
Saturday, March 21, 2020

State of exception

My friends,

I have tried very hard not to let the corona pandemic affect this little blog that I see as a naughty sanctuary of mindless, insouciant fun.

Like so many of us, I am affected by the crisis. The company that I work for has lost 95% of its revenue, hours and wages are cut, and we have no idea when things are going to go back to normal - and what "normal" will even mean by then. Most of you will be in similar situations.

We all need something to entertain us in these dire times, so I will change the schedule of the blog. From today I will try to update this blog every day with something to keep you entertained. Old stuff, new stuff, whatever I can come up with. I have no idea how long I will be able to do that but I will try to do it as long as possible.

If you are left (probably involuntarily) with time on your hands please feel free to send me your material: Maybe you can finally write the ballbusting story that you have always had in your head? Maybe you can share your favorite video links with us? Maybe you want to film yourself passing the time in isolation by busting your balls? Maybe you want to send us pics of your nuts with a hot caption?

If you want to contribute to this blog just contact me via email ( or or on twitter ( If it's at all related to m/m ballbusting we will find a way to publish it here on the blog.

Stay safe and healthy!


  1. I think you are a great man, Alex!!
    In a moment like this we all need something to distract ourselves and stories about Ballbusting are the right choice!

  2. Thanks for your feedback! :-))

  3. A series of posts where readers submit pica of their balls and allow the comments to come up with creative ways to reduce their sperm count? Might be fun ;)

  4. Oooh! I like your idea! Do you want to start by sending me a pic? Just mail it to :-))

  5. This is fantastic. I'll try to write more to contribute in any way I can.

  6. Awesome! Thanks for your comments, guys! :-))

  7. Alex, I'm sorry to hear about your job. Mine is pretty much the same. Still working for now, but once I'm off I'll definitely write a story to contribute. Thanks for all the mindless, insouciant fun!

  8. Thanks for your comment, Harry! I hope we will all be alright when this is over. And I‘m so excited to hear about your plans for a new story! That would be soooo awesome! :-))
