
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Video links: Flick those nuts! (2)

The nut flick doesn't get the recognition it deserves. It's like the underappreciated little brother of the sack tap. It might not be as successful or popular - but it deserves a little attention, right?

Here are some of my favorite videos of guys flicking each other in the bits.

These young men play Rock Paper Balls with a nut flick twist. Now that's a fun thing to do!

Here is a classic nut flick clip published more than 10 years ago. I think they should build a male culture museum for things like this!

Technically, the next clip is not a nut flick, but I think it fits perfectly into this line of clips because of the playfulness of the situation and the intensity of the hit. I love how the young man in jeans has his nut displayed. It looks like a perfect white hen's egg - and I'm pretty sure he wants it scrambled...

Here is a premium nut flick delivered to a bare testicle. Well played, guys!

Here's another bare balls flick. So classy!

Finally, here's a nut flick to the camera man. It comes at the very end of the clip - and it's a very suitable ending for a very silly video...

What's your favorite nut flicking video? Let me know by leaving a comment or by sending me an email (!



  1. I love nut flicking especially the first one because it is in Filipino. I heard a voice told them in Filipino the words that mean until your eggs turn red.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Signfres! And thanks for the translation! You are awesome! :-))
