
Monday, February 5, 2018

Best of the busts: January 2018

You know how much your feedback means to me, whether it comes via email (, or in a comment here on the blog, or in the form of a rating: At the bottom of each post you can rate it on a scale from awful (1 star) to excellent (5 stars).

Now let's have a look at last month's posts to see which ones you liked best. If you haven't read every single one of them you might want to check out one of the top picks...

The three top rated stories of January 2018:

average rating: 5.00/5 (15 votes)

average rating: 4.08/5 (12 votes)

average rating: 4.00/5 (13 votes)

The three top rated "Video links" posts of January 2018:
Bowling for balls (2): 4.83 (6 votes)
Nut sack tug of war: 4.63 (8 votes)
XXX (9): 4.44 (9 votes)

Honorable mention (for posts that don't fall into either category):
Your suggestions: Special Guest Star 7: 5.00 (3 votes)
Tell me who you'd like to see in this year's Special Guest Star story by February 15th!

My personal pick:
I'm a huge fan of Daniel's Apprentice of agony stories, and I think Crushed nuts and cocktails (your rating: 4.08 (12 votes)) is a particularly great one. Check it out if you haven't yet! And don't miss Jason Ball's debut story The meeting of two players (your rating: 3.73 (15 votes))! :-))

And what's your personal pick?
As I said, I always try to make my readers happy. Let me know what you liked about last month's stories, and I'll try and give you more of the same! What's your favorite story of January 2018? And what did you like about it?

Just leave a comment or send me an email (

And don't forget to rate the posts. It's just one click. :-)