
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Video links: Shock treatment

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to deliver a strong jolt of electricity to your babymakers? I am sure you have. It sounds a bit scary at first, but the longer you think about it--- Well, the longer you think about it, the scarier it sounds. Think of the damage it will do to your ability to father children. Think of the pain it will cause. On the other hand, think of the laughter and the joy it will bring to your buddies when you are lying on the ground, curled up, clutching your goolies and crying for your mommy.

So does it seem like a good idea? Hell yeah!

Here are some of my favorite videos featuring guys getting their testicles shocked.

The title of the first clip is "I'm an ass hole. Nut shock party 2013" and it features a young man getting his balls fried with a taser. His buddy tells him to close his eyes. "That way you don't know when it's hitting. It's better that way." Umm. Yeah. I bet it's much better that way... :-))

There's a fun "post nut shock interview" where the poor victim tells us how it felt worse than a kick in the nuts. Well, at least he got 10 bucks out of it.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Step by step (Derek meets David and Logan)

Special thanks to Derek for the idea for this story! If you (yes, I mean you, the one who is soooo tired of "Nutcracker" jokes but will read this story anyway!) would like to meet the Ballbusting Boys and see yourself in a story please read this post for more details.

Featured in this story: David and Logan (click for pictures)

“Okay, let’s do it one more time”, Derek said. He walked to the far end the large room, his tap dancing shoes clacking on the parquet flooring. The 20 year old dancer was wearing his training clothes, a pair of tight-fitting grey leggings and a loose tank-top that was soaked in sweat. His short black hair was dripping wet from hours of practicing. He took a sip from his bottle of water and sighed.

“I never thought I’d have to do this”, he said. “Tap dancing? I mean, come on!” He rolled his eyes and took another sip from the bottle. “We’re not some vaudeville chicks in a Broadway theater, right?” He looked at his training partner.

“Yeah”, David nodded. “It’s a stupid idea. Swan Lake with a tap dancing interlude?” He let out a bitter laugh. “Just wait for the reviews. They’ll be the end of a certain someone’s career. She’ll never set foot in this theater again.” He shook his head. “Talk about a ‘rising star’. Stupid bitch. She never was that good a director to begin with.”

Derek laughed. “The ‘rising star’ is going down.”

“Can’t wait to see her fail”, David said.

They looked at each other and shared a conspiratorial smile.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Video links: Comedy gems (6)

Evolution is funny. I'm pretty sure that it was pretty clear very early on that testicles are the biggest joke someone could come up with. And yet we're still walking around with them dangling vulnerably between our thighs. According to a very reliable statistic that I just made up, every two seconds a pair of testicles gets hurt somewhere on this planet. According to the same statistic, that incident is followed by at least thirty-three seconds of laughter. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be. Maybe testicles are meant to bring joy and laughter to the world.

Anyway, here are some of my favorite scripted comedy scenes involving testicular trauma.

First up is one of my all-time favorites. It's a skit featuring Disc League player and trick shot performer Brodie Smith and some of his friends, and it's bizarre, painful and nut-crunchingly funny. Apart from the fact that some of the Frisbee tricks are pretty amazing from a technical standpoint, the setting and the dry humor make it an outstanding piece of comedy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Taking a break

I'll be away for a week - no phone, no computer, no email, no internet. Usually I have a couple of stories written in advance to keep up with my schedule but I have hit a dry spell recently so there'll be no updates until next Wednesday. I hope this little vacation will recharge my batteries...

In the meantime, tell me your ideas for the Special Guest Star story and tell me what kind of naughty things you'd like to see when Justin Bieber meets the Ballbusting Boys! I'll have a look at your suggestions as soon as I'm back...

See you again next week! :-))

New poll: What kind of ballbusting stories do you like?

More than a year ago I asked you about your opinion on different kinds of ballbusting stories: Do you enjoy competitions and games, fights and combats, playful fun and pranks, aggressive and one-sided humiliation, accidental mishaps, foreplay between lovers, or forced sex and torture.

Back then, the results were all over the map and I have been trying to mix things up in my stories to give everybody what they want.

Now I've added a new poll, asking the same question. I'm curious whether the results will be the same or if your preferences have changed over time.

The poll is open until July 15th. If you are reading this post on your computer you find the poll in the right column of this blog. If you are reading this post on your mobile device you find the poll at the bottom of this page.

Thank you!

Poll results: Special Guest Star 5

Last month we entered the final round in our search for the next Special Guest Star. More than 1,779 votes have been counted - which is an absolutely amazing number and an all-time record for this blog. Apparently you feel very passionate about this... :-))

Thanks to everybody who voted in the poll!

For a while, it looked like it was going to be a three-way race between Justin Bieber, Nick Jonas and the team of Grant Gustin and Stephen Amell in an Arrow/The Flash Special Edition. In the end, Justin and Nick turned it into a two-way race.

Here are the results:

Justin Timberlake   0.5%
Chris Evans   3%
Flash vs. Arrow Edition: Grant Gustin and Stephen Amell   14% 
Nick Jonas   40.5%
Justin Bieber   42% 

So Justin Bieber's the winner, with a winning margin of 31 votes. Congratulations! :-))

Now, as always, I need your help: What are your ideas for the story? Which of our boys do you want to see in it? Would you like to see Justin bash some balls or would you like to see him get his nuts crushed? Or both?

Let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an email (!

Thank you!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Video links: DIY

The French author Charles-Guillaume Étienne once said, "If you want something done right, do it yourself." And I'm pretty sure what Monsieur Étienne was talking about: trashing testicles. Why go through the hassle of having a friend kick you in the nuts when you are perfectly capable of crushing your nuts on your own?

Here are a couple of my favorite videos of guys heeding Monsieur Étienne's advice and kicking their own balls.

The guy in the first video kicks himself in the nuts wearing just boxers. What I love most about the clip is that he admits he missed his nuts the first three time before trying again and succeeding. It's a good thing he's an honest young man - but it's pretty easy to tell when he gets it right because of the smacking sound his balls make when hit my his heel... Good job!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Family affairs: Safety first

Special thanks to our reader Jimmy for coming up with the idea for this story! Unfortunately I have been very busy lately so this story a comparatively short...

Previous part:
Crazy cousins

Daddy's boy

Featured in this story: Logan (click for pictures)

“They are gonna be here any minute”, Logan’s father Bradley grinned.

Logan chuckled. “Yeah, thanks again for inviting them, dad”, he said, his voice speaking volumes. Logan loved his cousins Caleb and Jayden – but he loved his testicles just as much, and they were usually crushed when the cousins left him.

Bradley smiled at his son. “You know how much your cousins adore you, son. They love to spend time with you.” He let out a laugh. “I just hope you’re well-protected this time.”

Logan ran his hand through his blond hair. The 18 year old high school senior was wearing loose basketball shorts and a wide t-shirt. He looked down at his crotch and put his hands on his hips, all but inviting his dad to hit him in the balls. “Sure.”

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Video links: Squeeze play (2)

Judging from the reactions I got after last month's Squeeze play 1 post, you really enjoy seeing guys squish each others' nards with their bare hands. Well, who could blame you. Squeezing testicles is a very effective and enjoyable way of telling your friends, "I like you, but I don't think you should father children..."

Here are some more of my favorite ball squeezing videos.

Let's start with a clip from a 1978 movie called "The Boys in Company C". A soldier's balls get squeezed by his superior ("Do you like your nuts?!" - "Yeah!" - "Do you want them?" - "Shit yeah!" - "Do you wanna keep them?!" - "Yeah!") before he teaches the company a valuable life lesson by telling them to grab their balls.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Best of the busts: May 2016

Can you believe it? It's June already! It's time to have a look at last months posts and how you liked them. With our five star rating system you can leave your feedback at the bottom of each post, rating it on a scale from awful (1 star) to excellent (5 stars).

I encourage you to use that feature and rate the posts. It helps me find out what you like and enables me to give you more of the same. In addition, you can always leave a comment or send me an email ( - I really appreciate your feedback!

Now let's have a look at last month's posts. If you haven't read every single one of them you might want to check out one of the top picks...

The three top rated stories of May 2016:

Friday, June 3, 2016

Used (Kris meets Logan)

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Video links: Testicle talk

Okay, just so you know: This post is all talk and no action. It's all about verbal scenes of interest. Usually, I'm not that interested in that kind of stuff. I don't know why. It usually doesn't work for me.

But I stumbled across a couple of scenes that I find very, very hot - and of course I want to share them with you. So lean back, turn up the volume (obviously, it's very important to watch the following video clips with the sound on) and enjoy some of my favorite clips of guys talking about balls.

Let's start with a scene from the short lived TV show The Sausage Factory (also known as MTV's Now What?), a sitcom that follows the lives of four male friends in High School. In the episode "Hang Ups", one of the protagonists has lied to his girlfriend. As things go in shows like this one, he gets into a situation where he is very close to be found out by his girlfriend. When he sees his girlfriend approach, he groans and doubles over, a painful expression on his face, before saying to his buddy, "My testicles a flashing before my eyes..."

It's just a short scene but the actor's face, his buddy's sympathetic expression and the wonderful line are just awesome! See for yourself: