
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas is coming

Tomorrow is Christmas Day, and you’ve probably been looking forward to getting gifts eating cookies celebrating with your friends and family reading another spunk filled story about Sexy Santa and his nutcrunching elves, right? And of course I won’t let you down.

They say that anticipation is the greatest joy so here are a couple of pictures of this year’s protagonists to water your mouth…

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve and come back tomorrow to read about Jack Frost trying to steal Sexy Santa’s "Great big balls of Christmas Magic"… :-)

Oh, and if you want to prepare for Santa's new adventure you may want to check out the previous chapters How the elves saved Christmas (2012) and Revenge of the elves (2013).


  1. Wow that Santa really is sexy.

  2. Thanks for your comment! It's Dan Osborne from "The only way is Essex". My friend bbmal ( found these pictures.
