
Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I think it's best not to beat around the bush: In the coming weeks and months I might not be able to post as many stories as I'd like to because my "day job" is gonna change significantly (which is great because I'm gonna earn more money... :-)).

I really don't know what will happen to the site. The promotion has come very sudden and very unexpected, and it more than doubles my working hours, meaning that I won't be able to spend as much time on writing as I used to.

All I can say at the moment is that I really enjoy writing those stories and I don't plan on quitting completely. (And I guess it's my German sense of duty that'd make me feel very bad if I didn't finish the stories that I started...). So we'll see what the future brings...

As for new ideas: Please keep them coming. As I said: I don't plan on quitting.



  1. 1. Congratulations on the promotion
    2. Please keep the site going even if the new stories are less frequent.

  2. please don't stop

  3. Congrats on the promotion. I certainly still look forward to reading your stories whenever you can get them out.

  4. Well, congrats on the promotion, But I hope the stories don't stop coming.

  5. Thanks for your comments! I'll try to keep on writing... :-)))

  6. Congratttttts! Make much money, and become a mega millionaire. OR ELSE! :D

    Its sad things have to slow down, but totally understandable. If worst comes to worst, make sure to put the job first... thought I doubt I have to tell you that, XD.

  7. please don't stop

  8. Thanks, guys! I'm pretty sure I'll find the time to write new stories... We'll see...
