
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Video links: Testicle trick shots (4)

Nature gave guys balls, so it's only natural that they are trying to do funny things with them, right?

Here are some more of my favorite videos featuring guys doing trick shots with their testicles.

The tricks performed in the first video aren't particularly elaborate (and they are not very efficient either for that matter) but I love the guys' attitude and their funny costumes. Nothing says sterility like a bunch of friends in silly dresses whacking your jocks with strange objects...

Speaking of crushed nuts and funny costumes: Here's an awesome clip created by my favorite Russian weirdos of the stunt group DESTROY! The clip is called Как кидать покебол / ПИКАЧУ получает ПО ЯЙЦАМ!, and Google Translator tells me that means How to throw pokeball / PIKACHU gets EGGS! Oh, yes! PIKACHU gets EGGS!

Remember CasaDeLaDumbass's awesome trickshots that I showed you more than a year ago? The video was titled Trick Nut Shots #2. I'm still looking for #1 and I haven't found it yet - but now I have found #3. Here it is (starts at 4:32)!

The next video is wonderfully random and absolutely hilarious. After doing a few fun tricks and ideas the mighty man with the bow and arrow says, "Ah, fuck it, I'll just do a nutshot on everyone, shall I?" (at 3:45). The resounding "YEAH!" made me laugh out loud. And then he just kinda takes them out of the gene pool one by one. Funny stuff!

Here's another nutshot by the same group. It's not exactly a trick shot but you have to admit that hitting someone in the nuts with a slingshot takes some skills, it's nice so I included it here.

Finally, here is a wonderful compilation of testicle trick shots. I'm sure a lot of us can relate to what the young man says in the beginning: "The first thing that came to my mind today when I woke up is: Why not get hit in the nuts today?" :-))

Do you think we'll find enough videos of guys doing trick shots with their nuts for a another post? Send me your video links by leaving a comment or sending me an email ( :-))


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