the world. Here are the 2010 Nut Pung World Championships!

Blessed are those who can afford to work as full-time professional nutball players. I don't know if you knew it - but a lot of nutball players can't make a living just by wrecking nuts. They are amateurs hoping to join the ranks of professional leagues, soon. Here's a young man who plays a nice little round of nutball at his workplace. Unfortunately, his opponent seems to be a very good player, squashing his hopes of ever becoming a professional nutball player (or a father) with a couple of very well-placed hits... (I hope this amateur has a good answer in case his boss sees him walking funny for the rest of the work day...)

Testicle Toss is a little known variant of nutball. The rules are very similar, and the pain is as well. The main difference seems to be that you wear a funny hat while your testicles are getting shattered...

I don't know about you but I don't mind if a guy is wearing a funny hat as long as he is putting his funny bits on the line. Here's a game of cock shot. No funny hats - but a lot of pain...

Did I miss your favorite nutball video? Send me an email ( or leave a comment and let me know!


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